Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 559: Julian's proposal

"Yes, the ceasefire agreement." Julian obviously also thinks that Lu Yuan's stupid behavior is normal, nodded and continued, "The war here is over."

"But, will they abide by the agreement?" Lu Yuan continued to show off his acting skills and asked with a frown.

"It's definitely not 100% compliance." Julian smiled, "However, they don't dare not completely comply. Don't worry, large-scale battles will definitely not be able to fight in a short time."

"Well, that's fine." Lu Yuan nodded, "At least the civilians here don't have to worry about getting bombed."

"That's not good."

"What are you talking about?"

"No, nothing." Julian waved his hand hurriedly, "I mean to say, the matter here is over for a short time, what are your plans?"

"Me? Planning?" Lu Yuan was stunned, only then did he remember the theoretical relationship between himself and the person in front of him.

In short, I should be regarded as a mercenary in the temporary mercenary group formed by Julian.

Now that the business is over and the mercenary group is disbanded, the former group leader should ask for this, just like he did in Los Santos.

"Uh, this, I really haven't thought about it." After thinking about it, Lu Yuan simply kicked the ball back to see what Julian wanted to say, "Why, what do you suggest?"

"Ha, I can't talk about it, but I do have a business here. I think you will be interested." Julian smiled. "First of all, I have to apologize to you. We will treat you as an agent of Big Rose from beginning to end. , But now we all know that you are just an ordnance fanatic."

"Probably you just got those weapons because of curiosity?"

"Those are all gone." Lu Yuan said ambiguously. He wasn't sure what Julian was thinking, so instead of saying more wrong, it's better to let the other party fill it up by himself.

"Yeah. Later, although I didn't directly see how you repaired arms to Donetsk, a friend of mine in Lugansk praised your craftsmanship." Julian continued, "If he hadn't paid it back There are other tasks, I am afraid I have already asked you to apprentice!"

"Well, thank you for your compliment, and thank you that friend." Lu Yuan still wanted to be polite, but he quickly realized that he was not a Chinese, but a Ruxin, and immediately changed his approach.

"This is true, your craftsmanship is indeed very strong." Julian emphasized again, "Also, I heard that friend said that at your level, the only thing I yearn for is the analysis and research of weapons with higher technical content. , Continue to improve yourself. Is that true?"

After doing it for a long time, are you waiting for me here? Lu Yuan seemed to understand what Julian was about to say, and he paused for a while, then looked at each other with bright eyes, but he didn't say a word.

"I have a friend who is currently recruiting people. What he needs most is a master in ordnance. The best one is missiles."

"As for the commission, you can rest assured, it must be more than this time."

"I don't know if you are interested?"

"Missile aspect?" Lu Yuan pondered, "What type of missile is it? Air to air? Air to ground? Ground to air?"


"Anti-ship missiles? Air ships? Shore-based? Sea-based?" Lu Yuan was even more surprised.

"Well, I can't tell you anymore." Julian smiled and stopped talking. "After all, it involves confidentiality, please forgive me. If you are interested, I will help you to contact there, yes. Arrange for you to see each other and discuss it in detail at that time."

"By the way, Robin can also be together. Don't worry about that."

"Robin? Robin will leave?" Lu Yuan asked strangely.

"What? Didn't she tell you? Then she might have other plans." Julian was obviously surprised that Lu Yuan didn't know Robin's arrangement, but on the surface he still dealt with the past, "Those things you guys Discuss it yourself."

"First of all, I'm going to see Givina, so I'll go first."

Although Julian didn't show it directly, Lu Yuan could feel that for the first time he had some doubts about the relationship between Lu Yuan and Robin.

Although not very strong, it is clearly formed.

And the source of that suspicion is Robin's plan for the future.

Robin is going to leave? Lu Yuan thought secretly, and it made sense, otherwise, why would she have exchanged money for items and sent it out! That is a typical gift before taking it away.

But, where is she going? Continue to hide in Big Rose?

Or, return to the U.S. card?

It's hard to come to a conclusion by thinking about it, and Lu Yuan is not too entangled, so he can just wait for her to come back. Anyway, the two live next door now.

But he waited until nightfall.

The war is over, and the victory review has been completed. In the following few days, everyone is enjoying a rare holiday. Therefore, there are no mandatory requirements for personnel's work and rest.

Most of the soldiers went home calmly during this time to see their family members, but the mercenaries could only drink and chat, and if they were lucky, they returned home with the people who saw each other on the battlefield.

Because Lu Yuan was always considered to be a pair with Robin, no one inside the mercenary came to disturb him. However, there will still be some bold local girls who want to try whether their hoes are powerful, but it is a pity that they are dealt with by Lu Yuan full of thoughts.

As a result, he waited alone in the barracks until night before Robin came back.

"Well, you didn't go out to play?" Robin was surprised when he saw his lonely appearance.

"Waiting for you! Who knew you came back so late!" Lu Yuan curled his lips.

"Ha, that's really sorry." Robin quickly took out two bottles of beer from the mini cold drink box and handed one to Lu Yuan, "Is something wrong with me?"

Lu Yuan took the beer, opened the bottle cap and took a sip before he looked at Robin and said, "Today Julian asked me if I would be interested in taking another task. He also said that you can also be together. Why, yes. Interested?"

"Me? Let's forget it. I'm fine now." Robin took a sip of the drink calmly, but took the opportunity to turn his head and look away.

"Well, I thought so too." Lu Yuan nodded, "but he told me that you are actually going to leave. Why, don't you want to tell me?"

"..." Robin fell silent.

Seeing her not saying a word, Lu Yuan neither rushed to question nor was there any hidden anger, but quietly nodded, "I wasn't sure where you were going before, but I was sure you were If you deliberately didn't tell me, it would be easier to guess a lot."

"You want to return to the U.S. card, don't you?"

"..." Robin finally turned his head to look over, was silent for a moment, and nodded, "Yes."

"Don't you want to try the job of a reporter?" Lu Yuan asked. "We have said this before, but this road will not work!"

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