Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 608: Hot battlefield

Fortunately, with previous experience in analyzing flying cars, Lu Yuan was the first to complete the analysis of the power supply system.

That thing is still a black technology that uses light analysis energy, which solves the technical barriers that electromagnetic guns have been mounted on tanks after they can’t be miniaturized.

This part is still a useless module without Los Santos.

Fortunately, Luyuan’s analysis of the electromagnetic gun is also mainly to install the main weapon for the Dragon UAV. The energy problem is also solved by the technology of the magic side. This part of the versatility problem is much simpler to deal with.

What Lu Yuan wanted most was the structure of the rail-mounted electromagnetic gun. For example, what kind of alloy is used for the guide rail, what shape of frame structure is used, what kind of armature is selected, and what is the current intensity during launch.

In addition, the shape and result of the shell, how to use it with the guide rail, these are also more of his concerns.

Compared with the arduous task, the time required for this mere tens of kilometers distance can really only be said to be too urgent.

When everyone went up the mountain and entered the tunnel, Lu Yuan's scanning work was only halfway through.

As a last resort, he at least let the system scan key locations as much as possible. For the other parts, I'll talk about it later when I'm a big deal.

Fortunately, when Leicester hacked into the secret base entrance and everyone drove the tanks into the inner tunnel, due to the large number of insurgent pickups arranged in the tunnel, Lu Yuan’s main artillery was finally able to fire as much as possible, clearing the road for everyone. .

As a result, because of the frequent use of electromagnetic guns, the system's scanning work on them has also been greatly accelerated.

However, at this time Lu Yuan had no intention of paying attention to the scanning affairs on the system side, because as the internal tunnel became narrower and the enemies became denser, their pressure also increased geometrically.

Although Ewan Hertz's mercenaries are still very nonsense and don't use explosive weapons at all, but there are too many things like heavy machine guns, and they still pose a threat to Lu Yuan.

After all, the TM-02 is just a light tank upgraded from an infantry fighting vehicle.

Although the anti-ballistic performance of the modular multi-layer aramid ceramic armor is quite good, but this kind of armor only depends on the smashing and breaking of the ceramic to absorb the kinetic energy of the enemy's weapon, and then protect the interior.

If only a single bullet hits this kind of armor, at most the small piece of armor hit is scrapped, and the other positions still have full bulletproof capabilities.

However, it was continuously attacked by heavy machine guns. Although the kinetic energy carried by the .50BMG warhead was not enough to destroy a whole piece of ceramic armor, multiple firearms fired continuously, which would directly increase the armor loss.

And the burst weapon will not only aim at one point, but at an area.

As a result, the armor blocks in the targeted area will be hit by continuous warheads, and the life of the armor will plummet when the accumulation is small.

And the armor piece with reduced life span is more than just one piece.

Therefore, in order to keep the defense of the tank as low as possible, Lu Yuan could only reduce the enemy's firepower as much as possible.

This means that once someone fires on the tank, Lu Yuan should be able to destroy it as soon as possible.

In this way, his mind is spent on finding the enemy and aiming and firing the gun, and he has no time to pay attention to the analysis of the electromagnetic gun.

The Ewan Hertz mercenary in the inner tunnel is still the combination of a clone warrior and a cyber biochemical man.

Maybe it's because they have insufficient resources, maybe they know that there is an infrared thermal imager on Luyuan's side, and their cyber biochemical master has not deployed that kind of invisible armor that is of little value.

As a result, under the high-explosive ammunition of the electromagnetic gun, the performance of these masters is not as vigorous as they were in the dock in the port area a few days ago.

The reason is not simply because the electromagnetic gun is powerful, but also mainly because Lu Yuan removed the master who was imprisoned in the work space a few days ago. He knows where these cyber bio-humans are more defensive. Well, wherever it breaks in one blow.

Although as a battlefield weapon, the frontal defensive power of these cyber biochemicals has been strengthened very well, but it is the same as the thickened frontal armor of the tank, and the side and upper and lower armors are much worse. It is their greatest weakness.

If there is only a small-caliber rifle, Lu Yuan may have to worry about it, but he has a 120mm-caliber electromagnetic gun in his hand.

He only needs to aim a little more accurately and let the ammunition explode at the dominator's mechanical transfer site to produce shock waves, then the transfer structure of the flesh tissue and the mechanical tissue will easily break apart under the impact.

Once this part is disintegrated, more than half of the entire semi-biochemical organism will be scrapped.

This style of play is quite similar to the style of Huaxia internal boxing, right? Well, I will not beat you on your skin or bones. I will beat your weak internal organs specifically.

Visceral hemorrhage, the mortality rate can be much higher than skin peeling and broken bones.

Obviously, Ewan Hertz did not expect his own ace master to be so vulnerable to a light tank, and the front soon collapsed.

Even if they are clones, even if they are cyber-biochemical transformations, since they still have a human mindset, they will still have human emotions, and they will be frustrated and afraid.

Maybe they are not afraid of their own death, but they are afraid that they will not be able to complete the task.

When the results of their calculations go so far as to destroy themselves and can't stop the opponent's attack, running away becomes the most logical tactical choice.

As a result, the attack of the four-man team was exceptionally smooth in the second half, and it quickly entered the core factory area of ​​the base through the internal tunnel.

Here they encountered the first problem. There was dense cement at the entrance of the core factory area. The engine power of the light tank was not enough to crush it.

But if they just abandon the tank and rely on their own light armor to face the opponent's firepower that almost blasts the tank's outer armor, all four of them will feel a little confused.

"What to do?" Picello asked for the last time.

Lu Yuan took the opportunity to ask about the progress of the system, and found that there was still about 10% left, so he coughed slightly, "Huntress, come here to be the main gunner, I'll try to clear those obstacles!"

"You mean those concrete walls? That thing was demolished in a moment and a half?" Stone head asked immediately.

"It's not a big problem, don't worry, I have the tools!" Lu Yuan jumped out of the gunner's cabin while pulling out a set of weird-looking props from his backpack.

That thing looked a bit like a nail gun, but it was bigger than that thing. It's a bit like a pile driver, but it's smaller than a pile driver.

The most interesting thing is that the front position of the rear grip structure is actually like a revolver bullet nest for a large-caliber revolver.

"What are you holding?" The huntress who ran out of the rear cabin and climbed to the front cabin couldn't help asking when she saw the thing.

"This? This is called a gunpowder drill! It's specially used for blasthole drilling!" Lu Yuan said, he loaded the drill, put the drill bit on the concrete low wall, and slammed the trigger.

After hearing only a bang, a two-finger-thick hole appeared on the low concrete wall with the drill bit in the shape of an armour-piercing arrow.

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