Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 565: What is a local tyrant team!

Bogdan's mercenary warship is called "Ramis"!

This name is either a mere coincidence, or it is related to a certain characteristic of this type of game world.

Although this world is not the real Yanxing plane, the real Yanxing plane is really very similar to the original game.

And those guys who are making this face look more and more like the real Rock Star plane, those aliens, those Void Flying Insects, will take advantage of that trait.

That trait is the evil taste of game designers.

For example, Yanzi discovered when she was watching a movie on the main plane before, that all kinds of vehicles that appeared in Fast and Furious had a very high rate of appearance in Los Santos.

And the name "Rames", plus the navy, and even the great Ross people, these clues are gathered together, like a large system wizard, shouting in Lu Yuan's mind, "There is absolutely something wrong here! It must be Check it out!"

This is the real reason for his sudden change of mind.

Soon, Bogdan’s financial officer put $1 million into a Swiss bank account that Lu Yuan requested.

Next, the system will take over the subsequent transfer work. That one million dollars will be split into at least two thousand funds, each of which has undergone at least ten transfers, and will eventually be pooled into the company accounts of Turner and Yanzi.

If Lu Yuan didn't say it directly, even Turner would just think that his business had suddenly become very good and would not have noticed the inflow of this money at all.

Of course, if Bogdan or Julian or someone else wants to trace Lu Yuan's direct line through the account, the success rate is almost zero, no, it may even be a negative number.

Because once someone tries to track these small accounts used by the system, they will be tracked down by the system to find out the location of those tracers before they find out the details of Lu Yuan.

At that time, who is behind Julian and who is Bogdan's employer will be controlled by Lu Yuan instead.

When the commission arrived early, Lu Yuan didn't show any resistance at all, and took the initiative to reach out and shook Bogdan's hand, and asked half jokingly, "Well, boss, it looks like I'm on your thief ship. , What should I call you? Captain? Or the boss?"

"You can call me a colonel! My weapon commander!" Bogdan was quite relieved when he saw that he no longer resisted, but on the surface he immediately put on a front Su Li upright posture and said quite seriously.

"Colonel?" Lu Yuan chewed this rather specific military rank title in a playful manner, and habitually responded with the salute of the Donbass militia, "Yes, Colonel!"

Colonel, not all captains of surface ships will reach this rank.

In fact, in the former Soviet Union and most of the systems that inherited the former Soviet Union, the captain would be a colonel at least at the level of destroyers.

The "Ramis" that Lu Yuan suspected belonged to one of the ships whose captain was a colonel.

A containment war to achieve preparation did not happen, Bogdan was very relieved, but Julian could only force a smile.

Anyway, he knew that as soon as this violent Plan B was used, unless it was a person with a very low IQ, he knew that he was doing bad things, and at the very least, he was a guy who made small reports in the middle and deliberately framed people.

If the plan is implemented, because he is the perpetrator, he will have a psychological advantage over Lu Yuan, the victim, and maybe Lu Yuan may develop into Stockholm syndrome.

However, Lu Yuan's reining in the precipice turned his passive into an active one, and his plan to reconstruct his psychological superiority was completely frustrated, leaving only a cowardly image of a yin behind him.

Under such circumstances, it is certainly useless for him to continue to play his "outrageous and generous" personality on Lu Yuan, but it is even more useless for him to use official power. Didn't you see how much Bogdan valued him?

As a last resort, he can only choose to lower his sense of existence. At least until he found the next opportunity to establish "authority", he didn't plan to have any contact with Lu Yuan alone.

In this regard, Lu Yuan is like I am upset with you, but I do not seek revenge from you, just ignore you. The result is a delicate balance, or calmness.

Lu Yuan thought that even if he didn't board the boat directly at the pier, he would take a speedboat or the like to go to the high seas to board the boat, but he was quite surprised.

After confirming that all the required personnel were recruited, Bogdan not only did not lead the crowd on any boat, but instead recruited a few large black SUVs near the dock warehouse, and brought five technicians including Lu Yuan, and a few A bodyguard drove straight to Odessa International Airport.

The few brawny men who surrounded Luyuan before, except for the two who followed to get into the car, the others still stayed in the warehouse.

This made Lu Yuan understand that the dock warehouse here should be an industry of Bogdan and others, not their ship base.

When everyone arrived at the airport, a Gulfstream G550 was already waiting there. The crew member control personnel are already in place, waiting for everyone to arrive.

Rao was far-sighted, but he was still taken aback by the big hands of the Bogdan team. You must know that when he was still in Los Santos, he wanted to buy a small and medium-sized passenger plane for private use. He also studied the Gulfstream G550.

Only the price of up to 60 million U.S. dollars, not counting the gold in his space, his total assets of the security and defense company during its peak period could not afford such a helicopter, and in the end he could only replace it with a bird helicopter.

The thing now stopped in the swallow's space again.

However, Bogdan actually owns a G550, which makes Lu far unable to describe that mood in words.

Although they have at least one warship costing one hundred million or even one billion US dollars, that thing is considered to be a guy who eats, and it should be when he spends a lot of money. But for a means of transportation, it costs tens of millions. How rich is that?

However, Bogdan seemed to understand Lu Yuan's expression and smiled slightly, "Ha, don't think too much, this guy is borrowed by a friend, we don't have the money to raise this gold swallowing beast!"

Lu Yuan just came across. He has also been in the mercenary business for a long time, of course knowing that Bogdan's words can't just be read literally. A certain friend may be a certain customer.

It's normal to be able to dispatch warships and prepare more Gulfstreams.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan finally felt more at ease.

The advantage of a private jet is that it is convenient for security checks, there is no need to line up, and there is no need to squeeze on the plane.

Of course, in addition to the free riding environment, and the more eye-catching service and in-place flight attendants, are also icing on the cake.

However, everyone should know what to do in the future. Although the life philosophy of most grassroots mercenaries is to be drunk today, the newcomers this time are basically technicians, facing unknown or known difficulties. In the future, I still cannot let go.

After a total of about ten hours of flying, Lu Yuan hadn't really communicated with any of the other four people.

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