Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 685: Meet the protagonist again

One trick to eat fresh all over the sky.

This paralysis potion from the plane of Nin is really useful. However, the more useful things are often more limited.

For example, are there any chemicals in modern science and technology that can cause people to become unconscious immediately? For example, the so-called Ecstasy in some bad web pages?

The simple answer is that there is currently no neutral person, and there is no institution such as IAA. However, there are drugs that become unconscious after a short period of large amounts of intake.

Although the so-called Ecstasy circulating in the gray market cannot be fully effective as soon as it is used, it can probably make the victim completely unconscious within 30 minutes of ingestion.

In some professional fields, such as IAA's interrogation or transfer of high-value targets, among the medicines used, there are powerful medicines that can make the target unconscious in 30 seconds.

Another point is that the faster the effect of the drug, the greater the damage to the nervous system of the person being administered. At least that's about it.

The medicine on the science and technology side relies on the human endocrine system and nervous system, and it is complementary to the Nin Plane's forcibly depriving the subject of control over the body through magical elements.

So although Lu Yuan would take out paralysis potions from time to time to use, in fact, his paralysis potions have been updated for more than five generations.

The first generation is the paralysis potion of the plane of Nin. That can only make the middle person lose control over the body in just a few seconds or even ten seconds, while the consciousness is still awake.

He then added some long-acting tranquilizers on this basis.

After several updates, the paralysis potion he uses on the arrow now has both the effects of the Nien version and the modern version. It can immediately make the middle person unable to move, and can use the special state of the human body at this time to make the tranquilizer work. Faster.

Therefore, after Robin was hit like this, she first realized that her body was unable to move and her consciousness was still awake, but soon her consciousness would slowly become confused. This is that even if the effect of the body's restraint has passed, she still can't move. Can only fall into Xiafee's operating room.

Like her old father, Siaf will quickly disarm her and try to disarm her from the brainwashing control of the black armor.

But if the quick release method does not work well, Shiafei will add tranquilizers to her assisted ventilator and let her sleep until Lu Yuan frees her hands and feet.

At this time, Lu Yuan outside the working space did not change out assault rifles or take their guns from the black armor corpse, but continued to hold his keel bow and retreat to the combat command center, which was convenient for a long time. The unused explosive arrow prevents the subsequent attack of the black armor.

After all, there were several black armors who appeared with Robin. During the time he "contained" Robin, many black armors arrived on the battlefield.

One thing he suddenly reacted when he retreated was that the black armor all over here did not turn on the self-destruct mode.

You must know that in the city of Luo Shengdu, any black armor that was killed would suddenly self-destruct within ten seconds of death, and most of the structure, including the body armor, would be melted.

In the past, their outer armors would also be destroyed, but recently, it seems that the new black armors have used bulletproof inserts and other kits, not all of them are specially made for black armor. Instead, there are more things left behind. .

Following Robin's way before, Lu Yuan jumped back and forth among the black armor corpses on the ground, suddenly missing the black armor that could self-destruct.

At least that would make him retreat more calmly.

But this is also good now. With his left hand holding the bow and the right hand pumping an arrow, his feet are flexible as if he is jumping back and forth in the jungle, quite like a fantasy ranger.

Although his ranger is the kind of "Xinfeng Meijiu Xianqian, how many years Xianyang Ranger", the word "Ranger" is not used to refer to it, but the inner spirit of the two rangers still has something in common.

In this narrow and complicated terrain, it is necessary to strike at the enemy and to distinguish some abducted friendly persons in the enemy's formation. Not to mention, it is precisely when his master archery skills come into play.

In fact, while containing Robin, he found several familiar figures in the black armor.

Although those people are not as close to him as Robin, they are actually on the verge of killing and saving, but Lu Yuan turned to think about it, anyway, one sheep is also rushing, and two sheep are also released. After all, they have worked together and can save. It's saved.

Who are those people?

For example, some guys who are less famous in Los Santos and have worked more or less with the road, Eddie Tao, Gustav, and Karim, who didn’t even pick a motorcycle. A stupid newbie who almost overturned in the sewer.

Unexpectedly, after leaving Los Santos for a year, these guys who had been active in the city were also transformed into black armor.

If these people are just nodding acquaintances of temporary hires in various tasks, then the other two make Lu Yuan even more surprised.

That is McGrady Santa and Franklin Clinton, the second of the three protagonists in the "Give Him Love 5" offline plot!

After Lu Yuan returned to Luo Shengdu this time, although he didn't go out much, he tried to check the recent situation of the two.

After all, the two people's residence is not too far from Gunther's villa, and even Franklin's villa is in the same villa area with a straight-line distance of less than 500 meters.

But the result of checking is not good, the two people have been missing for a long time.

So when Lu Yuan saw a white belly with an assault rifle and a black muscular man holding a submachine gun appeared behind Robin, his helplessness and relief were more than surprised.

After all, the fact that they are here also shows from the side that without Wave Blade finding him a good player in the world, McCall's process of expanding the black armor team has been seriously hindered.

Come to think about it, even Karim's kind of people who can roll over have become black armor, no wonder the current black armor is so easy to deal with!

But to be honest, these guys still caused Lu Yuan some trouble.

It may be higher than some.

First, these guys are veterans, like the legendary thieves like McGrady Santa ten years ago, adrenaline combined with marksmanship, are fast solidifying into special abilities that can be recognized by the system, basically hovering on the boundary of transcendence.

Second, although they didn't have time to wear armours all over, they were obviously better than the first group.

Choose a helmet that integrates advanced targeting equipment and even a gas mask, a breastplate that is easy to wear and protects vital points, and a leg exoskeleton that can provide auxiliary power at critical moments.

The three-piece suit is easy to wear and has the strongest ability to improve. It is almost standard for the second batch of black armor. Although the defense power of these three options is insufficient, the black armor's attack power advantage can be basically brought into play.

Thirdly, these guys have worked together before, and now they should be divided into the same combat team by the black armor, and they cooperate with each other to be much stronger than the bodyguard black armor in front.

Although Lu Yuan retreated while hiding, and quickly paralyzed them with rapid-fire arrows, the rifles of a few people, especially McDee Santa's, also nearly scrapped the imitation black armor on Lu Yuan's body.

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