Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 492: Pony pony where are you

In the end, the Dryad stayed.

After all, she swore to God that she could control herself.

Lu Yuan and Ye didn't have much to say, but they weren't people who believed in what others said. Dryad Ella could stay, but he had to do some insurance.

For example, Ye made some dark green plant vitality boosters that were forcibly renamed "Yongchun" by Lu Yuan, so that the tree demon held in his arms.

Once she goes mad again, the potion bottle will automatically fall and break, exuding the pungent but refreshing breath that looks like mustard to people and wakes her up.

Then, Ye used the Dragon Tooth Arrow that he "picked up" and replaced a dozen dragon scales and a few kilograms of keel from Lu Yuan, which made Lu Yuan call the swallow out.

Lu Yuan now really knows who the swallows will go with. He shook his head, threw away the two dragon teeth arrows that had been corroded by the alchemy medicine to be useless, gathered the other arrows, and quickly called out the swallow and the old father.

This time, the basalt magic tower reappeared with the return of the swallow, and the tree demon on the side closed his eyes and trembled under the aurora, and finally persisted.

Confirming that the Dryad had not erupted this time, Swallow yelled unbelievably and at the same time, he was very curious about what happened between his mother who was proud of the spring breeze and Lu Yuan who was smiling bitterly.

However, as soon as the old demon hunter who was most sensitive to unknown smells returned, he seemed to feel something, and covered his body in front of Ye with a cold face, staring at Lu Yuan without squinting, like a loyal guardian dog.

Seeing what the old man looked like, Yanzi couldn't ask out loudly, so he had to pull Lu Yuan aside and interrogate him while pinching.

"You are so soulless, what did you do to my mother?"

"Oh my god, I was wronged, I didn't do anything! Your mother pitted a bunch of dragon bones!"

"Really? How does she know you have those?"

"...I was afraid that other arrows would not work well, so I cut Ira's vines and used Dragon Tooth Demon Arrows..."

"Well, that's it." The Yanzi quickly guessed what had happened, and sneered, "Hey, deserve it! Let you show off your wealth, are you stupid?"

"Wait, what's the scent of lilac and black currant on your body?" Yanzi leaned over to Luyuan's wrinkled nose and smelled it, and his eyes became bad again.

"I, I, I know this!" The tree-monster who had been slowed down raised his hands and exclaimed.

"Huh huh!" The witch Ye coughed heavily behind the old demon hunter over there, "Hey, I can make you sober medicine, and I can make you sleepless. Would you like to try it? "

"Huh? Uh, I shut up."

"Mom!?" Yanzi yelled charmingly, both acting like a baby and complaining a little bit.

"Okay, I can't do it if I was wrong. It's just that your little guy is stupid, teasing it twice, I won't rob you, don't be jealous."

"What, what?" Yanzi's face just eased, but the old Demon Hunter's iron-green face became heavier and greener.

"What? You have opinions again? You can ask Triss to come over if you have opinions. I'll go to the library, huh!"

Only then did Lu Yuan know why Triss had passed news to Ye and White Wolf but didn't follow it. It seemed to be a kind of avoidance of suspicion.

"Uh, uh, can we do business?"

Seeing that this family with intricate relationships doesn't know what the quarrel is going to be, Lu Yuan doesn't care if he speaks casually at this time, it is easy to attract firepower, and hurriedly said.

Fortunately, this family should have experienced countless similar things. When they quarreled, the smell of jealousy rose to the sky, but the anger came and went quickly. Before Lu Yuan finished speaking, Yanzi and Ye glanced at each other, took their men and turned their heads into the magic tower.

It's just that Yanzi firmly guarded Lu Yuan behind him, but there was a white wolf guarding Ye's body. It seemed that although there was no quarrel, the action did not stop.

The demon hunter guarding Ye was like a loyal big white dog. Well, maybe it's a wolf, then make a half-fold and use it as a Siberian Husky.

The swallow here is not much better than her father, quite a bit like a Turkish Angora white cat caring for food.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan couldn't help wondering what he was like. He naturally likes cats compared to dogs. But what kind of cat is it? Lion? Tiger? Cheetah?


"Huh?" Lu Yuan was taken aback, but when he came back to his senses he realized that the swallow was staring at him badly.

Although Lu Yuan was very unwilling to believe that he would say what was in his heart when he was distracted, but seeing several people around him also looked at him with neurotic eyes, he couldn't help but shrink his neck subconsciously.

He didn't even look carefully at the portals that flashed with different lights around the crowd.

"Well, what is a Siberian Husky?" While the swallow was choosing the one leading to Ain El in the portal, the old demon hunter took the opportunity to move over and asked in her ear.

"It's Erha." Yanzi said helplessly.

