Seeing that the electromagnetic pulse grenade that he had to throw out after two more shots didn't stop Mike Cole from escaping into the elevator, Lu Yuan didn't look angry at all.

Of course, at this time, his expression wearing a full set of imitation black armor can not be seen by people outside.

In fact, Lu Yuan always felt that the more critical the battle, the more he became paralyzed. In this case, he would not have a single expression on his face.

From this perspective, he can have a multiple relationship with the most violent Thor in the legend, and there is something wrong with it.

At this moment, he put his legs hard and hid again, letting the two black armors who had taken the opportunity to rush up, holding the gun with one hand in his right hand, and firmly stuck the **** under the shoulder blades, aiming at the muzzle and staying in the back row to prepare for confrontation. The last black armored head he shot was a series of three bursts.

And he took out an EMP again with his left hand, and threw it at the elevator entrance.

The EMP fuze was shorter this time, and electromagnetic pulses were sent out in mid-air, eventually paralyzing the elevator lines in the corner.

At the same time, the last black armor was also successfully headshot by his right hand rifle, and the whole person collapsed backwards.

From a distance, it seems that the electromagnetic pulse and the black armor were shot at the same time, and viewers who don't know the inside story may even mistakenly think that the black armor was knocked down by the electromagnetic pulse.

But at this time, McCall, who was trapped in the elevator, couldn't help cursing that he had made a low-level mistake. Now that he knew that the other party had an EMP weapon, he easily escaped into the elevator, forgetting that without his own light green light cover, the elevator circuit would be directly paralyzed by the other side.

But now it’s too late to regret. He can only rely on the seat under his body that is not affected by the electromagnetic pulse to continuously send out distress signals, allowing other black armor to come and attack the opponent, and at the same time, he also clears the elevator entrance from other directions and removes himself from here. Rescued.

On the other side, Lu Yuan was left with only two black armors holding short-barreled rifles, and temporarily used EMP to destroy the elevator circuit, and the pressure was greatly reduced for a while.

In the face of two black armors who only knew what to do, even if there were monitors around, they were paralyzed in the previous EMP attack, and Lu Yuan could finally let go of his hands and feet.

He saw his legs exert force, leaning against the black armor closest to him, while holding the gun, the right hand was slightly loosened, the large-caliber rifle slipped to the ground, and the left hand moved forward, and he was rushed into the body. The muzzle of the black armored rifle in the area moved aside.

At the same time, he drew a circle in the void with his right hand, and took out a Smith Wesson 8 and 3/8 inch barrel M500 revolver that he had strengthened its airtightness.

With his figure, using this pistol with a total length of just under 40 cm with one hand would not seem too uncoordinated.

In fact, with his frequent habit of holding MP7 in one hand, this model of M500 is only slightly longer, in contrast, there is no extension of the gun mechanism after the tiger’s mouth.

At this time, Lu Yuan's left hand pulled away the black armored gun in front of him, and his whole person also ran into the person sideways like a rugby player, making him instantly imbalanced, and at the same time using his body as a bulletproof shield, stuck between the muzzle of the last person and himself. between.

At the same time, he held the M500 in his right hand and stretched out from the side, facing the head of the last person, a .50-caliber self-made Magnum armor-piercing projectile shot in the past.

Although because of the natural reason for the design and construction of the pistol, Lu Yuan’s body strength cannot fully control the huge recoil of the M500, and the muzzle jumps up severely when shooting, so that the rate of fire is either too low or accurate when shooting. Not enough.

But the previous five-inch Magnum armor-piercing bullet pierced the helmet of the opposite man effortlessly and sent it to the previous colleagues.

This Magnum armor-piercing projectile was modified by Lu Yuan with a commercial projectile with a muzzle kinetic energy of nearly four thousand joules on an eight-inch barrel, and its muzzle velocity was nearly 700 meters per second.

In contrast, the muzzle velocity of the 7.62X51mm full-power rifle bullet under the conventional barrel is only 800 to 900 meters per second, and because the bullet is lighter, the muzzle kinetic energy is only about 3,500 joules.

In other words, at close range, the penetration force of the Magnum armor-piercing projectile just now is enough to compete with the 762 NATO projectile.

Since the black armor of the opposite bodyguard can shoot through Lu Yuan's armor, Lu Yuan can naturally explode his head.

After a headshot, Lu Yuan confirmed through the kill message that the person could no longer stand up, so he rushed forward again and hit the black armor that had just been balanced again. At the same time, he pressed down the M500 muzzle with his right hand and faced it. He sent another .50 Magnum from the heart position.

[Kill the bio-enhanced warrior x1, get 230 time and space points]

At this point, the black armor in the combat command center has been completely killed by Lu Yuan.

In contrast, he was also hit by four 762 NATO rounds. Fortunately, the four shots hit the position he deliberately chose, and it didn't have a big impact on his mobility.

And with the injection of a treatment needle into the body, the four bullet hole scars are quickly recovering.

At this time, he quickly took the time to replace the M500 with two new rounds. Although this thing is powerful enough, it has only five bullets and cannot be used as a continuous gun at close range.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan didn't use it as a firepower suppression weapon, but at a close range of less than ten meters, he used the physical technique to kill the black armor.

He bought an M500 shortly after he first came to Los Angeles, but at that time it was just for deterrence and there were few opportunities to use it.

Later, when fighting with the black armor, he used 762 full-power bullet rifles at medium and long distances, and used cold weapons at short distances for a limited number of times.

After that, he turned out the M500 again, trying to strengthen its penetration.

This thing is known as the powerful hand cannon, but the conventional hollow bullets, armored soft bullets, semi-armored bullets, etc., are basically aimed at strengthening the stopping effect of huge soft targets.

After all, this kind of bullet was originally intended for the movement of shooting giant prey to firearms.

In order to be suitable for dealing with black armor, Lu Yuan only needs to modify the commercial warhead to a tungsten core armor-piercing type. Anyway, he had already clicked a lot of abilities on the armor-piercing bullet technology tree, and these were nothing.

After quickly refilling the M500, he threw the gun back into the space and replaced the large-caliber assault rifle with a new magazine.

While changing the bombs, he quickly walked to the elevator in the corner and stretched out his hand to pull the elevator door. He found that although the circuit was burned by the EMP, the automatic locking of the elevator door was mainly for protection, which meant that the door was closed tightly after a power failure.

Use the points just harvested to let the system help scan the situation inside the elevator. While observing the structure of the elevator door, it was also confirmed that Mike Cole was still inside. Lu Yuan raised his gun and aimed at the key closing points of the elevator door and opened it. gun.

As long as the structure of these closing points is destroyed, Lu Yuan can forcibly open the elevator door.

There was a gunshot from his side at the elevator door, and the opposite Mike Cole immediately understood that he had killed the black armor in the combat center.

The guy whispered to others to come over quickly, while trying to speak to slow down Lu Yuan's speed.

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