Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 537: Split the **** in two ways

That night, the three got together at a nearby restaurant.

"How was the test?" Lu Yuan asked the two of them as he cut the steak and filled his mouth.

"It's almost as you expected." Turner nodded. "Out of the highway, there is no concept of a lane in the wilderness. You will get out wherever you enter."

"I'm in front, Alex... Uh, Svia is behind, we almost ran into each other head-on."

"Master, just call me Alex!" Yanzi hurriedly inserted a needle.

"What about the middle of the highway?" Lu Yuan continued to ask.

"They will still return to the center. If the front and rear cars violate the rules and go to the center of the road and rush towards Los Angeles, they will also bump into each other head-on!"

"Well, it seems that in addition to the local people's misunderstanding of entering and leaving Los Santos, the Void Flying Insects also forcibly prevent everyone from doing anything unplanned in the vicinity." Lu Yuan nodded.

"What shall we do next?" Turner said hurriedly.

"Have I registered the company you registered?" Lu Yuan didn't answer the question.

"Um, the registration is done, just what do you start a company for? Or do you sell small appliances? We don't have a purchase channel!" Turner wondered.

"Hey, maybe it's useless now, but it won't be possible to say in the future." Lu Yuan pointed out, "Well, in this case, you should start the company here first. It's just for the main plane. The company is practicing."

"Really do this?" Turner was still reluctant. After all, he still has a girl who is trapped in Luo Sandu.

"Then what are you going to do?" Yanzi looked at Lu Yuan and asked.

"Well, here," Lu Yuan turned on the tablet and pushed a piece of news in front of the two of them, "I'll go buy some goods first."

I saw it clearly written in bold letters on the tablet, "Crimea referendum, the bill to join the Federal Republic of Russia passed by a high number of votes, Russin said this is treason!"

Although the time is a bit earlier than the main plane, after all, the previous Independence Square incident was also a lot earlier, and there was a long way to prepare for this.

It's just that in the country of Lu Xin, although Lu Yuan originally wanted to find something good in his arsenal, the result got more and more involved.

Not to mention that he actually merged with an Isu who was once regarded as the **** of thunder by the ancient Rus tribe. He fought against the IAA several times in Russin's place, and even subdued his old opponent, the black armor warrior, the dark eagle into the current Rose. The spider knows how interesting this entanglement of fate is.

At the beginning, he had personally watched several groups of people found by the IAA, and acted as a protester and an executioner of massacres, creating a series of **** and violent conflicts from scratch.

At that time, he knew that Ruxin, who was so severely infiltrated by IAA, was afraid that he would be played to the end.

That night, he not only stole part of the equipment of a self-propelled artillery battalion, that is, the self-propelled artillery in his space, but also got a Su-27 and crashed into the USC Embassy, ​​where he discussed what to do next. Beat once.

And he also captured the arms dealer and double agent Andrevic, who was accused of physical protection by Shiafe, and cooperated with his former teammate Robin, a news anchor, to do what was behind Andrevic. A whole set of documentaries have been prepared and will be broadcast on Meika Media.

The result was no accident.

Now Robin is not in her hometown of Liberty City, and the last email indicated that she should hide in the Far East. Maybe in Big Rose, maybe in China.

The IAA's affairs in Luxin did not cause any major disturbances in the Western world of public opinion. Despite the daily disclosures of Big Rose’s media, there are very few believers, and even on social media there is an accent that "the words of Big Rose can be believed?"

And when some Chinese netizens reposted it, there was another Chinese in the unbelievable countries.

After seeing how IAA or his boss used public opinion to sink such important information into the ocean, Lu Yuan finally understood the dilemma of China.

This is a war of public opinion, and the Western media alliance has an absolute advantage. What he wants the world to know, even if it is an outright lie, it will become 100% of the truth.

And when they don't want the world to know certain things, those things that are fixed will disappear with the wind as if they have never happened.

As a result, Lu Yuan ran out to make a big fuss, but Lu Xin's affairs continued to happen according to her previous rhythm.

The IAA secretly laid out a series of protests and **** clashes in order to force the pro-Russian President Russin who was on the stage to step down.

They succeeded.

But what they didn't expect was that the IAA would hide from the sky, and Great Ross would come to draw a salary from the bottom of the pan, and directly let Crimea Lightning Independent into the Great Ross Federation.

At this time, Russin's greatest reliance in restraining Great Ross was gone.

Say what's important there?

Because the Black Sea Fleet of the Great Ross is stationed there, it is an important part of the Great Ross navy's influence on the Mediterranean.

The four major fleets of the Great Ross Navy, the North Sea Fleet is in the Arctic Ocean. After all, people originally had the name of the Arctic Ocean Fleet or the Arctic Circle Fleet.

Only here in the Black Sea, one can reach the Mediterranean through a few straits controlled by the Ottomans, and his cousins ​​in Europe who have never looked down upon him and always trouble him are also looking for big trouble.

Although Crimea has been lost, the Black Sea Fleet is not out of place, but this fleet has been stationed here since its birth more than two hundred years ago. The result was not being coaxed away because of the defeat. It's great.

Moreover, Big Rose is gone, and it will soon become a NATO territory. If NATO settles in, then the core area of ​​Great Ross is equal to being held close to the throat by the enemy's dagger at any time, and it will definitely be restless.

Even though they knew this, those European Americans who were involved in Ruxin didn't expect that Big Rose would dare to risk such an unfavourable situation in the world, and actually make such a ruse.

As a result, the "victors" who once thought they had succeeded in subverting a small country with pride and enthusiasm hadn't been happy for a long time before being slapped on their faces by someone on their bodies. The taste was simply sour and refreshing.

But because of this, how can they stop doing things anymore?

Lu Yuan has completely devoted himself to these trends in the international situation involving many countries.

Anyway, if Lu Xin continued to mess around like this, it wouldn't do any harm to China.

It's nothing more than that some **** have practiced some tricky techniques here, and they will use Huaxia one day in the future.

But for China, that might not be an opportunity to cut the mess quickly.

Therefore, after Lu Yuan saw the relevant news, he quickly and set his own goal of action, and continued to do good things on Lu Xin.

This time, not only did he want to expand 2S19 to a battalion, but he also wanted to get the artillery shell production line.

If possible, it's okay to pit two Su-27s back as gifts for Swallows and Turner.

As for the 2S5, after all, the internal bomb bay is a bit small, and the ammunition is not universal, so it can be handled directly by the store.

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