Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 51: Undercurrent

Just as Lu Yuan and Svia accepted the Luo Shengdu welcome ceremony, another group of people were active in an underground base not too far from the city.

On the large central display of the combat command center, a scene of helicopters launching rockets to the ground is being played simultaneously.

I saw a figure in the dark, pointing to the screen on the screen, and asking another thin figure beside him,

"Professor, what is going on? Is he going to get out of control?"

On the other side, the person called the professor by the dark shadow wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly replied, "No, no, boss, he is still under your control."

Knowing that his own answer certainly cannot satisfy his boss, the professor continued, "From the previous images, he should have changed his flight helmet when he got on the helicopter. As a result, during this period, he just needed to receive the thread. Device's instruction.

That's why there was a moment, let him get rid of it for a short time. Boss, I can guarantee that this was just an accident. He just wanted to vent, maybe he also wanted to induce the authorities or some people to investigate him. But what can it do! "

"I have just increased the radiation power of the ‘thread lifter’, even if he doesn’t wear the ‘thread lifter’, he can’t escape! Don’t worry, boss, the experiment is still successful.”

"Humph! He vented, I don't know how much trouble he will cause us!" The person in the shadow snorted coldly, and the professor next to him was frightened again.

However, the shadow did not continue to reprimand, staring at the screen for a while, and then slowly said, "Forget it, as long as the experiment is successful, these things are easy to say."

After speaking, the figure turned and walked outside the center door. The professor who bowed next to him, facing the shadow to send him away, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he listened to the shadow to continue.

"After recovering him, immediately proceed to the next experiment. We must develop a mass-produced'thread lifter' as soon as possible. Wave blade, your master, you go and bring him back. Hui Lan, dark eagle, you guys now You can start collecting suitable targets!"

"Yes, boss." X4


The camera returns to Lu Yuan and Yanzi.

The two of them watched the peculiar night scene, and after regaining their consciousness, they looked at each other and said in unison, "Let's follow along and have a look!"

Realizing that the other party had the same idea as myself, the two of them laughed together.

Lu Yuan looked at the fuel gauge and confirmed that there was no problem with the fuel. He stepped on the accelerator again, and suddenly turned right at the intersection in front of him. With the handbrake, he drifted for a while. The car has changed to the highway that was just attacked.

The reason why he dared to go this way is because the rocket bomb did not hit any vehicles or pedestrians, it just blasted a gap in the guardrail on the side of the elevated road.

After that, the pilot did not release a second rocket.

With this behavioral pattern, Lu Yuanhe's system has always believed that the driver of that helicopter should be tracking a certain car on the highway, rather than trying to kill the car.

Of course, they didn't know that the so-called driver who didn't want to kill the car was actually controlled by someone.

As for the current situation, whether it is intentional or unintentional, or the result of an intentional and unintentional joint effect, I am afraid that no one in this world, including the person involved, knows.

{What's the name of that helicopter? By the way, the Vulture attack helicopter, right? }While driving far away, I asked the system, {When I will buy one too, it looks so good. By the way, what is this car I am driving now? Is that some kind of pirate? The one commonly used by gangsters? }

[There is one thing the host needs to be psychologically prepared. ] The system said lightly.

{what? }

[When I was fighting with the host, the results of the system's scanning of the battlefield were somewhat abnormal. After scanning other vehicles around this section of the road, and capturing the appearance of the helicopter just now, the system confirmed that this anomaly is not an isolated case, but is widespread. 】

{Sixth brother, what are you talking about? }

[The firearms, vehicles, vehicles, etc. in this world are the same as the host world. 】

Lu Yuan was startled when he heard the words, and he was uncertain, "What do you mean? What does it mean to be the same as the main world?"

[This is the appearance of the helicopter just captured by the system. 】The system directly showed several pictures in Lu Yuan's mind, and with his explanation, the corresponding pictures were highlighted and flashed.

[This is the appearance material of the Vulture Attack Helicopter in the game on PB. 】

[And this is the appearance of the main world AH-6 little bird gunship. 】

{This...}Lu Yuan looked at the three pictures in his mind, and was a little lost for a while. {You mean, the helicopter just now was not a vulture but a bird? }

【Yes. 】

[In addition, the car the host is driving is a 1963 Buick Riviera. It is very similar to a muscle car named Merry Pirate in the game. 】

[Also, most of the guns the host received in the portable space were Beretta M9, ​​Colt M1911, and Glock 17. 】

{They are the most popular guns in the main world, Amerika. So the similarity is more than 70%! }Lu Yuan said with emotion. Suddenly, his inspiration flashed, and he said, {Doesn’t that mean that the car I got in this world can drive to the main world? }

[Theoretically, as long as the host can squeeze the car into the work space, he can take it back and drive. Of course, you have to do all the documents. However, the vehicle's certificate modification will consume less points than the personnel's. 】

{This is really good news. }Lu Yuan smiled, and was about to ask where to get the documents prepared by the system, but found that the helicopter in front showed signs of suspicious landing after leaving the highway.

