Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 617: "One Minute Man" Type III Ballistic Missile

The so-called crystal shape means that on the basis of the product shape, one more shot is added behind each grenade.

In fact, because of the order of firing, Lu Yuan’s six grenade shots were actually a superposition of two fret patterns.

In this way, not only the coverage of the damage fragments is large, but there is also an addition to the damage, which can effectively improve the second attack on avoiding the enemy.

The results of these six grenade also made the four people quite satisfied. Although everyone except Lu Yuan himself was not sure how many enemies were wiped out by this wave of grenades, the enemy's firepower dropped by more than half in an instant.

Fire suppression of this kind of thing, if evenly matched, it will often happen either you suppress me-or I suppress your see-saw conversion.

Under the suppression of the opponent's firepower, our firepower is not easy to touch the mildew. When the firepower of the opponent weakens and our ready-to-fire firepower finds the right opportunity to vent, the opponent will die and find a cover to hide.

So after the enemy's firepower was reduced by Lu Yuan's six grenade, Picello, who was hiding in the corner, immediately set up the M60, aiming at the enemy's remnant area to deliver a burst of intensive firepower.

With Picello's suppression, the other two can also choose targets for roll call with relative peace of mind.

In contrast, Lu Yuan's pressure seemed a bit greater.

He needs to reload the six grenades before Picello's round of fire suppression ends.

This time, because he did not carry too much MK153 ammunition, his heavy load has become several types of 40mm low-speed grenade. Most of them are M433 anti-armor ammunition and M441 high-explosive grenades.

But in addition, there are a small number of other special ammunition.

For example, Lu Yuan once used the principle of the M397 jumping explosive grenade used to make other ammunition, and the M1060 thermobaric bomb he also learned from.

But because the 40mm low-speed grenade has limited loading after all, the effect of the thermobaric bomb will not be much better. Lu Yuan is just taking a base as an incendiary bomb.

Each of these grenades has a mass of about 220-230 grams. With Luyuan’s previous nuclear load capacity of 60 kilograms, it is not a problem to bring one hundred and eighty.

In fact, he now has at least four sets of 12-round ammunition belts hung on him. The rest is also stored in the backpack behind him in the form of ammunition belts.

On the way he finished shooting the ammunition in the launcher, he first took new ammunition from his ammunition belt and refilled it. When he had the opportunity, he took out a new hanging body from his backpack.

But now, because he stayed in the computer terminal for too long before, he has a serious shortage of ammunition.

In addition to reloading the grenade launcher, his task also had to take out a few new ones from his backpack.

Once this happens, it will take longer.

In order to save time, he gritted his teeth and simply loaded the special grenades that were attached to the launcher, aimed at a few corners, and shot three rounds of grenades.

It was the M1060 thermobaric bomb that was shot out by him.

The charge of that thing is of course far inferior to the ammunition of the 152mm heavy artillery, and even compared to the MK153 is far from enough.

However, in this space-stricken facility, the effect is still considerable.

After the three thermobaric bombs were shot out, within two seconds, there were at least five figures engulfed by fire all over, struggling to run out of the corner.

They did not yell, but their bodies were shaking unconsciously under the burning of the flames.

But even so, they did not give up. They came straight to the far side of the road one by one, and they had to contribute some residual warmth to death. It would be good for Dora to accompany them to **** together.

It's a pity that Lu is far from alone. He also has three teammates, and his teammates are quite good at marksmanship.

After a few shots, these flame men fell to the ground unwillingly and never got up again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Yuan finally replaced all the ammunition belts on his body with full ammunition, and refilled the launcher ammunition on his hand.

"It's almost there!" Picello looked at the situation outside the entrance hallway of the gate, "Be careful to hide, let's rush in!"

"Good!" X3

As Picello said, after the previous two rounds of blows, there are not many clone fighters who can stop them near the gate.

Although they also encountered sporadic attacks when they rushed in, they had already weakened much more than the impact of the pouring rain just now.

Rushing into the control center from the doorway, Lester's guidance once again sounded from the contact channel.

The control center in front of the four people seemed to be a large computer room. The surrounding rooms are full of servers.

At this time, Lester asked everyone to take out the single board computer, connect to the server, and start hacking the control center.

A single-board computer is probably a microcomputer with all components installed on a set of motherboards. There is also a similar concept single-chip microcomputer. That is a microcomputer with a chip integrated with CPU, memory and all the required systems for a complete computer. Single-board computers generally have better performance than single-chip computers.

However, Lu Yuan knew that the single-board computer that Lester gave everyone was mainly not in performance, but in that it had added a decryption kit inside.

Lu Yuan suspects that the original version of this thing is one of the commonly used tools in the service room provided by IAA.

The huntress was the first to successfully connect the single-board computer to the server, trying to crack the system.

But at the same time, the enemy's clone soldiers are still rushing from every entrance.

There is no way, although the other three people also want to join the cracking to speed up the speed, but they must focus on protecting the huntress at the moment.

However, in order to prepare for multiple hands, Lu Yuan took advantage of the opportunity that everyone hadn't noticed and connected his small laptop to a certain server.

With his ability, he can completely abandon Leicester's hardware and hack himself. Even if there are any problems, at least there are system paid services.

Now, because he has made a lot of money by cleaning up the enemy along the way, he once again generously asks the system for help.

The system did not disappoint him, and soon successfully entered the control center.

So far, Lu Yuan has the ability to stop missile launches at any time.

However, he did not issue a stop command to the system, and continued the task step by step.

On the one hand, the current situation is not so crisis. On the other hand, it is also related to the information returned by the system.

[The launching silo is preparing to launch the LGM-30G ballistic missile, that is, Minuteman III, the One Minute Man III. 】

[The MK12A reentry vehicle on board is equipped with three W78 thermonuclear warheads, and the power of a single warhead is about 334 kilotons of TNT equivalent. 】

[However, based on system calculations, although these W78 warheads are still valid according to the normal process, the probability of their ineffectiveness is actually at least 99.37%. 】

[In other words, even if this ballistic missile hits the target, there is a high probability that a nuclear explosion will not occur. 】

{You mean, it's a dud? }Lu Yuan asked in disbelief.

[You can think so. 】

{This is really! }Lu Yuan was a little speechless for a while, {Is the whole task of feelings a joke? Where did the end of the world come from? Rely on an expired nuclear bomb? }

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