The fuel-air ammunition of MK153 is numbered Mk80Mod0 (SMAW-NE), which is loaded with PBXIH-135 cast-solidified hot-pressed explosive. It is the research result of the high explosive project of the US Navy’s insensitive ammunition.

Compared with the detonation time of traditional explosives lasting several microseconds, the unique afterburning effect of this insensitive explosive can last up to milliseconds or even several seconds.

If it is in a closed or semi-closed environment, this ammunition will be evenly dispersed throughout the environment after the initial explosion, and continuous violent combustion will occur. The high temperature and high pressure in the process will not cause large-scale damage to the environmental wall pit structure. Under this situation, it caused extremely extensive damage to personnel.

So this thing is considered to be a big killer against tunnels and fortifications.

However, a big killer on a certain occasion may not have such a good effect when placed on another occasion.

For example, right now, although the dock itself can barely be considered a half-indoor, the overall structure is not connected with the word airtight.

Although the combustion effect of the SMAW-NE is still good, because it is not a confined space, the temperature and pressure effect caused by the instantaneous consumption of oxygen in the poorly circulated air by the combustion agent is not.

In this way, even though the remaining two rulers were caught in a sea of ​​fire, people outside could still find that the two human figures in the fire light still had considerable mobility.

Seeing this scene, because Lu Yuan complained, Picello, who just replied "What ammunition is right, that's wrong, it's easy to use." At this time, he couldn't help but yelled, "I'm sorry, I was wrong." !"

"You don't know the weapons and equipment in your ammunition warehouse!" Lu Yuan was not in a good mood, and he was not idle. While continuing to change the ammunition, he asked the agent beside him to take another box of ammunition on the 14th return. .

"I, I, oh!" Picello was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, don’t be distracted, and quickly change the position! The incendiary just now is still useful. It burned through the outer armor of those guys a lot, and their defense against heavy machine guns was significantly reduced. We quickly changed the angle to make up for it. Gun!" The huntress behind the car said timely.

"Um, well, understand!"

Picero was overjoyed, and even Lu Yuan was drawn to the two masters carefully by the words of the huntress.

Sure enough, although the two cargoes barely escaped from the fire, the armor that could be invisible before has lost its invisibility effect, and even part of the armor is ignited and deformed due to the load-bearing fabric, and it has also begun to fall off from the body.

It's just that, looking at the armor on those guys that are not much different from ordinary bulletproof flapper-type body armor, Lu Yuan can't help but frown, and said in his heart, {No way, even this kind of thing can be invisible? Is it possible that the invisibility device is burned by the incendiary agent, and the bones are gone? }

For a while, Lu Yuan, who was quite curious about this stealth armor, now wants to study it even more.

However, he obviously did not have the right opportunity now. Not to mention that the two masters who had escaped from the burning were quickly torn to pieces by the huntress Oerlikon's heavy machine gun, and there was a fourth batch of masters. When the player came out, with his current equipment, it would be difficult to capture the opponent alive.

In particular, when Agent 14 brought another box of reserve ammunition, Lu Yuan opened it and saw that these were actually even more useless practice ammunition. The only killing effect was kinetic energy impact, with the addition of white powder spreading, allowing the breather to fight. It's just a sneeze.

"Picero!" Lu Yuan really wanted to drag the unreliable fellow of Picero out of the car to fix it.

"My fault! I asked for dinner tonight, and I shall be apologized~" Picello said immediately.

Fortunately, following the third wave of dominators is a team of relatively well-equipped light infantry. Although all those guys are big bald heads and look the same, how do they look like clones of Ewan Hertz? People, soldiers, don’t match up well with normal words.

But in any case, it is much more normal than a heavy armored semi-robot that can be optically invisible but cannot avoid infrared thermal imaging detection.

Of course, on the other hand, the four people on Luyuan's side finally didn't have to rely on his MK153 and the Huntress's Oerlikon machine gun.

Over there, Picello can't wait to mount his M60 in front of the driver's seat. Anyway, the bulletproof glass has been smashed by the master's revolving machine gun, and he can just use the gap to add another firepower.

On Lu Yuan's side, Agent 14 carried MK153 and the remaining five incendiary bombs back to the back seat of the off-road vehicle, and he himself prepared to go back to the front seat to take out the grenade launcher.

Although those low-speed grenades with only more than two hundred grams are not very good against heavy armored units, they are still quite good for fighting light infantry.

However, just as he was running into the car behind Agent 14, he suddenly felt a prompt flashing in his sight. He quickly followed the prompt and turned and looked over, and saw a humanoid figure that seemed to be rippling from the other side of the dock. The wall flipped over.

Even if Lu Yuan did not wear the multifunctional tactical helmet like the other three, and could not pull the infrared thermal imager out of thin air, with the blessing of the system, he immediately responded that he was a "smart learner". The master.

It seems that Lu Yuan used the heavy firepower of rocket bombs to bully people immediately. Obviously the opponent has other heavy armored masters, but instead of carrying the revolver machine gun, he threw it away and played a stealthy advance.

Seeing this kind of thing, Lu Yuan had to snorted, what did you do earlier?

Are you using a revolver machine gun if you are all optically invisible? Even with a grenade launcher! What's more, there are so many weapons that can be used in the category of Small Arms (SmallArms) and Light Weapon. Why do you have to use a heavy guy like a revolver?

For that weapon, if it fires ammunition higher than the mid-power bomb, the recoil will be amplified uncomfortably because the rate of fire is too fast, so that the maneuverability of individual soldiers is extremely poor, and it is not controllable by a super strongman.

If small-caliber rifle ammunition is used to reduce recoil, even if the rate of fire is high enough, the power of the weapon will be greatly reduced.

In short, that thing is just as useful as looking at bluffing people.

The most obvious example is that it took almost three to five seconds to shoot a rocket at the speed of fire from the distance, which did not completely suppress the offensive of the opposing master, but their revolving machine guns still did not cause much damage to Lu Yuan. pressure.

Those bullets, which were fast and numerous but had a limited penetration power, could not penetrate the armored steel bulletproof steel plate of the half-track tank at all. At best, they broke the bulletproof glass.

In Lu Yuan's view, since Ewan Hertz has this kind of optical stealth technology, it should be limited to small units, allowing them to use silencing weapons, such as crossbows or even swords and other cold weapons to assassinate them at close range.

Just like now!

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