Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 572: Doomsday II

Although that kind of flying car still has considerable defects, the incredible flying power system still aroused the curiosity of many technicians on the submarine, including Lu Yuan.

However, after curiosity, Lu Yuan discovered that after just two days, no one except himself was really paying attention to that matter.

As if that thing had appeared a long time ago, other people were too lazy to study it.

When Lu Yuan tried to ask them why they didn't plan to use the power system on the submarine, everyone sneered, said something whimsical, and ended the topic.

Lu Yuan knew that this was because the subconscious brainwashing system of Luo Shengdu had begun to work again.

In the past few days, Lu Yuan applied to Bogdan for disembarkation, but was rejected by the other party on the grounds that he was still needed on the boat.

Lu Yuan had no choice but to find a way to release some remote surveillance equipment, such as self-made drones, to see the situation in Los Santos.

This time Bogdan finally did not refuse.

But unfortunately, because Lu Yuan’s simple drone made of shipboard materials was too slow, lacking in maneuverability, and some were too large, after a few minutes of watching, he was given to the enemy by the flying vehicles in the sky over Los Santos. Exploded.

There is no way, who asked him to make replacement parts for cruise missiles for the fuselage.

This encounter also made him confirm that the chaotic battlefield-style Los Santos he had seen from Los Santos Airport before was the normal state now.

Lu Yuan also tried to connect to the bodyguard office network, but the signal was suddenly interrupted during the connection each time.

It seems that if he does not get off the ship, it will be difficult for him to get more detailed information.

After realizing that he had no good way, his desire to find a chance to escape from the submarine naturally became stronger.

Just when he was thinking hard about how to escape but made no progress, unexpected guests suddenly appeared around the submarine, which gave him unexpected opportunities.

About the third day after launching cruise missiles and killing the An-124 transport aircraft, while continuing to maintain the follow-up missiles in the weapon room, I suddenly received a system prompt indicating that there was a small-equivalent explosion around the submarine.

The system judged that it should be the impact caused by the detonation of mines around the submarine.

Normal people in a submarine can't detect this kind of impact under normal circumstances, and can only rely on various detectors on the submarine, such as sonar radar.

However, when Lu Yuan got in touch with the bridge and asked Guantong Chief if there was anything unusual, the Guantong department responded that it was not unusual. This surprised Lu Yuan and at the same time vaguely felt that the opportunity he was waiting for was approaching.

The so-called Observation and Communication Department is the abbreviation of the Observation and Communication Department, which is simply the eyes, ears and mouth of the submarine. The head of Guantong is the head of the department of Guantong. It's as if Lu Yuan, the weapon chief, is the head of the weapons department.

Speaking of mines, why are there mines around the submarine? Could it be a defensive facility deployed outward by the submarine?

Of course it is impossible, not to mention that this submarine does not have so much space to carry so many mines and ammunition, even the layout of mines is also a big problem.

In fact, this area of ​​mines was also known to Bogdan in advance. Although he didn't elaborate, Lu Yuan guessed that this should be the mine site prepared in advance by Bogdan's liaison in Los Santos.

Still in the center of the position, a stealth area was reserved for the Ramis.

There is a meaning of the US-Canadian army deploying minefields around the base of the theater to prevent non-hostile third parties from approaching.

The current chaotic situation in the Sandu of Yiluo, if it were not for this minefield, those private ships and even submarines would approach this sea area in minutes, exposing the existence of the Ramis.

But now it seems that even if covered by this piece of mines, it didn't stop the residents of Los Santos for long.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan felt that since people outside were clearing mines, and they did not know how to interfere with the submarine observation system's detection of this, it means that those guys will soon do something to the submarine.

If it is only destroyed, it should not go to mine. Lu Yuan believes that it is more likely that they will find a way to forcibly land on the submarine.

At that time, everyone in the submarine knew that someone had attacked the door.

And I have asked similar things before. If I don't remind the bridge now, the people on the submarine will definitely doubt myself after calmly thinking about it.

If I took the opportunity to escape this time and all the people on the submarine were killed, if anyone survived, maybe I would regard myself as the culprit.

Even though I am using a false identity now, there is no need to take the blame for others, right?

So he turned on the contactor again and mentioned the extremely slight, unnoticeable vibration to the bridge.

Although the others didn't feel it, they were mercenaries after all. They couldn't be too careful in the war zone, so they still tried various ways to check what happened.

If the radar sonar does not respond, use the most primitive optical observation device.

As a result, the personnel in the Guantong department really saw a flash of explosion not far away, and a white car-shaped...submarine under the light of the explosion?

"What's that? Why is this place so evil? Not only can cars fly? Can dive?" After finding that thing, there was a quarrel on the bridge.

"No? Did you read it wrong? Are you careful about the submarine sticker?"

"What's wrong! Come and see, is it a car?"

"I'm going! Really! But, you see, how does the car feel so familiar?"

"Wait, haven't you seen 007?"

"007? You said that spy movie? It's just an entertainment film, and it's not true."

"I didn't say that it was true! But you haven't seen the underwater city of 77 years?"

"'77, my **** old guy, you think we are all as old as you, we are all born in the 70s and 80s, and there are even a few born in the 90s! The oldest of us in '77 was only three or four years old, and I haven't seen it! "

"Yeah, yeah, what do you mean, hurry up!"

"Oh, let's put it this way, the movie villain is called Stromberg. He is a tycoon in the maritime industry. He has built an underwater city to instigate the pre-Mika soda nuclear war. He is very profitable!"

"What then? What does it have to do with that submersible? The villain's high-tech?"

"Uh, it looks like the protagonist's high-tech, a LotusEsprit sports car, it becomes a submarine when it enters the water. It is exactly the same as the one outside!"

"That's a movie prop? They wouldn't really make a diving car?"

"Who knows, it was a movie from 1977, it's almost 40 years old, okay!"

"Hey, I heard that the prototype car was later auctioned off and bought for a new rich man to use as a collection! It was just a few years ago!"

"Yes, yes, I've also heard of it. It seems that it is the rich man from Mika who is also an electric car and a personal rocket. What is his name? Ma, Mas? Elon Max?"

"What Elon Max? It's Ewan Hertz!"

"Yes, yes, this is it, Ewan Hertz!"

"Do you know? Legend has it that this guy worked for IAA!"

"Huh? He is a billionaire, what is he doing with this thing?"

"Who knows, billionaires have their own quirks? Maybe he is looking for excitement?"

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