Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 532: Empire direction

Nilfgard's current emperor Enhill had a great change in his family when he was still a prince. The usurper of the Nilfgard Empire used him as a threat to let the old emperor, the father of Enhill, pass on the throne to himself.

The old emperor would rather die than surrender, but Enhill was cursed by the man and turned into an ugly monster.

But he can still transform into a human form at a specific time. After many inquiries, he learned that if he wanted to remove the curse, he had to use the unique blood of the Sintra royal family to restore himself to human form with the legendary "true love" that could release all the curses.

He did it and succeeded, and even let Princess Pavita of Sintra give birth to a daughter, the swallow.

However, he did not show his identity as the legal heir to Nilfgard, but in the name of Sintra's consort, he secretly approached Nilfgard's former emperor's party members, and finally succeeded in restoring.

Only before he was about to create a shipwreck and let his family of three "die", and then secretly angry that Chen Cang changed his face to trust the Emperor Nilfgard's family, Pavita discovered his secret and left the swallow in Skellig ahead of time. The island did not board the boat.

In the man-made shipwreck, Pavita, who had lost faith in her entire life, died. Whether it was killed by the angry Enhir himself or ordered to kill, or jumped into the sea to death with all thoughts, it is no longer so important.

However, that incident led to the fact that Yanzi’s childhood parents were absent. When I was a child, the swallow could be regarded as an endangered patient with princess disease, which was a direct consequence of this incident.

Fortunately, after experiencing a series of things, the shadow of her childhood without her parents did not even rank among the top three in her sufferings, and she had new parents, new friends, and even a new mission. That kind of thing she I don't care much anymore.

It's just that Enhill is still arguing at this time, she will inevitably still have to slap the guy she has been very upset with.

Enhill, whose face was green and white for a while by the swallows, didn't say much in the end, just tacitly acquiesced.

This made Yanzi feel weaker.

And when the casters under the name of Nilfgard were subdued by the trio by various means, at least the high-end combat power of the Southern Empire could no longer pose any real threat to the new Dryad Empire.

Although there are many factions in a political entity such as Nilfgard, it only solves the emperor and the caster, and it is far from solving all the ruling class. However, those trivial matters can only be handed over to the caster in secret.

The method is nothing more than to give water to the tree demon who is afraid of death, and to the treasures dug back from Ain El by the unicorns who want wealth. If there is anyone who is not afraid of death and likes beauty, the tree demon mage doesn’t mind giving it. Special workers found in the street applied some magical magic blessings.

In short, around the New Year of the Dryad, seeing the countless powerful forest races in the Dryad Forest and the divine power of the Dryad Goddess Ivy, while all the mortal Dryads are attached, the Southern Empire Nilfgard has essentially mastered In the hands of Ivy and Swallow.

At this time, Yanzi had already returned to Novigrad with his adoptive parents.

The southern empire adopted the method of stealing the merits and replacing the pillars. The swallows prepared to deal with the northern kingdoms but were not so "peaceful".

For the current king of Redanya, Ladovide V, who is a few years younger than himself, the Swallows do not have any favorable impressions.

Although everyone in the world believes that if he were a boy, Sintra would not be subjugated, probably just like the king of Rydania.

But because of this, I knew what a stupid little devil's swallow when I was a princess when I was a child. I also knew that if I wanted such a "young and powerful" king to yield, he had to kick him in the **** once.

After taking Novigrad in secret, the Swallows used the Novigrad Security Army to mobilize two newly-organized Dryad Empire Legions to go directly north.

Under the attack of completely unreasonable magical troops such as the Dire Wolf Cavalry and Flying Mantis, and of course the help of the warlocks who were hunted by the "little mad king" who was rescued by Triss during the review of the information, the battle did not last three days, Ridani The whole territory of Asia was occupied by the tree demon.

A large number of other races who were treated unfairly in the Northern Kingdom suddenly became the new managers.

The Dryad Empire’s method of resolving racial conflicts is also very simple and rude. Since you discriminate against each other's race, can you all become the same race?

When the sky-shielding oak tree takes root in the city center, when the oak guard replaces the gate guard, when the sturdy and warm tree house replaces the dilapidated thatched hut, when plenty of fruit and even meat replace the grain in the belly of the fruit, Everything is settled.

Although the productivity of the Dryad civilization can only temporarily improve the lives of the people in the north who have been hit by the war, and it is impossible to provide them with adequate food and clothing directly, but those things will be problems for the future.

After all, the tree demon clan can undergo photosynthesis in the final analysis.

When the carbon dioxide on this plane is insufficient, and the oxygen is too much, you may have to deliberately leave more humans to consume too much oxygen in order to balance the ecology of the plane.

This is also the ultimate reason why Ye Naifa and Geralt, who are humans, were finally persuaded by Lu Yuan to really get on the boat of Dryad civilization.

Since no one can do without anyone, then getting along with each other is no longer such a fantasy.

After arranging the affairs of one's main plane clearly, it was time for Yanzi to leave.

Fortunately, since she has established her own empire, she will not leave and never come back. Besides, there is work with Serberina to reverse colonize those former habitable stars destroyed by Hoarfrost.

So when she left, there was no grand farewell ceremony, just a lively picnic with her friends in the Dryad Forest.

After almost burning the deer head spirit Gucci Lian as firewood, Swallow finally left this world in the reluctance of some people, such as adoptive parents and Triss, and the sincere farewell of others, such as Gucci Lian.

On the other side, there is a long way to return to the main plane, and life is back on track.

In view of the fact that the two recent consecutive experiences are too high-energy, he needs to take a good rest on the plane of technology and let his heart rest.

But the thing about Alex made Turner very disappointed. After all, although the former is nominally his apprentice, he is actually regarded as half of his daughter.

Both of them were originally in the main plane, Amerika settled on the new company and new identity, and even the visas to China were actively processed. Now suddenly one person is missing. It is as if his world has suddenly been reduced by half.

The feeling of an empty-nest old man is really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Turner has a surge of what is the newborn baby who is less than one year old, and he needs to change diapers and wipe his buttocks every day.

Lu Yuan heard from the other side of the ocean that there are suspected Transformers around Los Angeles, which was interpreted by experts as the news of filming. You can imagine how active the surge has been recently.

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