Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 746: Amerika WASP

Sam Fisher seemed unaware of Lu Yuan's secret joy.

He only used the third set of action plans proposed by Lu Yuan and found that the nominal subordinate of Lingx had a keen insight into the battlefield, unconstrained calculations, and a cautious style of action.

These three are exactly the most dependent characteristics of a special battlefield tactical commander.

In other words, this Sam, with the unique perspective of decades of IAA veteran agents, keenly discovered a potential quasi-senior agent.

The most commendable thing is that this man looks only twenty-five years old on the outside.

It's a pity, I'm an Asian. Sam then sighed with regret.

The Asian Americans of Mika can join the army, but they must never become generals with real power. There may be major generals in various technical departments such as medical information and communications, but even the lieutenant generals are hardly seen, let alone one day enter the real center, the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In the same way, you can be in politics, but you can never enter the core circle. He can be a city councilor, a state councilor, and he might even join the ranks of more than 400 members of Congress.

But among the more powerful senators with only one hundred members, it is almost impossible to see Asian faces unless he is a mixed race, or represents the Asian-populated territory of Hawaii, or she is married to an old Bai Nan.

In short, it is almost impossible for a purely Asian family to have a purely Asian face.

None of this, let alone talk about staying in the White House.

Asians can also do business and can engage in commercial activities in various fields, but it is absolutely impossible for a military industry enterprise that wants to be the backbone of the US-Cargo country.

It is impossible to enter the five military industry giants to act as decision-makers. It is possible to establish a high-tech enterprise with a market value of hundreds of billions. As long as the equity is opened up and the true owner of the enterprise changes, then the generous owner in the shadow does not oppose the Asian power holders. Make a show in front of the spotlight.

In the same way, Wall Street financial industry and the energy industry in the Midwest can also enter. After all, no one will have too many leeks delivered to the door.

This is the political ecology of Mika, which does not need to be clearly stipulated, and everyone will practice it. The so-called unspoken rules are the red lines that must not be crossed under the ice.

In this main red line system, there is a derivative clause, that is, Asians can become senior intelligence analysts in the intelligence system, and they can be professionals with expertise in extorting confessions through torture, but they definitely cannot become an intelligence leader.

The WASP (White White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant Protestant) who really runs Amerika is not stupid. On the contrary, the coalition of interests that can firmly control the most fundamental power of the immigrant country from the beginning of the establishment of the United States is very shrewd.

When certain Asian home countries are poor and weak, just like the war-torn primitive tribes in Africa, these Asians who surrendered can be promoted appropriately.

But when some Asian countries start to catch up or even surpass the U.S. card, such Asians can be ostensibly set up as a material for propaganda and public opinion wars, such as spreading their extravagant material life, but letting them enter the U.S. card country The decision-making core is by no means impossible.

WASP or the new WASP Alliance don’t believe that when there is no significant gap between the benefits provided by the Asian home country and the benefits they can provide, there are talents who can be called pillars. They would rather come here to kneel and be dogs for white people than in their hometown. Stand up straight to be a man.

Unfortunately, Sam thought to himself that this little guy who was suspected of Nick Road was of Chinese origin.

But after decades of development, the poor settlement in the Far East who thought it would never stand up, has actually returned.

Under this situation, American Chinese Americans will only be increasingly excluded from decision-making levels in various key areas.

Even if Sam Fisher absorbs the Nick Road, it is impossible to train a new era leader for IAA, which is destined to be cleaned up in the future.

There were thousands of twists and turns, but Sam showed no trace on the surface. No one around could tell that he had just passed the unspoken rules of Mika in his mind just now.

Immediately, he sincerely expressed his appreciation for Lu Yuan's third set of plans, and readily agreed to act according to this set of plans.

Once there is a direction, the efficiency of the four people's action once again improves.

Back a block to the north, heading west on the so-called Great Castle Road, and the four of them entered Pero Beach directly.

Here is the Ferris wheel amusement park area, one of the landmark attractions of Los Santos to the west.

However, it used to not be said that it was overcrowded, but it was also a tourist destination with an endless stream of tourists. At this moment, only devastation is left.

The bikini girls who used to fill the beach at any time waiting to be helped to wipe sunscreen have completely disappeared. Only the blankets and beach chairs they used to use are left lying down on the beach.

The style of Pero Beach is not the end, it is better than the end, so the four people can't help but speed up their actions.

Although they had slightly different starting points, in terms of their external performance, they all hated the current decline of the Sanctuary of Los Angeles.

Los Santos used to be chaotic, but the gangs in the south were gang fired and gun battles with the police station, and the middle class in the north was shopping comfortably and enjoying afternoon tea. There was a feeling of "sunrise in the east and rain in the west, but it is ruthless and sunny." (Original sentence: Tao is clear but clear)

This kind of **** vendetta and singing and dancing is what Luo Shengdu should look like.

Luo Shengdu now looks desolate and desolate, hasn't it appeared in that doomsday scene? Dilapidated are all dilapidated with no characteristics and completely unattractive.

If Sam Fisher, at the forefront of the team, knew that Lu Yuan thought so in his heart, he would definitely immediately take back his previous love for talent and take out his gun to kill Lu Yuan directly. And add a sentence similar to "It's a different kind of people who are not from me"~~

If he can do it.

But in fact, when everyone successfully entered the Vespucci Wharf area and came into contact with the blockade of the Gangster League in the underground drainage network, the four of them showed their talents to solve the gangsters, and they saw the way of Sam Fisher's methods. Yuan did not believe that he could kill himself at all.

It should be said that as a veteran agent, Sam's infiltrating assassination is not much better than Lu Yuan's novice period.

That person's use of the bunker's use of light and shadow, as well as his calm and fierce shot that killed his life, is now quite far from the road.

However, superb skills return to superb skills. This Sam Fisher's physical attributes are still within the range of normal people. It is remarkable that he can compete with those second-line black armor defective products, and compare with real first-line black armor fighters. It’s almost impossible to win a battle.

It is not impossible that Sam, who has no chance of winning against the black armor head-on, can beat the former.

It is not impossible for the old agent to single out an entire black armor squadron as long as he finds the opposing party's slack time to sneak attack.

But this approach is far from feasible.

Not to mention that although he himself could not reach the master level, but at least the advanced level of infiltration combat ability, that is, simply predicting the danger in advance can make Sam Fisher lose most of his advantage.

If coupled with the system's active warnings, and the weakness of the old agents in frontal combat, for Lu Yuan, it would be a "little threat" existence.

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