Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 561: Return to Odessa

Raising the bottle again to moisturize his throat, Lu Yuan didn’t care about Robin’s flushed face, and continued, “In comparison, when China regained an island, the life of the people on the island has become better, but at least It's not too bad."

"There may be turbulence for a period of time, but as long as we integrate into China's economy, it is not difficult to live a prosperous life."

"Under this circumstance, the ones on the island who are absolutely hostile to China's mainland are actually the bureaucrats, the capitalists, and those with vested interests."

"The situation in that port is the same. After all, many careerists are hiding there."

"So, for us, Donbass here and that island are completely different."

"Of course, someone will deliberately confuse them. But do you remember the international public opinion that I said first? To us, they are actually the same thing."

"Think about Donbass. Hundreds of innocent civilians were tortured and killed. There was no voice in international public opinion. A civil aviation plane that accidentally broke into a war zone was shot down by an unknown person. International public opinion was killed by Donbass. "

"This so-called public opinion, believing him is tantamount to suicide."

He said everything in his heart in one breath, Lu Yuan felt very happy, and he drank all the wine in his hand, and looked at Robin still intently.

Robin was very empathetic and gave him another slice. At the same time, he gave him a blushing sip, and smiled, "Oh, you guy, I just ask, you are going to give me a long ethical discussion here. Ethics class?"

"I actually want to ask you, is it just because of me?"

"Oh, straight guy! Wouldn't you never understand if I didn't say it directly?"

"Ah? This...this..." Lu Yuan thought about it when Robin said that, and found that it seemed to be so interesting at the time, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Ha, I'm just kidding, look at your bearish look!" Robin couldn't help laughing when he saw his embarrassment.

This laugh, the previous embarrassment finally eased a lot.

However, with this smile, the slightly ambiguous air between the two before also dissipated.

After chatting for a while, there was nothing, and the two went back to the house to rest. It's just a lonely pillow on the empty bed at night, it's hard to say.

To confirm what was going on with Robin, Lu Yuan also lost a piece of his mind, and became more curious about Julian's mysterious mission.

So when he met him again the next day, Lu Yuan agreed.

Julian did not ask much about Robin. However, from the thoughtful expressions he looked at Lu Yuan and Robin, Lu Yuan knew that he probably thought the two had broken up because of Robin's concealment.

But this is fine, at least it will save you a long way to find other reasons to explain.

Two or three days later, news came from the outside world that the ceasefire agreement was officially signed. Lu Yuan, the mercenaries, were also clearly told that they could leave.

Therefore, the mercenary teams from all over the world who came to help before, except those in Eastern Europe, and a few other teams such as a Franco machine team, mostly chose to leave here.

It's not because everything here is over, or no money is made, but because there are new battles in other hotspots.

However, compared with the ease of walking by these people, the "technical talents" like Lu Yuan are more treasured by Donbass.

If it weren't for his previous record of sneaking out to fight, I'm afraid the Donbass high-level officials will force him to stay even if they use coercive means.

But since he can evade the sentinel guard checkpoints and other levels in order to participate in the war, it is unlikely that he will be left without excessive means, so the Donbass can only mobilize the militias who have a good relationship with him to try to influence. he.

For a while, the men and women who had worked with him almost crossed the threshold of his dormitory.

In the end, even Jivi, who was newly promoted to the commander of the Independent Battalion, ran over.

In all fairness, the relationship between Jivi and Lu Yuan is the same. After all, the latter spends less time in Donbass and spends the first half of the time in the factory workshop.

But even so, after the subsequent joint battle, Jiviy was one of the few people with whom Lu Yuan had the closest relationship here.

Lu Yuan admired this veteran soldier who always looked tired, but was full of energy when he entered the battlefield. It is precisely because of this that he is a little worried about Jiviy's previous political sensitivity.

This time, I took advantage of the opportunity of friendship and chat to slowly reveal some of my concerns to the other party.

After the chat, Ji Wei just looked at him with a smile, and said calmly, "Some things must be done." After that, he stood up and shook hands with Lu Yuan. Without saying anything, he turned around. Leave the dormitory.

Seeing his slightly thin back walk out of the door, Lu Yuan felt that he saw a mountain, a spine...

After Jiviy, no one else appeared again. Lu Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly began to pack his bags.

After he leaves, the dormitory will be reassigned to others. It could be a new mercenary, a new soldier, or simply a civilian whose original home was blown up.

So before leaving, Lu Yuan will also clean up here.

Perhaps this will become a new beginning for a certain injured citizen.

When he left, Robin hadn't set off yet. Unlike him, the latter has more people worthy of nostalgia here, such as her female apprentice.

Lu Yuan was so happy, and followed Julian's car all the way south to the southern seaport town of New Azov.

The fighting here has continued in recent days. Until the ceasefire, the Donbass side even moved from this small border town to the important seaport to the west, and it is also the second largest city in Donetsk Region, under Mariupol.

Julian came here first naturally because he wanted to go by sea.

Although these people are different from other professional war mercenaries, they usually pay attention to protecting their identities. Even if they go by land, the problem will not be too big, but since there are other options, why waste more energy.

In New Azovsk, there was a seaplane prepared by Julian's friend for the two of them. They set off from here, refueled once in Crimea on the way, and "bye bye pier" by the way, and finally reached the starting point of Luyuan's Rusin trip, Odessa.

The friend in Julian's mouth that needs manpower is giving an "interview" in Odessa at this time.

At the first sight of that person, Lu Yuan felt that he was a little familiar.

The big bald head, the beard, and the gloomy gaze. Although people know that they are mostly Eastern Slavs at first glance, Lu Yuan always feels that the guy is not so much a mercenary, but rather the leader of a terrorist organization. .

Bogdan, the guy’s name, means a gift from God in Eastern Slavic.

Berg is the god, Dan, for it. It's basically a tune with the Chinese name "Tianci".

However, Lu Yuan always felt that this guy's temperament, called such a name, had a special meaning.

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