Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 497: Really, the sea of ​​books, boundless

As the number of enemies on Luyuan's side decreased, the firing frequency also slowly dropped.

Because of the decrease in the intensity of the battlefield, Lu Yuan also places UAVs farther out from time to time to detect the surrounding situation.

The good news is that there are not too many enemies within ten kilometers nearby, and he can relax for a while.

The bad news is that the heavy plowing of the land is so loud that even the wild hunting skeletons facing the core area were alarmed. They have separated a considerable part of their troops and are coming here.

Moreover, not only the wild hunting skeletons with black rust armor, but also a considerable number of fast-moving demonized biological weapons are in the army this time.

For example, the Hound of the Wild.

After discovering such a terrible thing, Lu Yuan could not help but sigh when he had just gotten off a little.

Before the reloading was completed, he could only use T72 tank guns, remote-controlled long-range electromagnetic guns, and a few heavy machine guns to contain those skirmishers.

In this way, other people who watched the show almost all the way before became busy.

Seeing the old Demon Hunter's eagerness, Lu Yuan let go of the worries that had just arisen. After all, it was far more than the White Wolf that was stimulated by his own big hand.

While Lu Yuan was able to easily stop the wild hunting skeletons, the swallows who ran into the library encountered big trouble.

In fact, since she first entered the library hall, she knew that she and Lu Yuan had missed an important question this time.

When Wild Hunt was transformed into a skeleton, were there anyone in the library, and who they were?

Why not set up the royal library of the dignified Ain Aier clan in the palace, but near the barracks instead?

That's right, these alien elves with holes in their heads were willing to open the library to military officers for reading.

Although from the experience of Swallows in various worlds, such a setting is not only not a bad thing for Ain Aier, but can greatly improve the quality of the army and thus increase the combat effectiveness.

However, she is not a member of the Ain Aier tribe!

When the mutation occurred, the number of wild hunting officers in the library was almost higher than the total number of all other readers. Although the casters who liked to read books were mainly casters, the result of the exchange of fire between the two parties was likely to be the casters resisting. The offensive successfully escaped from the library.

Judging from the appearance of the library without serious damage, they should have used a method similar to a portal to escape.

However, compared with the library's almost intact appearance, the intensity of the internal firefight is absolutely as intense as the last time Yanzi and Lu Yuan faced wild hunting in Novigrad.

In other words, most of the books in the library have been destroyed by magic, just like the upper town of Novigrad at that time.

Looking at the bookshelves with dozens of sides and ten meters high, even the books on the shelves were twisted into pieces by magic, and Swallow felt a chill in her heart.

On the one hand, he was shocked by the destructive power of these former wild hunting mages, and worried that there would be no dead skeleton mages secretly hiding in the library; on the other hand, Yanzi knew that his purpose of coming to the library this time , It may not be reached.

Ain El has a long lifespan and is a magical civilization. The collection of books is not said to be vast, but the lake that fills the swallow space is absolutely no problem.

It is simply impossible to find information about Torgvarchika-the Tower of the Falcon from such a large number of books.

The only chance for Yanzi is to find the library index, narrow the search scope to a few or even a certain shelf, and then it is possible to find the information he wants.

But now, most of the bookshelves near the lobby on the first floor were damaged. Most likely, the library index catalog placed in the center of the lobby on the first floor was almost in the middle of the battlefield. The probability of surviving was too low.

As a last resort, the swallow can only put on the Rose spider mask, and while searching for some readable items from the waste books, scan Rose first so that she can start learning the ancient characters of Ain El and use Rose to parse it out. To guess what kind of bookshelves are surviving.

The result was a little fortunate for her. The book collection on the first floor was really dominated by military and spellcasting techniques. The ancient secrets or planes and geography she needed to find should have a high chance of surviving.

However, when she began to search the upper floors of the library layer by layer, she knew that she was lucky it was too early just now.

First of all, although the situation on the upper floor was better than the first floor, which was almost half damaged, it was definitely not as the Yanzi thought before, there was almost no battle.

There is nothing wrong with this, after all, it is impossible for the big barracks to have no officers who like other types of books.

And don’t the legendary elves generally like art? Will this nature be suppressed by a career as an officer?

Therefore, even in the upper floors, the swallows barely saw that they were collections of literature, art, music and painting, and the scene of book destruction and collapse was everywhere.

