At the critical moment, Lu Yuan first narrowed the space door to its limit to prevent the previous thing from happening again. Then, he picked up a piece of tank armor that had been replaced during maintenance on the ground and slammed it on the leak hole.

"Brother Six! Hurry up, fix the wall!" Lu Yuan, who was leaning against the armor, immediately shouted to the system.

【Completely repaired, 1200 time and space points are required, do you agree to pay? 】

"I'm going, it's so expensive?" Lu Yuan was taken aback by the amazing price, but after seeing the long list of losses that the system immediately gave, he just gave a wry smile and nodded in agreement.

It's just that the loophole just now, but far more than the wall was injured, and the structure of the entire space was severely impacted. Even the air generating device and the gravity generating device have a lot of damage.

In a sense, the work space, which is similar to a spacecraft, is far from the structural strength.

This is because Lu Yuan once spent a lot of money to upgrade.

No wonder no one has heard of anyone using space as a fort. It is also a typical example of high offense and low defense.

However, the distance here is different. Other traversers, of course, are mainly those encountered by Yanzi’s friends. The reason why they are not used to him is that they are mostly on the magic side, and there is a high probability that he does not have as many points to waste. .

With that money, what is better than strengthening one's own strength?

Lu Yuan is a typical disease of wealth.

Of course he won't feel this kind of thing for a while.

Deliberately didn't feel that mood.

"Damn, I forgot that he is Hoarfrost's puppet, and he will become a necroman!" Lu Yuan leaned on the restored wall and cursed, and slowly slid down the wall and sat on the ground.

"This is broken. If he melts the front shield, will we never be able to get out?"

[Not so scary. The system that hasn't shown up for a long time said lightly, [The worst result is that the host completely abandons the space beacon of this workspace and returns to the main plane. 】

"What you said is light, not counting my stuff here, just this space, I spent almost 40,000 points! What is that concept?"

"Furthermore, my planes, tanks, and nearly 20 tons of gold, which are replaced by more than 40,000 points, right?"

"Does this mean you can give up if you give up?"

[This, in addition to space, other items can still be sold to the crossing store, and the host will not lose much. 】

[Furthermore, the previous host's several upgrades to the space promoted the host's authority rather than the space. So even if this space is abandoned, those points will not be spent in vain. 】

"What are you doing? Shall I be sentenced to death without having to rescue him?" Lu Yuan clenched his fists and said angrily, but as soon as the words were spoken, his arm fell weakly.

"Oh, this time it's a big loss!"

[Did the host misunderstand something? What the system just said was the worst result. The situation is far from the worst. 】

"I know, I know." Lu Yuan's voice is still somewhat distracted, "It's just that I'm a little tired, just let me take it easy."

His problems mainly ranged from extreme despair to ecstasy to loss. The mood fluctuates too much, and the concentration of various hormones secreted by the body, such as adrenaline or dopamine, is seriously exceeding the standard. As a result, the body must be unwell.

Simply put, it is the inevitable exhaustion caused by great sadness and joy.

However, in addition to physical factors, the psychological shock to him this time was not light.

If that kind of guy can't solve a close-range attack with a 152mm heavy artillery grenade, what else can he use as a killer?

Although the thing is most likely to use some life-saving means to forcibly transform itself into a necromantic creature, and escaped death, even if it becomes a skeleton, people can see his angry face. Can confirm this.

However, even if he can kill him, he is not the ultimate boss.

A guy who is at most a small BOSS or even an elite monster is so difficult to fight, so how terrible is the real body of Hoarfrost that Yanzi has now faced with a high probability?

Thinking about the possible situation of Yanzi now, Lu Yuan felt guilty for a while.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Yanzi's situation was much better than he thought.

Of course, it's just a lot better than "what he thought." It does not mean that there is no danger there.

A few seconds before Lu Yuan rushed to the teleportation tower, Swallow, who had received some unexpected information from Avalak, stepped into the space gate resolutely and resolutely.

Similar to the lost Ain Wooddode that Lu Yuan went to, the people who greeted the swallows were also a run-down world buried in ice and snow.

In spite of the blizzards, through the space gates, although I have never encountered the extreme world with a thickness of tens or hundreds of meters, it seems that someone has secretly reduced the difficulty of her journey, but the swallow is still getting more and more frightened. , The more you go, the heavier the mood.

In the end, after passing through a large portal full of Novigrad's walls, she finally returned to the original world of Hoarfrost.

As soon as she stepped on the goose feather-like ice and snow ground, she was stunned by the sight in front of her.

It's not that the environment here is like hell, on the contrary, the sunlight here is bright and warm, and the surrounding buildings are neat and beautiful.

If you ignore the buildings that are obviously built by ice crystals and the white road paved by snowflakes, this is simply a romantic country with a simple and bright artistic style.

However, how can Yanzi ignore the most contradictory and most alarming part?

The sun was shining, but the ice and snow were unmoved.

The swallows could feel the sun shining on their cheeks, but none of the tiny snowflakes melted into drops of water.

In this whole world, there is no drop of water, except for snow, it is ice!

"What the hell..."

The swallow had just whispered twice, and felt the dazzling white light flashing in front of her eyes, as if there was another sun in the world instantly rising up in front of her.

But this time the white light didn't give any warmth. Instead, the cheeks that had been illuminated by it were icy cold, as if someone had put ice on the face.

Fortunately, after shining, the cold white light finally slowly converged, and finally turned into a figure, standing in front of the swallow.

"You are finally here, my child!"

A cold and lonely high, but it happened to make people stunned. The voice that could not restrain the affection of her rang in Yanzi's ear, causing her to lower the arm that covered her eyes.

Slowly opening her eyes, she took a closer look. The opposite was actually a tall elves with long silver hair shawl, a silver crown on her head, and a white silk one-piece dress.

There is a swallow with a height of 1.75 meters, which is rare among women. However, the elf in front of him, walking barefoot on the snow pavement, is more than one head taller than her. I am afraid that the net height will be close. Two meters!

"Isu people?" Yanzi thought of this word subconsciously.

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