Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 726: Arrogant, King of Luodu Gang

"I don't believe it anymore!" Yanzi was so angry with Cui Fo's arrogance, he raised his hand to continue firing cruise missiles, vowing to kill him.

But then Lu Yuan, who was next to him, stretched out his hand to stop her, "Calm down, calm down, forget it, save some ammunition. Besides, he has already lost this round!"

"Just let him go like this?" Yanzi lifted his head from the sighting system, and stared at Lu Yuan in anger, "Obviously you said you wanted to kill him before!"

Lu Yuan looked at Yanzi's angry and aggrieved look, recalling the little temper she had accumulated along the way, couldn't help being a little funny and pitying.

He quickly patted her on the head affectionately to get her out of that non-calm state.

When her eyes calmed down, Lu Yuan sighed slightly, "Okay, let's change the style of play."

With that said, he handed over the driving rights of the vehicle to Rosecroft on the main console, while he took out the M107 from the portable space, stood up from the driver's seat, raised his hand to open the roof sunroof, and that's it. Put the upper body out of the roof of the car.

After standing firmly on his feet, he raised his large-caliber anti-material rifle and aimed it at the man in the air more than a thousand meters away, and pulled the trigger severely.

After a "bang" sound that was enough to be called a cannon sound, the figure under the parachute over there was shot again for a certain distance, and Lu Yuan's ultra-long-range sniper shell accurately hit Cui Fo's chest.

However, because the distance was too far, the kinetic energy of this large-caliber sniper projectile dropped severely, and this shot did not directly kill the guy.

At least there is no kill information in Luyuan's system.

Not only that, Lu Yuan also faintly felt that after the guy was shot, even though he spewed blood, he still held up both hands and sent Lu Yuan a double gesture greeting.

At this time, even Lu Yuan felt impetuous, and he raised his gun and continued to shoot the remaining four bullets at the guy.

Just how high can the ammunition shot out in this state of mind be?

Moreover, as the truck continued to be driven, the distance between the two was steadily increasing, so three of the four shots missed.

However, the shot that struck him, so deadly, directly hit Cui Fo's right middle finger, which directly interrupted the core of the taunting into the wind, making Lu Yuan feel much better.

It was the swallow who was watching all this from the sighting binoculars, and he couldn't help laughing when he saw Cui Fo holding his right hand and screaming in pain.

Infected by her laughter, Lu Yuan also recovered from the hot-headed state, shook his head, and sighed that the bastard's provocative talent must have been increased to the full level, and no longer nostalgia, put away the rifle and sat back in driving again. Bit.

"Oh, it's a pity that he still didn't kill him! Is this guy really a cockroach? It won't die like this?" Seeing that Lu Yuan also gave up, Swallow sighed pretendingly, with emotion on his face. road.

"This guy's life is really hard!" Lu Yuan also nodded, "But it doesn't matter, it seems that he was doing well in the city during the big riots, and there will always be a chance to run into it in the future!"

With that, he pointed to the side-view mirror on Yanzi's side, and asked her to use that thing to see the situation on the ground. Right behind the vehicle is the blind spot of the sighting system, where she has not seen the situation.

Yanzi heard the words and followed his previous routine to adjust the whole mirror, and she saw the surprising scene behind him.

It turned out that those armed vehicles that had dispersed, unexpectedly came around again at this time, entrenched near the ground where Trevor might land.

But they didn't want to rob Cui Fo, instead, they greeted the landing of some big man with respect or even flattery, and they looked like Cui Fo was the only one looking forward.

"This guy, integrated the Southern Gang?" Yanzi said in amazement.

"It shouldn't be just the blood alliance and the Bale gang of Nanluo Sandu." Lu Yuan nodded and shook his head, "Did you see the armed Ford 150? I have the impression that the machine gunner was once Madara Sokatel. Senior thug!"

"Isn't it? Even Madra Socatel has been included by him?" Yanzi's eyes widened, and he looked into the side-view mirror in disbelief, "Then he, wouldn't he become the new king of the Los Santos gang?"

"It can be said." Lu Yuan sighed, tapped his fingers on the steering wheel twice, thoughtfully, "But it doesn't have to be new, maybe he was a long time ago."

At this time, he remembered his previous guess again, if Trevor had long been a member of the Black Armor, and the Black Armor was integrating the gang. So who else in the Black Armor sequence is more suitable than that madman to scare those gangsters who want money and life?

Trevor has unlimited creativity in killing people. Even if there are people in the gang who are not afraid of death, those people are not necessarily afraid of being tortured by Trevor in various ways.

"However, Madera Sokatel began to decline a year ago, and it is not impossible for the people below to find their own way." Lu Yuan added.

After such a confrontation, the vigilance of the two cars and four people has reached a new level again.

When entering Los Santos from the Santa Ana Expressway, although there are sometimes destroyed vehicles on the expressway, it may be because the National Guard is on the periphery, at least not many sections of the road are blocked by scrapped vehicles.

At least the side from the outside to the inside is rare. Although the opposite lane is more chaotic, it is still within a certain limit.

Including when they drive into the east-west Olympic elevated road in the urban area, there are not too many destroyed vehicles on the road.

But the situation is completely different when the elevated Laporta Expressway from north to south is off the elevated highway.

In less than a day, there was not a road or even a piece of debris on the road that did not fall on the downtown area, as well as the scorched vehicle wreckage.

On this road, turner used high-horsepower insurgents in front of him to forcibly smash into a passage, and Lu Yuan could continue to drive the car through.

Fortunately, this was once the center of the fiercest fighting, but it was also the first place to be looted.

Up to now, except for some sporadic firefights from afar, there are almost no people here.

But Lu Yuan knew that no one was speaking, but it didn't mean that no one was hiding here.

More probably because the survivors here have learned the first iron law of surviving in the doomsday area: as unobtrusive as possible.

In a place where living materials are inevitably scarce, attracting the attention of others means that robbers will be attracted.

Those who can't learn this rule may have been eliminated naturally.

But these survivors have not been forced to the brink of death for the time being. Now that gang predators with various weapons will appear at any time, they still dare not set traps on the road and rob people who pass by.

It's just that as time goes by, as their living conditions deteriorate a little bit, one day, these survivors will turn into robbers, and even rob the gangster convoys that pass by.

At that time, the situation in Los Santos will usher in a new reshuffle.

However, Lu Yuan felt that he should not see that day.

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