Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 664: Spike! Picello!

Hovering over the channel of the flood discharge river, Gunther also took out his mobile phone from a small circle live broadcast room to watch the real-time video sent from the neighborhood of West Hollywood, chuckled his mobile phone back, and laughed in his earphones.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Picello flight. This is your captain Picello."

"Next, we will enter a low-altitude turbulent flow, which may be accompanied by severe turbulence. Please wear your seat belts, hold the handrails, and keep your body stable."

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, and welcome you all to continue taking this flight in the future, and I wish you all a pleasant journey!"

Hearing Gunther suddenly said this big set from the earphones, Yanzi and the others couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to do after subconsciously checking their own safety measures.

However, as soon as I wanted to ask, I felt that the seat belt was suddenly tightened on my bulletproof armor, as if a rope knife wanted to cut the outer armor.

But Yanzi soon understood that it was not the seat belt trying to restrain himself, but because the helicopter's sudden forward acceleration, the acceleration force was transmitted to him through the seat belt, and it became pulling himself to rush back.

After all, several of their seats in the rear cabin were all leaning against the nose.

In fact, not only is the seat belt tightened, but there is also a burst of pressure on the seats of several people, because the fuselage is not only accelerating forward, but also suddenly raising height.

In fact, just after Gunther finished the "Captain's Broadcast", the Savage helicopter hovering over the flood discharge river suddenly tilted forward and rushed forward at high speed while climbing altitude.

However, compared to the continuous increase in forward speed, after the helicopter's altitude climbs above the surrounding buildings, the fluctuation range is reduced.

In fact, shortly after he flew westward parallel to Depero's mid-high speed during the rush phase, he continued to rush toward the northwest along the northern section of the popular street loop.

The terrain of this area is not complicated, and the height of the building does not change much, so he does not need to adjust the flying height all the time.

Different from the stability of the high and low dimensions, in the front and rear dimensions, the vector of the Savage helicopter has been changing.

If you look down from the sky, the Savage helicopter seems to be a rocket-assisted bomb, rushing towards the six helicopters over the city.

But the difference is that the speed of the warhead is getting faster and faster at the same time. If the eyes are inserted a little, the warhead will be drawn into a straight line due to the too fast speed.

It looked like a long spear, held in the hand by an invisible soldier, and pierced straight to the enemy side!

Soon, the spear approached the enemy and turned sideways. Just before the enemy discovered that he had not had time to react, the spear head suddenly turned into a spear shadow in the sky, as if countless spear heads appeared out of thin air, rushing toward the enemy camp like a torrential rain!

At this moment, Picello seemed to tell the world, especially the black armor on the opposite side, why his nickname would be Picello!

Because of myself, I am the pikeman in the sky-Piquero!

And with the shooting in the sky, several helicopters that were suddenly attacked burst into flames. They were as thick as CH-53E. After the flanks exploded, they were also beaten up and down, like a drunkard. If you lose your balance, you will fall to the ground.

It turned out that it wasn't a gunshot that was shot at extreme speed at all, it was clearly the last dozen rockets in the Savage Rocket Nest.

This set of mid-range assault spikes is to provide the most lethal angle for the launch of the rocket, as well as the largest kinetic energy before launch.

The rockets launched from the fuselage in high-speed movement will naturally have a higher initial velocity.

In a long-range attack, the initial velocity granted by these fuselages only makes the rocket's range higher. But in a close attack, this will greatly increase the kinetic energy of the projectile when it hits.

After all, although the operating time of the rocket engine is calculated in seconds, when it is fired close to the target, the engine is likely to have not stopped working.

The engine does not stop means that the acceleration process does not stop, which means that the projectile has not reached its maximum speed.

Of course, after the engine stops working, the rocket itself will continue to fly forward by inertia like conventional bullets until it hits. Its kinetic energy will not be high when it finally hits. After all, explosive ammunition does not rely on kinetic energy to feed.

But for Gunther, who used rockets to hit the super stallion from the flanks, this kinetic energy is likely to deepen the center of the explosion and cause more damage to the black armor in the cabin.

After all, his goal is not only to fight the body, but the black armored warriors in the body.

So all of those rockets went straight to the cabins of the three super stallions. The engines on their sideways tops, on the contrary, couldn't attract Gunther's attention at all.

After all, the big guy had an engine on both sides, one was blown out, and the remaining one, although the power could not support the fully loaded body, would not cause it to lose power instantly.

So Gunther didn't go to waste that time.

This time, Gunther wanted to pour out the remaining ammunition on the helicopter at one time in a quick raid on the flank, so as to strike the enemy as powerful as possible.

Precisely because of this, after stabbing the "hornet's nest", he did not engage other enemy planes, nor did he accelerate to leave. Instead, he used inertia to leave the battlefield and deviated to the left and circled towards the center of the city. The posture of escape into the urban skyscraper group.

However, just as the two Valkyries hurriedly turned their noses to chase him, Gunther made a larger circular arc in the air and flew back to the east, still aiming at a few from there. The CH-53E's engine room was opened, and the cannon was also slammed over.

The black armors in the cabin, who had been sorely beaten by rockets long ago, suffered a crit once again. Even some of them, who were a little bit unlucky, were hit by the machine gun and fell out of the cabin.

If Gunther is allowed to continue fighting like this, even if in the remaining six-plane formation, in addition to the bird with empty ammunition, there are also two Valkyrie helicopters full of ammunition that can harass Gunther. This retired Air Force pilot has nothing more to do with his hands and feet.

At least 30 or so black armored fighters in the three CH-53Es could be directly defeated by Gunther for more than half.

The remaining one and a half have experienced another urban crash, fearing that it is their luck that four or five people will survive in the end.

Unfortunately, these heads fell into the hands of Swallow or Turner.

However, when Gunther found the right opportunity and used a translational posture to make a shot, Helena, who was supposed to be responsible for weapon control but was now forced to become an observer, suddenly found several black spots on the right side of the sky, and quickly approached her. .

"No, it's their god! Picello, what shall we do?" Helena said immediately after confirming that she was coming behind enemy lines.

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