Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 516: ...That's it!

Well, after listening to the story of the female elf, Yanzi suddenly couldn't tell what was wrong, but instinct told her that this shouldn't be the truth.

The reason why you need your own blood does sound like that, but the swallow just can't believe that Hoarfrost, which has destroyed so many worlds, can be solved with just a little of your own blood?

The role of the swallow's blood in the female elf's mouth is also very simple. It uses the blood of the same origin and has the power of time and space to nourish the goddess who has fallen asleep.

Once she regains consciousness, those violent powers will be restrained, and Hoarfrost will naturally stop raging the world.

Logic seems to be explained, but Yanzi just thinks something is wrong.

Only frowning and thinking hard, she didn't notice the female elf who looked at her calmly, with her right hand hiding behind her, secretly forming a seal, facing the swallow's brain.

Obviously, Swallow, who has always been eccentric, failed to discover the loopholes in those words, and it was also related to the spell cast by a certain spirit on her.

"Okay!" The female elf didn't want the swallow to continue thinking, and urged, "You know the reason, you go quickly! A minute earlier, maybe you can save a world."

This sentence really convinced Yanzi.

The reason why she resolutely stepped into the space gate at the beginning, apart from Avalak's nine true and one false words, was because she had already seen those frost beasts ravaging the entire island similar to the wild hounds.

If they were given time, with the abilities of those bizarre but extremely powerful monsters, it would not take too much time to destroy the entire world.

If I don't hurry up, maybe even if I really stop Hoarfrost, my world will be ruined.

And based on her knowledge of her adoptive parents, they will definitely fight to death on the front line of resistance before the world is destroyed.

Seeing the swallows fighting spirits ready to go on the road, the female elf lightly sighed, but immediately put on a pitiful face, and said to her, "You have to be careful along the way! There are also many frost demons near the temple. exist!"

"They will prevent you from awakening the goddess at all costs!"

"Please remember, if you can't defeat them, then rush, rush to the temple, rush to the statue! As long as you wake up the goddess, they will not worry about it!"

After speaking, as if urging the swallow with actual actions, the female elves once again turned into a cloud of white light and disappeared.

As the female elf disappeared, mist began to slowly rise around.

Looking into the white mist, the swallow seemed to see a pair of cold eyes like frost, and from time to time a low roar came to his ears.

It seemed that the monster in the female elf's mouth was not just a rhetoric to scare her, but a real existence.

However, Yanzi, who drew out a long sword to protect him, stepped towards the temple, was even more puzzled.

Just an hour after the female elf, these monsters appeared, was it too deliberate?

Perhaps without the interference of the female elf's magic seal spell, Swallow's IQ slowly began to return to normal.

But just when she was about to recall what was wrong before, a few tall construction beasts made of ice crystals suddenly burst out of the dense fog, opening the blood basin and exposing the saber teeth and fangs, and then rushed towards her.

It is a team of wild hunting dogs!

Seeing the enemy attack, the swallow immediately converged, dodges left and right, seized the opportunity, and slashed the long sword in his hand towards the demon dog that showed the flaw.

However, one head and two heads were killed by her under the sword, but more demon dogs rushed out of the thick fog.

As a last resort, the swallow had to fight and retreat, stubbornly advancing in the direction of the temple.

It's strange to say that in such a high-intensity offensive and defensive battle, the wild hounds never went around in front of her. It just kept coming from directly behind.

If you look down from a high altitude, those magic dogs are like waves of waves, constantly rushing the swallows to the shore.

Although Yanzi was faintly aware of something, such a high-intensity battle did not allow her to be distracted and think carefully.

Slowly, in the mode of swinging the sword to cut the enemy again and again, turning back and forward, she gradually gave up thinking.

As if the muscles had a memory, they were doing this set of movements for her.

Before she knew it, she was rushed to the foot of Crystal Mountain.

After starting to climb up the cliff, the magic dogs couldn't rush up to put pressure on her.

However, the climbing fulcrum that might fall off the cliff at any time made her afraid to be distracted again.

Again, there were no dangers along the way, but after the journey that did not allow her the slightest chance to think about it, she finally saw the temple on the top of the mountain.

It is said to be a temple, but it is a stonehenge-like existence, enclosing a wonderful statue of a goddess in the center.

The statue's eyes were closed tightly, and both hands were pushed forward, as if trying to stop something.

Everything is very consistent with what the female elf said before, and even the firm expression on the face of the frozen statue is in line with the setting of a goddess who sacrificed herself for righteousness.

It's just that Swallow, who finally had some breathing space, recalled the uneasy feeling that made her doubt in her heart again.

As soon as this feeling came to his heart, Yanzi subconsciously raised the long sword in his right hand. Because every time she remembered those awkward things, new enemies appeared, and she gradually formed a conditioned reflex.

Sure enough, the moment she lifted the sword, a group of blond elf heavy armored warriors with bright gold armors surrounded her from behind.

It is still the appearance of the ghost, it is still the tacit cooperation, it is still a desperate number, but it will never surround this most basic tactic.

The sense of vigilance in Yanzi's heart greatly increased. Although the body was approaching the statue subconsciously, there was a voice in the anxious but kindly discouraged him from doing it.

The kindness and the female elf's pretentious acting skills are completely different, it is a refreshing warmth, even if the swallow calms down and thinks rationally, it will not arouse any rebellious psychology.

It's like, it's like Ye's feeling.

Yes, the feeling of a real mother!

As if perceiving the change in Yanzi's heart, those enemies who pushed her toward the statue like the waves suddenly attacked her.

Slowly, the golden light enveloping the armor of those elven warriors began to dim and even began to dissipate.

When Swallow backhanded a sword and pierced someone's chest along the side of the armor connection, the unusual force from the sword made her startled, and immediately stared at the person intently.

It turned out that the sword that should have penetrated his chest actually gave the swallow the feeling of a sword pierced into the air.

If it's not that she lost her mind, it means that the guy just now is not a blonde elf, but a skeleton with no trace of flesh and blood on her body!

Wild hunting skeletons!

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