Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 732: Peggy Harris Family

But before the break, they still have work to do.

In order to prevent their armed vehicles from being used by some unreliable mercenaries, the three of Lu Yuan and Victoria immediately rushed to the underground parking lot, preparing to drive the two vehicles to a safer place. place.

In fact, it is to find a place with no one to put them back into the space.

However, just when Yanzi was about to open the front door of the Dreadmaster, a certain black figure rolled over from the roof of the car and jumped off and stood in front of the Yanzi.

After seeing the goth makeup of the man suddenly appeared, Swallow hurriedly tucked the two strange daggers that the stress had pulled out back into his sleeves, rolled his eyes and said, "People are scary and scary! What are you doing, Peggy? "

The man also felt that under the current situation, the joke was a bit too much, and he couldn't help but awkwardly apologized, and then continued, "I know this baby I know you are back, isn't this just waiting for you!"

This is exactly the designer of Dreadmaster, Lester's Goth hacker assistant, Peggy Harris.

In all fairness, the great riot in Los Santos was caused by multiple reasons, but the most important thing was the direct fuse of the riot, which was the blackout caused by the black armor.

In addition, the power outage was not only about turning off the power switch, but also attracted electromagnetic pulse bombs in some core areas, which directly caused the power supply system to not be repaired for a few more than ten days. Don't even want to recover.

In this way, hackers like Peggy are immediately useless.

In addition, experienced hackers have some Internet addiction problems. If there is no electricity and no Internet, Peggy's life can be imagined.

But she was much luckier than other hackers. When the riot occurred, she was not in the city, but in the West Building of the Garden Bank. So not only did she escape the disaster, she was also in the safest place in the northern part of Los Santos.

Of course, the reason why she is here is not a coincidence, but that she lives here.

"Well, that's it," Yanzi nodded after listening, and then asked, "What about your boss? Isn't there?"

"You say Leicester?" Peggy shrugged. "That guy has better luck. He's still hiding in an underground secret base in Blaine County!"

Without her going into details, everyone immediately understood that the so-called secret base was mostly Gunthera's underground facilities in the Senora Desert.

It seems that the guy hasn't moved his position since the end of the crisis.

Relatively speaking, he was afraid that Lu Yuan was the safest one among the acquaintances in Luo Shengdu.

It's a pity that Lu Yuan's plan fell through again.

During the Doomsday Crisis, Lester suspected of using some optical analysis tools to lead AI Crawford to extremes, and finally entered the path of self-destruction.

After that, Lu Yuan confirmed that AI Crawford’s real body was actually the main control computer of the Isu Badr’s flying ship Herringhoni, so the optical analysis tool that can affect it must be the computer-biased one in Isu Technology. kind.

Regardless of whether Lester is an Isu hybrid or an Isu awakened person, the optical analysis tool in his hand will greatly promote Lu Yuan's research.

One of Lu Yuan's tasks when returning to Los Santos this time was to find a way to contact Lester, especially to get that thing.

Unfortunately, it seems that the matter will have to wait until the city mission is over.

After talking about Leicester, Peggy didn't mean to leave. Instead, he turned a serious face and asked Yanzi in a deep voice, "Well, my parents, what happened?"

"Your parents?" Lu Yuan looked inexplicable next to this, Peggy Harris' parents? Is anyone surnamed Harris?

As if feeling the doubts in his heart, Turner quickly replied in the contact device: Evelyn’s full name is Evelyn Harris...

I go! Lu Yuan cursed in his heart, what the **** is this? Is it possible that Peggy Harris is Evelyn's daughter? Isn't it funny?

Evelyn is Peggy's mother. Doesn't that mean the lieutenant is her father?

This is really a blockbuster information bomb.

He only felt that the amount of information in these two days was greater than the amount of information in Los Santos in the past two years.

Even if he was as knowledgeable as him, he couldn't bear it.

However, after sinking his heart, he slowly resumed some of the previous events, only to realize that, many things that were unclear and unclear now have reasonable explanations, at least with reasonable corroboration.

For example, how did Leicester hook up with the IAA side and become so familiar with the Hunter team.

Since Peggy has gone to work for him as an assistant, it is normal for the three parties to have a relationship with each other.

And as the chief executive behind Evelyn's IAA Americas Office, I am afraid that Lester has been an external consultant of IAA from the beginning, right? Just like Lu Yuan and them later.

It's just that Evelyn has been proven to be the real man behind the scenes, so will Peggy Harris also...?

But on second thought, even the lieutenant was controlled by her, as if Peggy is more likely to be innocent...

Wait, Peggy is Evelyn's daughter, and Evelyn is Loki again, isn't it...?

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan stared at Peggy in Gothic costume rather strangely.

Maybe it was because he moved too much. Someone next to him saw what he thought at a glance, and quickly wrote in the contact device: Peggy was adopted by Evelyn more than ten years ago! It wasn't her!

After writing these, Swallow didn't care about the distance of the chattering over there, and hurriedly blocked him behind him, and said to Peggy, "These things are not good to say here, you have to be free, we will talk slowly in private. "

"Okay!" Seeing Yanzi's serious expression, Peggy seemed to have guessed something. Her expression was also ugly, but she nodded and agreed.

However, after thinking twice, she asked, "Ali, are they still alive?"

Peggy and Alex have a good relationship, so they use Alex's nickname. Compared to the formal name of Ekaterina, Alex has a greater sense of identity with his nickname, after all, he was earning money from this name when he was very young.

Hearing Peggy's question, Swallow didn't know what to say for a while.

In the end she just sighed, "The lieutenant's problem is not big, but your mother..."

"In detail, we still said privately that her matter was too involved."

"Then are you free now?" Peggy couldn't bear it after hearing Swallow say so.

Swallow thought for a while, then looked back at the people on Luyuan, then turned to Peggy and said, "Well, get in the car!"

But in the end Peggy was invited down by the guard when he was passing the security post.

The reason is also very simple. As Evelyn's adopted daughter and also a genius hacker, Peggy's position in the security firm system is not low.

Even the terminal development of the firm has her contribution.

Because of the blackout, she was useless before, but now that Lu Yuan and others have sent generators and solar cells, the security office needs her to develop a useful battlefield command system as soon as possible.

In fact, the people from the previous office were looking for her all over the world, but she was hiding on the fear tyrant and no one could find her.

Now that she has thrown herself into the net, she is naturally sold out by the guards and sent back to the command center.

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