Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 604: New toy scramble

After rescuing the ULP, the performance of Turner and Swallows made Leicester and even IAA quite satisfied, so their registered mercenary status was naturally accelerated.

Later, while Lu Yuan was soaking in the work space, they also continued to work for the IAA many times.

What's interesting is that Bogdan, the former KGB, now a peripheral mercenary, turned into an intelligence officer.

The subsequent missions, according to reports by Turner and others, were all intelligence provided by Bogdan.

Some information is incredibly detailed, such as which arms dealer, when and by what route, delivered weapons and equipment to Ewan Herz.

It is easy to understand that IAA can get that level of information.

But Bogdan is from the other side of the world in Big Rose, and he can actually grasp such accurate information in the core city of Mika, which is somewhat beyond ordinary people's expectations.

Although the relationship between Big Rose and the US card, whether they send spies to each other, or collect intelligence, they are all routine operations.

But knowing is one thing, and seeing the level of detail collected in specific information is another.

Although the IAA did not directly show it, it can be seen from their deliberately or unintentionally asking someone to inquire about Bogdan's intelligence network that they are actually quite concerned about why Bogdan can collect this level of intelligence.

Bogdan’s detailed information is quite problematic, but Ewan Hertz’s problem is also very speechless.

Take the task that the Turner four later performed. One of the tasks was to ambush the helicopter transport formation of the arms dealer on the only way to clear the transport formation while airlifting them to the Ewan Hertz chariot. Grab it back.

A tank that can be escorted by a helicopter formation should sound particularly sophisticated, right?

It turned out not to be that way at all!

The so-called advanced tank is nothing more than a Bragi all-terrain assault vehicle produced by HVT.

Although the technical content of the ATV all-terrain vehicle itself is indeed not low, it is indeed not easy to make a version that can carry the weight of nuclear weapons, but there is still a considerable gap between it and the high-precision in the public consciousness.

This kind of vehicle is called StormSRTV in the main plane of Luyuan, which means storm search and rescue tactical vehicle.

The origin of this thing is indeed not simple. It is the winner of an air force rescue vehicle competition named "Guardian Angel" in the US-Canadian Air Force's non-aircraft weapon system program.

The original intention of the design is to quickly rescue pilots who parachuted and escaped in enemy-occupied areas after being shot down.

Of course, it can also rescue the wounded in the crash.

Because it is an air force project, this thing is not only good performance, fast speed and all-terrain, but also small size and light weight. So that it can be airlifted by a transport plane or even a helicopter.

In this way, although it is called a search and rescue vehicle, the technical indicators of this thing are enough to become an airborne assault vehicle with superior performance.

What's interesting is that on the main plane, this thing only started security testing in August 2013, and only conducted operational testing in November 2013.

If nothing else, it is here in Los Santos. This humble all-terrain vehicle is also an experimental vehicle that the US-Caribbean military is still undergoing testing.

Well, this car has a big background, strong off-road performance, advanced technology and new equipment, or new equipment in regular army testing.

But these are not enough to explain why Ewan Hertz wants this thing.

Could it be that its weapon system is very advanced?

The answer is a big cross!

According to Yanzi and Helena, who personally got on the car and used its weapon system, the weapon system is an M2HB vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun and an MK19 40mm-caliber automatic grenade launcher.

The most important thing is that the two sets of weapon systems, one front and one rear, are only mounted on the frame structure of the carriage, not only in the form of a remote control turret, but even without additional armor in the shooting position.

When Yanzi and the others grabbed the car, they were chased by Ewan Hertz mercenaries along the way, and none of the ceramic bulletproof plates on their bodies was intact.

In the end, their body armor was really broken, and they had to give up the heavy firepower on the frame, and chose to lie down in the carriage and use their light weapons to fight back. This time they came back intact.

Otherwise, although he will not be shot and killed, it is quite possible that he will have to lie on a hospital bed for a month or two after being shot too much.

It has to be said that the MK19 uses a 40x53mm high-speed grenade instead of the 40x46mm low-speed grenade commonly used by Lu Yuan. The muzzle velocity of the former can reach 240 meters per second, which is much faster than the latter’s 76 meters per second. In this way, the hit rate at high speeds is barely enough.

Otherwise it is really useless arms.

Ewan Hertz actually bought this kind of car from an arms dealer, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Could it be that he still wants to form an airborne troop composed of cyber biochemicals to make surprise attacks, uh, the Pentagon or the White House?

Speaking of it, the Bragi all-terrain vehicle is a good match for the cyber bio-robot, the master of Ewan Hertz.

The former has small size and large capacity and poor protection, while the latter has large tonnage and heavy protection. It does have the potential of 1+1 greater than 2.

If the Bragi all-terrain vehicle is a kind of equipment whose advanced technology cannot be seen by itself, then another piece of equipment that everyone grabbed shortly afterwards is just the opposite.

It is still Bogdan’s intelligence that in a weapon testing facility somewhere in Blaine County, someone from Ewan Hertz is testing a new type of weapon.

A new type of tank named TM-02 Khan Jali.

Khanjali, Khanjali, originally intended to be a double-edged dagger, or short sword, is a traditional cold weapon in the Caucasus, Georgia and other countries.

However, after Lu Yuan got the pictures brought back by Gunther and others, he was convinced that this tank was the Bollard PL-01 light tank in the main plane.

This is also a new weapon that only appeared in 2013 in the timeline of the main plane.

Its main configuration is derived from the Swedish CV90 series infantry fighting vehicles. On this basis, in addition to adding various modern weapon systems, modular multi-layer aramid ceramic composite armor was also installed.

More than that, because it is completely covered by the absorbing material, this light tank has a certain degree of invisibility.

After Gunther's test, this TM-02 also has this stealth ability. Of course, most of it is manifested in the stealth performance of the radar.

However, it can also deceive the detection of the infrared thermal sensor to a certain extent.

The specific performance is very interesting. It can change the thermal imaging profile seen in the infrared thermal imager through the heat dissipation distribution of the outer armor.

For example, under normal circumstances, the other party's thermal imaging camera observes it, and the feedback should be a thermal imaging contour similar to its actual shape.

But in fact, when it turns on the relevant modules, its outline in the thermal imager will become an off-road vehicle, or a pickup truck, etc.

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