"Hey, road, is it about to land? It's flying lower and lower!" The swallow on the co-pilot also noticed this and asked curiously.

"It should be." Lu Yuan nodded and drove the car over a section of the viaduct. After finding that he had entered the residential area, he quickly turned off the lights and slowly stopped the car to the side of the road.

"The car is too loud. I'll go down to see if it's the destination. You can wait in the car for a while."

However, Yanzi did not wait, and got out of the car behind Lu Yuan.

Seeing Lu Yuan looking at it strangely, Yanzi pointed to the helicopter in the sky and said, "It must be here. Look, it has hovered and descended nearby."

While the two were talking, the bird helicopter seemed to have found a suitable angle, and the external weapon pods on both sides of the fuselage were directed at a villa-like house on the ground, suddenly bursting out flames.

Even though there was still a considerable distance from the battle site, the peculiar roar and buzzing sound when the Gatling machine gun fired was clearly and identifiably transmitted to Lu Yuan's ears.

As the Gatling machine gun fired at the villa, a cloud of sawdust was stirred up on the ground, and there were occasional blood clots belonging to human limbs, which scattered and flew together.

At this time, Lu Yuan discovered that inside and outside the villa were guards or thugs with guns, responding to the two people who had just escaped from the hatchback sports car at the door.

However, with this burst of fire from the helicopter Gatling, a fraction of the guards who failed to find the bunker in time were like rag dolls, who were instantly torn into pieces by the powerful firepower of the machine gun.

Luckily, he was only hit by one or two bullets, only to break his arms and thighs. The unlucky ones were really beaten into pieces of meat by the continuous bullets, and the flesh and bones were red, yellow, green, white and brown, and scattered all over the ground.

But the combat literacy of this group of people is much stronger than the group of black gangsters that Lu Yuan and the two met before.

Even though the comrades who were still around and chatting with him happily, have become a mass of pieces of meat, but the guards who survived did not lose their fighting spirit, but immediately raised their rifles and started facing the helicopter in the air. Fight back.

For a time, the tongue of fire overflowed between heaven and earth, as if a group of snakes danced wildly, and against the backdrop of the night, it was exceptionally spooky and splendid.

"Wow! It seems that two warlocks are fighting each other!" With Lu Yuan, the swallow crouched in the corner to see this scene, suddenly grabbed Lu Yuan's shoulders and swayed constantly, excitedly unable to control himself.

"Shhh! Be quiet!" Lu Yuan hurriedly turned around and held down the dancing swallow, "If they find out, we can't stop such a strong firepower!"

"Yeah!" Swallow looked at the ground meat before reacting, and nodded in fear, indicating that he would never move again.

Lu Yuan just let go, and carefully poked his head out of the corner, only to find that after a while, the situation on the court had changed again.

The gunmen's counterattack on the ground just now obviously put a lot of pressure on the aerial helicopters. The pilot had now given up strafing and flew the helicopter like a dragonfly hunting in the grass. He did not know whether he was injured or was avoiding the attack.

However, even with the flurry of dance so far, the pilot accurately seized every opportunity that passed by and hit the rockets in the rocket nest one by one at the villa, but none of them were missed.

After ploughing the ground with rockets, the automatic rifle that had just been hidden behind the courtyard wall and stone pillars and other bunkers was mostly turned off this time, and only sporadic gunfire was heard, and they were still fighting back.

However, after this action, the engine of the helicopter in the sky also suddenly flashed a flash, and then sprayed out a thick smoke.

The entire helicopter is like a kite with a broken wire. It can no longer control its balance. It just relies on the inertial rotating rotor to barely provide the lift that does not fall instantaneously, but it still falls to the ground at a rather dangerous speed.

Just when Lu Yuan thought that this man-machine war would ultimately end with the victory of the dominant ground crew, he saw the helicopter suddenly changed its posture and rushed towards the villa gate.

When the helicopter was still more than a hundred meters above the ground, the pilot suddenly jumped from the helicopter and successfully landed with a parachute.

I saw the driver wearing a black heavy-duty body armor and a fully enclosed helmet in the same style. Before landing, the person patted to the waist, and the whole person fell from the front of the parachute bag and landed steadily on the ground.

The umbrella bag that he dropped, because of the heavy objects below, slowed down significantly, and finally suddenly self-immolated in the air, and in a moment it turned into ashes and dissipated in the wind.

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