"what is that?"

"A kind of heroic, loyal, and helpful large dog, looks very mighty!" Lu Yuan hurriedly said, before the Yanzi spoke, almost frightened in a cold sweat.

Yanzi tilted her head and glanced at Lu Yuan, as if she was saying, you know that you are afraid, but under Lu Yuan's pleading eyes, she still sighed, nodded slightly to deal with the matter, and turned to the people. "Found it, this is the door!"

After confirming the goal, everyone couldn't help but lifted their spirits, and they lost what they had before.

Just listen to Yanzi said, "The opposite is the current main plane of Ain El, the otherworld elves. They call it Tir Na Riya."

"After passing the tower, there is a lake. Last time I passed by, the lake was still freezing here, but the other side was May when the breeze was blowing in the mist and the white water lilies were in full bloom."

"It's just that, compared with the beautiful scenery, that period of imprisonment can drive people crazy."

"By the way, the Avalak was waiting for me when I went there last time. So what will happen this time is really hard to say."

"All I can say is, get ready for battle!"

"No problem, I'm ready!" Dryad Ella was the first to shout.

"Then what, there is likely to be a genuine army of elves on the opposite side. Don't be violent anymore, or go to my lakeside grassland to hide for a while?" Yanzi raised his eyebrows.

"Don't worry! I'm not okay now?" Dryad Ai stretched out the small green fist under the cloak and waved at the swallow. "And, when I fight the fox, am I okay? Don't worry!"

I'm not relieved, Yanzi said in his heart, when talking to Avalak, you started to fight first.

However, Swallow was too lazy to say this. Anyway, she had made up her mind that even if the tree demon berageous again, she would just let her oak tree body act as a meat shield to attract firepower and buy herself time.

There is no problem with the Dryad, and naturally there is no other person.

Swallow looked at his relatives, and the tree demon, nodded heavily, and walked into the space door with his foot up.

Compared with the space-time door that travels through the system, the space door in this magic tower is really uncomfortable.

Not only will there be a sense of dizziness as if the sky is spinning around the earth, but there will also be a sense of tearing being pulled by space.

When the white light flickered in front of her eyes and the fresh air pounced on her face, the swallow couldn't help taking a heavy breath.

But the next moment, she couldn't help coughing out loudly.

But she was not alone, Lu Yuan Bai Lang and Ye who came after her coughed more or less lightly.

The reason is that the so-called fresh air is too cold!

Yes, everyone who came back to their senses looked up, it was not a lake with water lilies in midsummer at all. On the contrary, it is covered with ice and snow, and frost is permeated. Not to mention the midsummer, it is almost winter than the polar ice field.

In the face of such a cold weather, everyone in spring and autumn clothes subconsciously shivered with their arms around their chests.

Lu Yuan was busy taking out the warm clothes from the space, watching the swallow and taking his parents back to the space to change clothes, so he turned to look at the only dryad who didn't cough up before.

Normally speaking, people are both tree demons and gods, and their breathing methods are different from those of humans.

However, Lu Yuan looked over and found that the tree demon was motionless, wondering if this guy was frozen?

But when I thought that the oak tree was already known for being cold-resistant, and having fought Avalak with frost magic for so long before, it shouldn't be because of the temperature that the tree demon looks like this.

Lu Yuan tried to wake up the dryad while changing the clothes under the armor to winter clothes. The result was nothing.

When Yanzi waited for someone to come out and pulled down the hood on the tree demon's head, he found out that this guy had been distraught for some time, as if he was trying his best to control himself.

Seeing her like this, the female warlock Ye's brain turned fast, stretched out her hand to take out the bottle of medicine in her pocket, opened the cork and shook it near her nostrils, finally making her look relieved.

Sure enough, she was caused to violent again, but she was suppressed by her perseverance.

Without waiting for everyone to ask, she immediately regained her consciousness and said, "Be careful, it's wild hunting, no, it's something more evil than wild hunting!"

"What?" Everyone shook their hearts and leaned toward the surroundings, only to discover a lot of things that they had neglected before.

The corpses of the elves that were sealed into ice sculptures all over, those withered plants that were also sealed by the cold wind.

The ice and snow here are not because of the season, but because of...Hoarfrost!

Gradually, everyone heard the sound of gold and stone mingling and fighting in the distance, and occasionally there were sounds similar to the neighing of horses.

Staring at it intently, it seems that under the frost and snow, some creatures with long thin horns on their heads are fighting with several groups of humanoid shadows.

"It's a unicorn!" The swallow exclaimed, and then took the lead in drawing out the long sword, ran towards the direction of the battle, and shouted as he ran, "Little horse, little horse! Is that you? Where are you?"

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