Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 718: Two sisters

Lu Yuan was startled slightly, recalling the face of the beautiful blonde Isu, and shook his head again.

Sif, or Sif, the second wife of Thor in Norse mythology, had a son before marrying Thor, the **** of winter Ural.

Whether in the mythical dusk of the gods or in the memory of Sonaz the Isu, this beautiful goddess has died on the battlefield.

However, the historical context in the dialogue between Liz Minerva and Evelyn Loki just now is very different from Sonaz's memory.

Moreover, Odin, who died that year, was also reincarnated as a lieutenant.

Although I don't know what happened to the God Realm Stone later, since Odin is still alive, Sieve can of course.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan asked, how about you go and ask them?

Yanzi: I have already asked.

Lu Yuan was speechless again for a while, feeling that swallows are always very efficient when such things are involved.

Yanzi: Hey, Daphne said she is Idun, you belong to the Asa Protoss, do you know her?

Eden? Another blond Isu appeared in Lu Yuan's mind, but compared with Sif, this person was thinner, with a more restrained personality and even a little shy.

Yes, Lu Yuan thought to himself, with Daphne's long-standing porcelain doll character, it is really possible to say that it was Eden.

Eden, also writes Eton, Eden, the incarnation of youth and spring, and is in charge of the golden apple that keeps the gods youthful. This is the content of Norse mythology.

In Sonaz’s memory version, she used to be a staff member of the logistics department of the Asa Proving Ground, responsible for equipment maintenance and consumable management.

She is indeed responsible for most of the golden apples at Asa's experimental site, that is, the optical analysis creation tools.

Lu Yuan just wanted to say something, but he heard the swallow yelling downstairs for a while, and then saw her write in the communication device: Victoria is actually Mokosh, and it is also Ananke! Hey, aren't you Perron too? Why don't you know Eden or Mokosh?

Mokosh? Although the name sounds familiar, it is difficult for Lu Yuan to establish a connection between her and an image in his memory.

In other words, he only felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't find the corresponding face.

But soon, with the help of the system database, he understood why he was familiar with this name.

Because Mokosh was the only goddess among the several Slavic gods who were placed in the temples of Kiev, the **** of weaving and spinning.

However, unlike in Asgard, Sonaz is really a member of Asgard and has lived with colleagues in the Asgard experimental site.

While he chased the green giant snake on the Great Plains of Eastern Europe, although he was regarded as the **** of thunder Perun by the humans there, he had not much contact with other Slavic gods.

Even the atrium giant snake Yemengard, which was strengthened by Ascharotar’s green light technology, plus Loki’s soul, and the green giant snake chased by Sonaz, were also regarded as earth and water by local humans. With Viles, the **** of the underworld.

Therefore, although Sonaz’s memory is at the end of his memory, when he was put into the statue of Perun by the waiter, he has also seen the other five temples built by Grand Duke Vladimir. A god, but his impression of that Mokosh is still not deep.

Anan Ke? Mokosh was the name of the Isu Ananke changed after he escaped from another Isu test site that was destroyed?

Is it similar to Sonaz’s name Perun?

Then, who is Ananke?

As if he had anticipated Lu Yuan's doubts a long time ago, the system also marked the information of Anan engraved behind the Mokosh data.

Ananke, the deification of fate, destiny and necessity in Greek mythology, her image is a goddess holding a spinning.

Well, Lu Yuan sighed, she is the goddess in charge of spinning fate. But in order to take refuge, he turned the metaphor into reality, and he really became the goddess of textiles.

This is really, able to bend and stretch.

But soon, Yanzi sent more detailed information.

It turned out that it was similar to Yidun, who took care of the supplies, but Ananke was also a logistician.

She is actually the chief designer and chief engineer of the supercomputer "World Tree".

The myth that she controls a destiny that even the gods can't resist comes from the supercomputer that can calculate an infinite future.

However, deducing the future is an extremely exhausting task. Even if the actual calculation is handed over to a supercomputer, the heavy work of parsing data will quickly make her step back from the front line.

After that, the technicians at the Olympus Test Field thought of countless ways to assist in analyzing the calculation results of the supercomputer. There was even an Isu who directly uploaded his awareness to the parser and became an auxiliary "world tree". Smart program.

That is the owner of the so-called fountain of wisdom, Mimir.

Before Evelyn Loki and Liz Minerva went to steal the Suthun-Jupiter consciousness transformation technology, Odin, with the help of Mimir, uploaded the consciousness template of his family to " In the World Tree.

After that, as long as Odin asked his family to upload their memories before they died, their consciousness fragments would be gradually injected into a batch of newborn Isu-human mixed-race fetuses.

When those mixed-race children are released from the training ground, grow up, breed, pass on, and wait for the fragments of consciousness to gather in a generation of mixed-race children who are enough to carry their consciousness, the consciousness of the Isu people will be awakened and reincarnation is completed.

In addition, Odin’s Asa Experimental Field also has three auxiliary analysis programs for the “World Tree”, the three sisters of Norren, that is, the three sisters of the goddess of fate, Ould, Verdandy, and Scudder.

Odin also relied on the analysis of these three sisters to learn from the "World Tree" that the dawn of the gods was coming.

The Olympus Test Field also has a similar three procedures, also known as the Three Goddesses of Destiny, Moira. They are, Croto, Laksis, Atlopas.

No matter what the name is, the core algorithms of these three parsing programs were all established when Anang parsed the "World Tree". Of course it is better than Mimir.

Therefore, in Olympus mythology, Moira is the daughter of Anan Kee.

In Norse mythology, the Norren sisters became Mimir's three daughters.

However, Daphne Eden and Little Liz Minerva told Swallows all these information.

But in the memory of Sonaz, an Isu from Lu Yuan, he only knew the supercomputer "World Tree", and he also knew that there were three female Isu in the IT department of the Asa Experimental Site who were responsible for the maintenance and analysis of the supercomputer, but they They are all complete Isu people, not just procedures.

If the ancient Isu history narrated by those people before and the conflict with Sonaz’s memory, it would still be regarded as Sonaz’s "Alzheimer’s disease."

The question about whether the three Norren sisters were Isu or a program made Lu Yuan directly deny the possibility of Sonaz's amnesia.

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