While exploring, Yanzi had no choice but to pray, praying that among the officers who read the book this time, there is no one who likes alien geography.

Secondly, the more Yanzi went up, the more he felt that there were too many books here. She had already climbed five or six floors in the impression, and she was still five or six meters high bookshelves, full of library rooms.

Although due to the structure of the building, there is no settling hall on the upper floor, but rather small classified library rooms, the total number of books on each floor is not too small.

Considering the extent of the damage to the lobby on the first floor, I am afraid that there are more books on each floor upstairs.

Finally, as the tremors caused by gunfire outside the library increased, the bookshelves became more and more unstable.

And the higher the height, the greater the amplitude induced.

When the swallows finally came to the "customs and customs" area, most of the books in the reading room had fallen from the shelves and were buried together.

Looking at the empty bookshelves and the sea of ​​books all over the floor, the swallow became more and more eager to cry without tears.

"What should I do? Let's read it a little bit? With so many books, I'm afraid I have to read it for a few days and nights, right?"

"I still don't know what my world is called by them! Otherwise, there will be traces to follow."

"No, I know." Rose Spider, who was wearing a mask on her face and recording all this, said at this time.

"Yes, I don't know."

"I mean, no, you know!"

"Huh?" Yanzi asked in surprise.

"The elves here call themselves the Ain Air clan and are derived from the Ain Wudod clan. The former split from the latter in a great schism. The latter split into another elven race, Ain Sidi ."

"They stayed..."

"My world!" Swallow suddenly said, "With the arrogance of these elves, they must have marked my world as the world of Ainshidi!"

"Thanks, Rose! Go back and I'll put on a good engine oil for you!"

"A brand new fuel cell is needed!" Rose cried.

"No problem! Although I don't know what it is..."

Reminded by the mechanical spider mask, the swallow who looked at (book) Hai Xingtan regained his motivation and found an open space in the reading room. He picked up the books from the sea of ​​books and sorted them into different areas.

Roughly speaking, quasi-use books that are almost completely unnecessary to read, books to be reviewed that are not sure whether they are useful or not, and books that have already been recorded in the database.

The reason why the quasi-waste books are separated from the ones who have already read is also to take precautions. I am afraid that in the end, we will not find any clues in the latter two. We can only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and search the quasi-waste books again.

I have to say that under the influence of someone, the swallow's way of thinking is also somewhat close to the pig month...Ah no, it is close to the Zhu Zhechi.

With some targeting and proper methods, Yanzi finally found some clues here.

First of all, it was about the war between the elves who were still in Ainwood and the Dryad Protoss of Green Ella outside. Although it was mentioned as a writing background in the books, it at least shows that those books are about the main plane of Swallows.

Then, in some human books known to the swallows, some geographical names of the Elf tribe, that is, the Ainshidi tribe, began to appear.

Including the swallow's hometown, the capital of the same name of the Kingdom of Sintra that has been annexed by Nilfgard, it also appears in the books under the name of the elves.

After all, that book was expanded on the basis of the wizard city.

Seeing more and more useful details and fewer and fewer undivided books, Swallow just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but heard the bad news from Rose Spider again.

It turned out that the war on the first floor of the library not only destroyed more than half of the book collection, but also a considerable part of the supporting pillars in the hall were affected.

Fortunately, although the stone cylinders were almost broken under the impact of magic, the wild hunting skeletons that were injured immediately exploded with Frost Nova magic, and the cylinders were frozen again.

As a result, the overall structure remains stable.

However, as Lu Yuan used heavy artillery to plow the ground outside, the cracks in the support column that had been internally injured were also enlarged little by little under the vibration.

Fortunately, two minutes later, Lu Yuan's continuous heavy artillery attack finally came to an end, and the support pillars finally did not really break.

Therefore, it also provides the Yanzi with a lot of stable reading time.

However, Lu Yuan's heavy artillery offensive not only created waves of shock waves, accompanied by explosions, but also a lot of heat.

Over time, the ice and snow that once buried the surrounding area melted little by little under the transfer of heat energy.

Unconsciously, even the temperature inside the library rose.

As the ice and snow melted, the ice that once wrapped the support pillars gradually became thinner and less.

These ice layers are small, only relying on the shattered and shattered stone pillars inside, it is no longer enough to support the terrifying weight of the upper library.

Rose, who was in the form of Dwemer's spider, scanned these and hurriedly reminded the swallow.

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