Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 751: Sam's true goal

As the Pimi Robot began to work, Lu Yuan's wounds began to heal at an alarming rate.

"It's possible." Lu Yuan nodded, then stood up from the ground, patted Swallow's hand, and soothed her emotions, "However, even so, how did they deploy booby traps before we arrived? OK?"

This is the most difficult part of his guesses.

If the gang has such a good long-distance messaging method, wouldn't it be possible that even if oneself and others go to the city center, they will welcome more intensive attacks from the enemy?

However, in fact, there is no need to wait on the ground.

When Luyuan was cleaning up the shrapnel, Turner, who was still on the periphery, had already issued a warning to the two of them, "Be careful, there are enemies approaching quickly, and there are a lot of them!"

Sam on the other side also hurriedly hid in the shadows and turned on the sonar to detect the enemy's movements, but the scan results made his face change drastically, and his sullen face made a gesture in the direction of Turner and Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan initially thought that he had read it wrong, but Turner immediately added that his judgment was the same as that of Sam. This time around, there were probably hundreds of people!

Hearing that he and others were caught in the urn by the gangsters and trapped on the stairs, Lu Yuan's face was a little ugly, even uglier than when he was shot.

But soon, with a sigh of relief, his face calmed down again, and he smiled lightly, "Well, who stipulates that there is no commander who can use the art of war in the gang?"

"It's a taboo to underestimate the enemy!"

Saying that, Lu Yuan still grabbed the swallow who was about to rush towards the front line, and reached out and handed two things the size of Huang Cancan eggs over.

Swallow buckled the two egg-shaped cylinders in his hands, looked down at the orange-red head, and couldn't help but look at Lu from a distance.

So, as the swallow rushed to the front line and took out the M320 grenade launcher to prepare for launch, Lu Yuan also added an orange-headed grenade to his small launcher.

However, just when he and Yanzi found a suitable place to start a large-scale carnival party, he saw Sam suddenly gesticulating with several people, and then saw him turning over a bunker and disappearing into the corner. .

His string of gestures said: You find a way to escape, I'll go to the enemy's back and get rid of their commander, see you at the original place!

Lu Yuan waited for an instant to understand what he meant literally, it was probably that he was going to find a way to take the enemy's first rank among the Ten Thousand Army, and give Lu Yuan and others a chance to escape.

This time, let alone the Swallow, Lu Yuan and Turner felt a strong "sneer of contempt" oncoming.

Does this Sam Fisher treat the three of himself as little babies who need to be taken care of by a nanny?

However, when Lu Yuan tapped on the tactical goggles with integrated display, he could not help but chuckle after seeing a small spot on the map that was not far away from the three of his own and did not move. The feeling was wiped out immediately.

"Want to see our true strength? That won't work!" Lu Yuan smiled and gave Yanzi and Turner a gesture of continuing to hide their strength. After Yanzi pointed to the grenade launcher in doubt, he contacted directly. Write "Don't use it yet" in the device.

Yanzi: "Why? If you let them spread out, it would be a waste of ammunition!"

Lu Yuan: "It doesn't matter, what you want is this feeling. Don't beat the enemy too hard."

Yanzi: "You want to fish?"

Lu Yuan: "Almost."

In fact, Lu Yuan didn't know exactly what Sam's purpose was for hiding in the dark.

Just want to take the opportunity to see the true strength of Lu Yuan's trio? But if he has such confidence in the strength of the three, why should he try?

After all, more than a hundred gangster gunmen came to a team of real seals, and they had to be completely wiped out in a sports battle.

If it is blocked in a certain corner, like Lu Yuan is now, it is a real seal, and it is impossible for a while to gain an advantage under the attack of several or even ten times the enemy.

In other words, he just wanted to confirm with his own eyes that the three were solved by the gang?

No matter what he wanted to do, Lu Yuan didn't want him to succeed.

In fact, it is of course impossible for the three of Lu Yuan to be wiped out by mere gangster gunmen, not to mention a hundred people, even one thousand people and ten thousand people.

At that time, Lu Yuan didn't care about other things, just plowing the land with heavy artillery, and the dead mountain blood sea still broke out a path.

But now, he didn't want Sam to see himself too strong.

So the order he gave Turner and Yanzi was to stalemate.

It will not let the enemy really attack, nor will it hurt them so much that they will give up the attack.

If it was so consumed, Lu Yuan would have to see what he thought Sam had made.

As a result, the old agent actually turned and left after observing for a few minutes.

Looking at the bright spot on the tracking map that represented the old agent, he actually walked to the vicinity of the triad underground club site. Lu Yuan frowned and thought for a moment, and finally understood his plan.

It turns out that is his real purpose? !

After confirming this, Lu Yuan was very exasperated, and then gave the other two orders to counterattack in an all-round way.

The previous battle sounded like a rain of bullets, but Lu Yuan hides behind the bunker and used his own means to reinforce the bunker. Although there are a large number of gangsters, their light weapons can hardly cause harm to the three of them.

At the same time, the three of them also deliberately reduced their killing efficiency, shooting about three times before taking away one person, giving the gangsters an enemy not to worry about. As long as they are a little careful and fight steadily, they will be killed in a short time.

However, after Lu Yuan issued the counterattack order, the three men's marksmanship immediately rose by more than two levels.

Don't say that at least one person is taken away with each burst, even if a few people gather together, they will be hit by multiple rounds of ammunition at the same time.

After fighting like this for less than half a minute, the gang commander on the opposite side noticed something wrong.

If there is one reduction in staff every second, and nearly a hundred people on your side have to be accounted for in just one or two minutes, how can it be done?

Perceiving the danger, the gangs on the periphery immediately changed their direction. With the firepower of their colleagues in front, they began to slowly retreat, as if they were about to flee.

"How is it now?" Yanzi hurriedly asked Lu Yuan when he saw the enemy's trend.

Lu Yuan knew what she was asking, and immediately replied, "You look for opportunities, I will cooperate with you!"

Yanzi: "Hey, great!"

While talking, more than half of the gangster gunmen began to gather outside, planning to exit the space where the elevator was first.

Then, as they passed through the corridor in large numbers, Swallow put down the honey badger in his hand, took out the previous M320 grenade launcher, aimed at the center of the corridor, and hit the grenade with the orange warhead.

Seeing that she launched an attack, Lu Yuan immediately shot out his match.

Just heard two muffled sounds like the bag being broken between gunshots. Then, a ball of fire quickly ignited in the center of the corridor and spread to the entire corridor in an instant, not only covering the backing gangsters in the flames, but also Even those a little earlier suddenly had difficulty breathing.

It didn't take long for a small group of gangster gunners to lose their ability to move.

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