Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 740: The so-called win-win is that I win twice

Leaving the beach, Odin returned to the combat command center, similar to the construction center of the Red Police Base Vehicle. But regardless of location or appearance, Lu Yuan felt that this was the police station in downtown Los Santos.

In the police station, Odin saw Soltir Friga Loki and other gods, as well as the husky thrown by Tyr into the iron fence of the police detention room.

But just for a while, the husky has grown up several times. It was a cub before, but now it can catch up with an ordinary workhorse.

Odin was very worried about its changes, but under Loki's deliberate guidance, he turned the topic back to the wall artisan and his non-discriminatory requirements.

Friega was very unhappy when he heard that Odin hadn't explicitly rejected that person's unreasonable request.

But after Loki proposed to use some tricks to design the craftsman so that he could lose the bet and make it impossible to conclude the deal, she still did not continue to strongly object, but left unhappily.

Just as Odin felt guilty for his decision, there was a sudden chaos in the police station.

He followed the voice and ran over, only to find that the Husky, who was originally held in the detention room, had escaped.

After a fierce battle, after most of the police station was demolished by the Destroyer King, Odin finally subdued it again.

Just when he wanted to kill the Destroyer King for the second time, someone appeared again to stop him.

This time it was Rocky.

Looking at the dying Husky, Loki was very injured, and accused Odin of breaking the covenant vow between them and hurting Loki's blood.

Odin is very inexplicable, saying that I just threatened you if you don't let me go and I will fight with you, but I haven't fight yet. How do you say I hurt your blood?

Loki stroked the dying Husky with a sad expression on his face and exclaimed, this is my blood.

Looking at the human-shaped Rocky, and then at the dog-shaped husky, Odin was unable to speak for a long time, and finally just suffocated one sentence, "You are such a beast!"

Lu Yuan had guessed these things a long time ago, and at this time, he will not lose synchronization because of the emotional agitation, so he will continue to watch with peace of mind.

After this incident, although Odin did not violate the oath, but the Husky's guard against Loki did not drop but increased.

After he asked Tyre to continue to be responsible for detaining the huskies, he also went to find a safer way to deal with it.

At the dwarf craftsman, who is also the chief engineer of the production workshop, Odin gets a set of indestructible dog chain formulas and helps the craftsman collect all the materials.

But the craftsman obviously couldn't do things right away, so Odin waited patiently.

At this moment, the craftsman revealed a message that his relatives in Jotunheim said that there was a kind of wine there, and after drinking it, human consciousness would run to animals.

This made Odin, who had just experienced the Husky incident, immediately paid attention.

But just when he wanted to ask more questions, Friga suddenly ran over and said that the wall craftsman was about to complete the work, so that he could find a way to solve her problem.

This time, Friga finally expressed her dissatisfaction that she was a wife but was easily allowed to be a wife by her husband.

However, it is just dissatisfaction. It is the kind of dissatisfaction that a woman feels that her husband does not love her so much, and she does not feel that her personality is insulted.

I was surprised to see Lu Yuan for a while.

Because of this incident, Odin had to rush back to the beach.

At this time, his car turned into an eight-wheeled chariot, which he called the eight-legged Maslebnir.

In the dialogue between Odin and Friga, Lu Yuan learned that the wooden transport ship that appeared at the Wispucci Wharf with the wall craftsman was later transformed into a heavy engineering vehicle named Swa Dilfarley.

Of course, in their dialogue, this truck is called a horse that is unparalleled in the world.

Previously, the gods agreed to calculate the conspiracy of the wall craftsman to use his pride to get him to accept an impossibly short construction period.

If he did not complete the construction of the city wall by the time of the construction period, the Asgard side would not need to dedicate Friga, and the matter would be resolved.

With the city wall for free and Friega retained, Asgard won twice, which is called a win-win situation.

But it's not like that when it comes to work.

With the help of heavy engineering vehicles, the efficiency of the wall craftsman is terribly high.

Seeing that he was about to finish the work on schedule, Loki, who had previously offered the bet, couldn't sit still.

You must know that he is now asking for Odin, hoping that the latter will let go of his puppies.

If the countermeasure he proposed at this time fails and Odin loses Frigga, even if the king of the gods does not accept it and uses force to solve the craftsman, his Loki will still not have good fruit.

Probably, Odin will take advantage of the situation and propose to kill the Huskies as punishment for Loki. It was another win-win, Odin won twice.

So he simply sent his own car, a white sports car with the same self-consciousness, to "seduce" the heavy engineering vehicle.

I don't know if they are Cybertronian Transformers pretending to be or what, the two cars actually hooked up.

The white sports car also gave birth to a son, Odin's current eight-wheeled chariot. Known as the Eight-legged Pegasus.

The more Lu Yuan heard, the more outrageous he felt. Although it was consistent with the mythology, the situation was a bit too magical.

As a result, the next moment he saw through Odin's memory and saw the footage of the vehicle factory recorded on the holographic screen in Friga's hand.

It turned out that the relationship between the two vehicles was completed in the main control computer circuit of the vehicle factory.

Unlike humans who need genital movement to promote the secretion of dopamine, which makes people feel happy, the happiness of electronic life forms is realized by the collision and fusion of core algorithms in the same network circuit.

In this kind of collision, the collision of the two core algorithms will form a new design drawing that combines the two sets of life characteristics. After being assembled by the vehicle factory, a combat vehicle will appear.

I don't know why the child of a construction vehicle and a sports car is a chariot.

Well, probably the main body of the engineering vehicle is a truck with a high load and many wheels. Sports cars are small in size, low in chassis, four wheels, and fast.

A combination of the two, a chassis is neither high nor low, the armor is neither thick nor thin, there are more wheels than a sports car with four wheels, and a design scheme with eight pairs of wheels less than the specific weight truck appears.

Well, it's a chariot.


Looking at this set of scenes that were clearly unsuitable for children, Lu Yuan didn't throw it to the scene, but gave it all to the lieutenant.

The lieutenant’s modernized brain-hole interpretation of mythology is really sci-fi...

In short, heavy engineering vehicles are busy producing the next generation in the vehicle factory, and the progress of the wall artisan is a little worse.

In the end, only a little bit, he failed to complete the agreement. Friga is safe.

At this time, the wall craftsman was deceived by the gods to reduce the efficiency one after another, and finally could not bear it, revealing the real body of the giant, and wanted to forcibly plunder Friega.

But under the force of Thor and others, he was eventually defeated.

Asgard really won twice.

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