Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 652: Happiness comes too suddenly

In fact, it’s not just Turner and Swallows who are living like years; it’s not just Gunther who is still entangled with the last two enemy planes with insufficient ammunition and dare not shoot easily; there is also the God Realm stone space disguised as a memory chip. Road far.

Similar to the shard of the God Realm Stone he obtained from the bottom of the Dnieper River, which contains the Lightning Palace Bilskir Neal, there is also a part of the God Realm Stone in the memory chip that belongs to the Asgard God Realm Stone. space.

And the existence in that space is the ship of the **** of light Badr, the greatest of all ships, Herrin Horni.

The so-called artificial intelligence Clifford is mostly something that was transformed by the person who mastered this fragment, using the central control system of Herringhorny that was still left in the stone of the gods.

In other words, Ewan Hertz has at least a certain degree of method of using God Realm stone fragments.

In addition, Clifford gradually lost his sanity under the influence of Leicester’s light-analysis creations, and even finally came up with a style similar to the apocalyptic apocalypse of artificial intelligence. I know something about the stone fragments of the gods.

So when Swallow and Turner finally learned the truth behind a considerable part of the black armor forces from the big mouth Quebec black armor and the lieutenant, Lu Yuan had already begun to study the secrets behind these ancient Isu creations.

Although he merged with the remnant soul of Sonaz, the Isu, after all, after the Twilight Battle of the Gods on the Asgard God Realm Stone, the Isu left Northern Europe and became the Slavic God of Perun in Eastern Europe. Perun lingered in the idol.

He did not know more about what happened to the other Isu and how the world was going afterwards. He knew no more than Lu Yuan himself.

Because of this, when this second fragment of the God Realm stone appeared in front of him, he resolutely used Thunder God's arrow as a guide and sent his main consciousness in.

As a result, when his conscious body boarded the Herringhorne in the stone fragments of the God Realm, because the part of his consciousness that had Sonaz, he actually activated the identity recognition module that Badr had left on the ship.

However, because Lu Yuan is the remnant soul of Sonaz who merged with himself as the main body, his consciousness is not in the form of Isu people, but a "demi-god" consciousness with human beings as the main body and Isu information. So the identification module was activated, but it was not passed to him.

Back then, in the Asgard God Realm Stone, before the twilight of the gods, the light **** Badr was killed by his brother, the dark **** Hodell, under the conspiracy of Loki. Hoddle died of guilt afterwards.

But in fact, although the personality consciousness of the two people fell into an unknown slumber, some consciousness still existed as the master control system of the God Realm Stone.

Following their change, the Heringhorn became part of the God Realm Stone management system.

So even though it is just a ship, the energy remaining inside is still no less than the Thunder God Arrow, which has absorbed a considerable part of the energy of the annihilated world soul stone mound on the plane of Nin.

As a result, as before, Lu Yuan's consciousness began a close rivalry with the remaining recognition system.

Fortunately, Badr and Hodder, who have lost their personality consciousness, can be said to be integrated with the entire Asgard God Realm Stone.

Although at the beginning, Lu Yuan was miserably suppressed by the black and white energy that symbolizes the two people, but when he took the trouble to call out the later experiences of the Isu people he knew, especially the current world situation, he shouted into the air. The energy level of black and white energy begins to drop.

On Lu Yuan's side, finally saw a glimmer of victory.

However, he didn't know that he was busy fighting with the black and white remnant soul. At this time, a small accident happened outside.

If you want to say accidents, you can't say how accidents are. It's really reasonable.

More than an hour ago, Ewan Hertz's personal aircraft was hit by a swallow's artillery cruiser, and his body fell directly into the Alamo Sea.

Lu Yuan, who was chasing on the ground at that time, also jumped out of the saltwater lake, and brought his body into the work space with the hard drive containing the shards of the God Realm stone.

But because the nature of the work space is different from the portable space that can be opened out of thin air, the space nature of the former is almost the same as the physical space, so it must rely on a fixed and strong carrier to open it.

At least in the initial stage.

According to the permission upgrade items in the traversal store, it is an astronomical figure to let the existence of extremely high internal capacity such as the working space follow the body space at any time, and the upgrade points spent will eventually be the same as the expansion of the portable space.

As a result, Lu Yuan always prepared some flat-surface shields in his portable space in his later period to serve as the space door carrier for opening the work space at critical moments.

So when Lu Yuan took the fragments of the God Realm stone to do research in the work space, somewhere on the bottom of the Alamo Sea, there was such a flat shield.

Although Lu Yuan had tested the Ewan Hertz cyber biomechanical body before, and confirmed that the flesh and blood in it were not his original natural body that had existed for more than 30 years, for some reasons, the black armor believed that it was It's his real body.

According to the previous plan of Ewan Hertz and Black Armor, whether he successfully escaped or was shot down accidentally, he would be rescued by Black Armor's search and rescue forces.

Therefore, around the battlefield of the Chiliyed Mountain-Alamo Sea-Beach Boys front line, there are search and rescue forces of the black armor forces on standby.

Only because Ewan Hertz's body was brought into the work space by Lu Yuan, his vital signs disappeared from the black armor's system, and as a result, he was considered by the black armor to have died accidentally.

As a result, the boss behind the black armor was furious. He even ignored certain rules and allowed the air battle tournament to continue to encircle Gunther and others, and sent a large number of black armor fighters to Swallow Turner, so there were two sides still present. The ongoing war.

At the same time, due to the change in the center of the war, the surrounding area of ​​the Alamo Sea is no longer the core area of ​​engagement. The black armored search and rescue forces remaining in the surrounding area have also begun to search and rescue the bottom of the Alamo Sea Lake.

Although Ewan Hertz's vital signs disappeared, they still hope to find his body.

As a result, the body was not found, but only some scattered fragments were found.

However, when they searched the bottom of the lake nearby for the fourth time, they considered it again and again to take back the other flat shields around the debris.

For nothing else, just to see if we can separate some traces of debris from the shield, and provide some clues for finding the missing Ewan Hertz body.

So when Lu Yuan finally got the control of Herringhorne from the remnant soul of Badrhoder, and his consciousness escaped from the stone fragments of the gods and returned to the office body, when he wanted to leave the work space and get some air, he suddenly realized that there was something outside the door of the space. Pieces research room.

And when he judged from the surrounding environment and personnel dialogue that it was actually a secret base in black armor that was still operating, he was shocked that his chin would fall to the floor.

"Isn't it? How could this happen? This happiness came too suddenly, right?"

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