Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 630: Beyond the battlefield

Seeing the stone head hurriedly planted to the ground, more like a crash than the two people killed by himself before, Gunther shook his head and sighed helplessly.

When he turned around, watching five enemy planes circling over the beach coast, he dared not fly towards him, and he couldn't help but feel amused again.

Thinking about it, he suddenly moved in his heart and tried to ask in the team channel, "Mechanic? Mechanic? How about you?"

There was still no response, and his brows wrinkled again.

At this time, in front of a computer in the space of the flat shield at the bottom of the Alamo Sea, a figure sleeping on the computer desk, the headset on his head heard synchronized shouts from time to time.

But the man seemed to faint and didn't notice it.

Only the right hand, which was still slightly twitching while pressing on a certain aperture, showed that the body had not lost its vitality.


At the same time, although a certain room was fully equipped, but the surrounding layout was rather messy. It was obviously a middle-aged man with white ears sitting on the main seat of the combat information center that was put into use in a hurry.

If the former dark eagle and now Rosecuff saw this person, he would be amazed at his exhaustion and old age.

That was her former superior, the biological father of this life, the boss of the black armor forces.

The man stood on the armrest of the command chair, clenched his fist and lightly supported his forehead. He would rather rest on the seat instead of leaving the combat center, as if waiting for some news.

At this time, a communications officer held a tablet computer, bent over and leaned to the middle-aged man’s ear, and whispered, “Boss, there’s news.”

The middle-aged man's eyelids rolled, but he didn't open his eyes too much, just exhaled softly, and said in a deep voice, "Say."

"Yes!" The communications officer immediately gave a standing ceremony, looked at the tablet in his hand, and said while checking the information, "The Lima team responsible for receiving Mr. Hertz's departure has no contact with Mr. Hertz."

"Also, fifteen minutes have passed since the scheduled contact time."

"In addition, according to the news from the 13th observatory responsible for remote monitoring this time, Mr. Hertz's vital signs have completely disappeared..."

"Including his electronic prosthesis."

"Huh?" The middle-aged man opened his eyes abruptly, revealing two frightening glows.

Forced by his strong momentum, everyone around him couldn't help taking two steps back.

The intelligence officer with whom he was talking was even more unbearable, unknowingly his back arched nearly ninety degrees.

Fortunately, the momentum came and went quickly. After a while, the person seemed to have become that old and tired again, and his eyes narrowed again.

"Are there any more?" the man asked in a steady tone without the slightest anger. But the more calm he is, the more people around him feel that he is terrible, and the more dare not slacken his work.

This is especially true for intelligence officers.

After making a standing ceremony again, the man picked up the tablet and continued, “The security office came across from the news that they demanded to cancel the reward that Mr. Hertz had previously issued in the'Sky Arena'.”

"The opponent said that this chess game is over, and should not publish unlimited pursuit of chess pieces in a cooperative project."

"The security firm has the same opinion."

"That's all?" After hearing the intelligence officer's words, there was no movement, the main middle-aged man slowly said.

"Yes, sir!"

"Well, I got it."

"Then, the security office..."

"Hmph, just tell them, that is Ewan Hertz's last reward, and no one else can cancel it except him!"

"this is……"

Although he scratched his head at the boss's order, the intelligence officer dared not raise any objections, and walked back to his desk after he bowed.

There was another crippling silence. The combat information center, which was supposed to be noisy, had only the crackling keyboard sound.

Even when there are occasional voices, the speaker deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was muttering.

But soon, another intelligence officer also suddenly stood up from his work station and walked two steps to the middle-aged man.

"Report, Charlie 11 sent a request, stating that his current mission requires at least the military support of a combat team."

"Charlie 11?" The middle-aged man was suddenly in a trance, his lips lifted slightly, as if he said "Wave Blade" silently, and then fell silent again.

"Yes, it is named Charlie-11, codenamed Goedendag. I completed the guide mission of the camouflage shark a week ago. Since then, I have been conducting pre-adaptation training for the renegade members of the camouflage shark to increase the loss of Charlie's team."

"One day ago, it reported that it had received traces of missing goods code-named'Barbie', and decided to search the suspicious area tonight, uh, it should be last night."

"But the detection team suddenly disappeared, and it is suspected that it has been wiped out."

"Therefore, he applied for help."

"Yeah." After listening to the narration of the intelligence officer, the middle-aged man in charge closed his eyes and calmed his mind, tapping on the handrail on the other side, thinking about it.

Soon, he asked, "Where did he get the information about Barbie?"

"Report sir," the intelligence officer gave another salute, "it was provided by Mr. Sam Smith, who was arranged by Mr. Sam Smith next to the "No. 4 Spoiler" through the IAA channel."

"According to intelligence, the lost Barbie and the spoiler No. 4 were once lovers."

"Sam's intelligence? Why would Charlie 11 know it?" the middle-aged the subject asked.

"Charlie 11 is recommended by Mr. Smith to join the enhancement. Mr. Smith is currently responsible for coordinating intelligence and logistics for Charlie 11."

"Uh, I remember now, that handsome young man with fine blond hair, isn't it, Julian?" The middle-aged man suddenly appeared.

"Yes, the main identity Charlie 11 is using is called Julian."

"Okay, I see, let's make arrangements." After thinking about it, the middle-aged man added, "Just choose a group of elderly people from the third squadron to help him."

"Yes, sir!"


Look back to the other side.

In the underground facility in the Senora Desert, Lachman, who was answering his cell phone, frowned. He wanted to speak several times, but was blocked every time.

Until the end of the call, she reluctantly suppressed her heart, and said aggrievedly, "Understand, sir, I will find a solution!"

She put down the phone and let out a long sigh, and Lester next to her said in a gleeful manner, "Why, you are dissatisfied with your performance? Haha, let me say okay, the commission just given to us, I am beautiful. No points will be refunded!"

"Hmph, don't worry, no one will take the money back!" Lachman hummed, and then smiled bitterly, "But this annoying thing can be shared with you."

"Don't, I don't want to hear, we have enough troubles here!" Lester hurriedly said.

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