Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 588: Born at the wrong time, Acura

Compared with the numerous flight aids in the rear cockpit, such as attitude instruments, airspeed indicator and altimeter, the equipment in the front archer's cockpit is more focused on weapon launches.

For example, the target electronic display controller on the left side of the center, and the multi-function display on the right side. Of course, there are special keyboards and auxiliary rearviews.

If an ordinary civilian pilot enters the cabin for the first time and sees so many inexplicable equipment, he will definitely have a headache. Perhaps only those driving pitch rods and periodic pitch rods for emergency use can give him a trace of peace of mind.

However, that thing is the same as the backup auxiliary system in the cockpit. It will only be used at critical moments, and there is no special auxiliary equipment, the use effect is greatly discounted, and it can only be used for emergency or teaching.

This is true for pilots, let alone ordinary people with no flight experience.

Although Lu Yuan has never piloted a special heavy armed helicopter, he has piloted a fighter jet and is no stranger to weapon auxiliary control systems.

Coupled with the help of the system, he quickly clarified the functions of the various instruments in front of him.

At this time, he also found that on the left hand side of the cockpit, at the bottom left of the center display, there was a peculiar button control area. Those control buttons have almost no direct connection with other equipment on the helicopter.

After the agent 14 at the back turned on the power under Picello's remote assistance, and after the avionics systems were turned on and running, Lu Yuan relied on the system to figure out what those things were for.

That is a remote control system for the U.S.-Canadian military drone.

In other words, this helicopter should have been equipped with two to five drones to accompany operations. This point is consistent with the legendary Comanche project that was hacked.

It’s just that Lu Yuan, who is already quite experienced in tactical drones, tried to simulate the drone remote control system on this Acura with the cooperation of the system, and found that the combat effectiveness of this thing was really unsatisfactory.

It is not so much remotely controlling drones as it is remotely controlling missiles. For example, go to remote control cruise missiles.

Cruise missiles are considered by many to be another form of attack drones on the real battlefield.

But the thing to put it bluntly is to replace the turbofan jet engine of the cruise missile with a cheaper propeller engine with a higher endurance but much lower speed. Therefore, the weight of its warhead will also decrease year-on-year.

Simply put, the cruise missile is to reduce the performance and cost of cruise missiles at the same time.

Just as the success of the Predator series of UAVs has reduced the tactical cost of the Air Force, the success of the cruise missile is also due to the reduction of the cost of using cruise missiles.

It probably means that since the sledge-knife for killing chickens is of little use, I will use the technique of the sledge-knife to make a special knife for killing chickens. Although it can only kill chickens or quails smaller than chickens, it is cheaper than a sledgehammer.

Compared with the reconnaissance advantage of UAV, it has basically no advantage in damage.

If Acura’s accompanying drone is a cruise missile launched from a helicopter, it would be better to replace it with several mature air-to-surface missiles.

After all, the maintenance and fuel costs of this stealth helicopter are inherently high. Even if cruise missiles are used instead of air-to-surface missiles to perform their tasks, the saved ammunition costs are still not enough.

Anyway, although the cruise missile is cheap, it has poor performance. If it can be used in combat missions, wouldn't it be more economical to dispatch a Predator drone from the beginning and not dispatch a stealth helicopter?

In fact, Lu Yuan's complaint was not just a rhetoric. Regardless of the main plane or here, the jet drones that accompanied the fighters at the same time were not able to be realized. There may be reasons why the drone technology is not high enough, but the failure of the Comanche project is directly related to this set of cost calculations.

Speaking of it, the Predator series of attack UAVs replaced the A10 ground attack aircraft and the niche of some armed helicopters.

I wanted a Comanche to work with several drones that could keep up with its speed. As a result, the Comanche, as the tactical command center, didn’t need to be on the field during the post-Cold War war. All were given to no one. The machine is enough.

So it became what it is now.

Engaging in companion drones, the result is that drones are mainly anti-passenger.

Although it is hard to say self-digging a grave, after all, it was because after the Cold War there was no direct warfare by military powers of similar size. Wars do not need to match high and low, all low is enough.

But that was when the opponent was far worse than himself.

If they are evenly matched, these projects that were discontinued due to price issues in the past are expected to recover soon.

The US-Canadian army is far from caring about the future choices. He is now full of minds about how to pit this helicopter.

The remote-controlled self-propelled artillery in his space is fighting under his command. Isn't it right that this manned helicopter is the commander, and it is a replica of the accompanying drone?

The first time he came into close contact with a weapon similar to his own tactics, why didn't he think about it?

Moreover, the pilot agent 14 behind, under the command of Picello, swayed the Acura away like a pirate ship in an amusement park, as if it was about to fall in minutes. For Lu Yuan, this is simply the back-to-back man sent to the door!

However, before flying far away, he had to suppress this plan.

"Agent 14, you are flying too high! Lower down! Otherwise, Meriweather's surface-to-air missile should be shot!" Lester's voice in the communication channel was as excited as ever.

"Huh? Wait, isn't this thing invisible? How can it be hit by anti-aircraft missiles?" the agent asked 14 times back.

"Hmph, do you think Meriweather's own stealth helicopter, they won't do any other tricks? Can't identify the enemy or me? What should I do if I am injured by my own person?" Lester hummed.

"Everyone!" Without waiting for a few people to answer, the huntress suddenly interjected, "Now is not the time to consider the Meriwether air defense missile! The people of Ewan Hertz are catching up!"

"What? How come?"

However, a few people glanced out of the window and found that several helicopters were rising from the surrounding area and attacking two Acuras.

Most of them are the bird light armed reconnaissance helicopters with the highest appearance rate, but there are also two that look like the Valkyrie, that is, the UH-1 Los Santos special version of the medium-sized gunship with a cannon.

However, because the light, medium and heavy classification of helicopters is mostly based on the maximum take-off weight, the UH-1 has a take-off weight of more than 4 tons, which is just near the 4 tons boundary between light and medium, so some people think that UH-1 is light.

The type of classification is not important. The important thing is that because UH-1 is near this border, its speed potential is huge, so the Los Santos special edition version of Valkyrie, although not as fast as the bird, is still sufficient.

At least, the Valkyrie who took off from the ground rushed straight over, and could still quickly catch up with Akura who was driven by Agent 14.

In addition, Lester asked him not to fly too high, and the result was that Agent 14 flew slower and slower, and the more he flew, there was a danger of falling.

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