Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 743: Vulnerability Intelligence Prophet

Is there no bug in this assumption?

Yes, and it's quite big.

One of the biggest mistakes and omissions is that the time is not right.

The Sonaz version of the God Realm Stone technology comes from a scientist named Consus or Prometheus in the Olympus experimental site before the Doba catastrophe.

At this time, the Daba catastrophe had already begun, but it had not yet reached its worst time.

It should be noted that the Toba Catastrophe is a collective term for a series of disasters, and the whole process even lasted for hundreds of years.

Therefore, when the God Realm Stone technology came, the problem of the time was not obvious.

But afterwards, when the Olympus Experimental Site was also destroyed under the influence of the Toba catastrophe, and Minerva uploaded his consciousness, it should have been 70,000 BC.

But if the second edition of Odin was created after the Asgard God Realm Stone was contributed, it should have been at least ten thousand years after the destruction of the Olympus Experimental Ground.

So, where did Jotunheim-Olympus infiltrated by Odin come from?

Like the second edition of Asgard, does Olympus also have a second edition?

If Olympus also has a second edition, isn't it in the hands of the green light demon Aschalotar?

In this way, would it be unnecessary to perform such a big show again?

In particular, Liz Minerva and the others, the Isu awakened, did not have the behavior of being controlled by Loki's mind like a lieutenant. Their consciousness is free, but they are deceived by Rocky's deception.

In addition, Lu Yuan also communicated with them. Although the other two memories are ambiguous, Daphne is still Eden, one of the eight people who have drank the mead with the lieutenant version of Odin, but Minerva’s Isu memory is Coherent.

At least she has heard of the Asa test site, and some memories that are only in the Sonaz version of the Isu memory before being assigned to the test sites.

Unlike the lieutenant version of the Asa Protoss who never mentioned the word "testing ground", Minerva not only knew the Asa test site, but also called his hometown the Olympus test site.

Therefore, at least Olympus on Minerva's side should not be under the absolute control of Aschalotar, but merely destroyed.

This is where the biggest loophole in Lu Yuan's two versions of the Asaisu hypothesis lies in the time conflict.

If it were before, faced with the information that the exclusion method could be used to deny this hypothesis, Lu Yuan would not think that this hypothesis had any possibility.

But because of one thing, he still has a glimmer of hope.

Because if the patch is introduced, all this makes sense again.

However, the basis of that patch was revealed by Evelyn Loki, about a characteristic of Aschalotar.

Lu Yuan hasn't seen this in person yet, so it's not easy for him to draw conclusions for the time being.

Evelyn Loki, who was in outer space at that time, once said that he should repeat it again in a timeline when there is no farther out to disrupt the situation.

Implied behind this sentence, Ascharotar has the ability to change the timeline.

And combined with Swallow's experience in the steampunk world between time and space, it proves that the green light devil does have this ability.

If the timeline can be changed, then there are two editions of Asaishu that make sense.

As for how to do it in detail, there are too many possibilities, and Lu Yuan does not bother to go into details.

But soon, the new intelligence that appeared in front of him helped him cut off a large number of possibilities.

Originally, from the memory of the lieutenant's version of Odin, he saw where the information terminal connected to the World Tree was located, but Lu Yuan had given up and continued to look at it.

But as he pondered the possibility of the emergence of the two versions of the Asais, Odin's memory did not stop.

Lu Yuan saw a scene he was familiar with in this battle of the Twilight of the Gods, which should have been changed into a three-strategy version by the Lieutenant Demon.

That's a replica of the doomsday that Sonaz experienced.

Yes, in the two doomsday wars, apart from the differences in the details of the height and appearance of the participants, whether it is the layout of the battlefield, the sequence of events, or the result of the occupation, they are completely the same.

If there are really two different versions of Asaish in different timelines with details, it is impossible that the final Doomsday War will be so similar.

The most reasonable explanation for this situation is that there is only one series, that is, this final battle is restored by the memories of these participants!

In other words, the most likely origin of the second version of the Asais is still the dream self of the first version of the Isu in the Luyuan hypothesis!

So, the two editions of Isu are actually the same people whose memories have been tampered with. If this can be determined, there is only one way to fix the loopholes in the far-from-the-road hypothesis.

That is, after the green light devil controlled these Asaish people, they used their timeline correction technology to connect them with the Olympus test field that had not been destroyed tens of thousands of years ago. Plot.

The lieutenant version of Odin lived ten thousand years after the Toba catastrophe, but the Jotunheim he went to was the Olympus before the Toba catastrophe ten thousand years ago!

This can also explain a problem, and that is why it is clearly the world of Olympus, but in this version of Odin's memory, it is called Jotunheim.

Obviously a serious Isu, why is this version of Odin recognized as a giant of Jotun?

If these are what Aschalotar did to prevent this version of Odin from being activated by the familiar scenes and escape their mind control, then this part can make sense.

Then there are still some corner loopholes, such as why they want to reincarnate Odin Yidun and others.

But these are better explanations.

In order to allow Loki, who is completely controlled by Ascharotar, to hide among these Asaisu people and slowly meet other Isu survivors who are out of their control over the long years, know each other, and finally be like this. Form allies.

In this way, they inserted the spies into the enemy's base camp, and the enemy, that is, the Isu survivors, was controlled by them again in disguise.

From the fact that Minerva, known as the Goddess of Wisdom, was actually manipulated by Evelyn Loki’s means, and even exposed himself to killing McCall at a critical moment, it can be seen that Aschalotar This spy plan has been successful enough.

With these additions, most of the bugs in the Luyuan Hypothesis can also be successfully repaired.

But this is still a hypothesis after all. After a bold hypothesis, it needs to be carefully verified.

Fortunately, according to the established plan, Lu Yuan will soon be able to obtain a key witness who holds high-value intelligence, that is, Liz, Victoria and other Isu awakened people who have lurked into the center of Los Santos. Prophet!

Although for some unknown reason, maybe it was just that there was no suitable opportunity, Liz and the others had not told Lu Yuan the true identity of the prophet, but based on the hints they gave, Lu Yuan had already guessed who the prophet was.

If that person is also an Isu awakened person, it is likely that he holds a lot of valuable information.

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