Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 756: Chris, transform~~

"Don't worry." Chris was going to refuse, but finally agreed to go to Washington DC with Sam, who immediately replied.

However, just as Chris heard his reply and felt relaxed, Sam said lightly, "Now, in order to be more efficient, please take a break first."

While talking, a hand knife hit Chris in the back of the neck, causing the cult leader who was still kneeling on the ground and struggling to faint.

Swallow watching: Well, it hurts right now, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up in ten hours.

But Sam was not satisfied.

After stunning Chris, he still **** all the hands and feet of the former with high polymer strapping.

After finishing this, he began to probe the surrounding clone slots for resurrection.

At the same time, even though the three of Lu Yuan were still hiding in the dark, they also released the scout spiders, avoiding Sam while also searching for useful things in Chris's resurrection factory.

For a time, the two groups of people became information thieves without incident.

However, just after Sam's investigation was completed and he demolished the hard disk of the factory's main control computer while planting a C4 bomb on the nutrient solution circulation system of the cultivation tank, the field changed again.

The first to discover the problem was the bored swallow.

Unlike Turner, who guides the inexperienced surge, or the remote control of the spider drone by himself, Swallow’s spy partner Rosecuff is much more senior than Swallow in terms of spying and does not need her. help.

So she is the most "free" right now.

Therefore, she was also the first to discover the changes on the court.

What changed was the cult leader Chris who was **** with a strap by Sam and thrown aside.

Ben was tied to his side and fell to the ground. The moment Sam removed the hard drive of the central control computer, his eyes suddenly opened, and two scarlet glows flashed towards the swallow in the shadow on the opposite side.

If it had been before, Yanzi was stared at by this terrifying look, I am afraid he had already drawn out the Demon Hunting Longsword directly, and struck by force to slash it.

Well, this is not in line with the battle mode of the Demon Hunter. But who makes swallows frizzy since childhood?

Even her adoptive father was embarrassed by her violent temper more than once, what can Lu Yuan say?

However, after experiencing many things, especially after obtaining the complete inheritance of the ancient elven queen and high-level traverser, the swallow has matured a lot.

So after seeing those eyes flashing, she restrained the urge to rush out, and even the breathing rhythm maintained the standard of secret observation, smooth and relieved.

It was in this calm that she quickly discovered that the red-eyed Chris did not find herself, but was just accumulating energy.

Why accumulate energy? In order to open the straps on the hands.

You should know that this kind of polymer strapping was first used for packing goods.

Precisely because it was found that this thing is quite strong, so when the special forces **** the empty cloth members, they chose to use this kind of light thing instead of handcuffs.

Slowly this kind of useful props also spread to the police sequence, becoming another flexible restriction tool besides handcuffs.

So in fact, don't look at this thing as small and thin, but it's impossible for ordinary people to hold it open.

Of course, the existence of Lu Yuan and the others whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary people can still support it.

But Chris, who looks like a weak chicken, can hold it up, which is very new.

The Yanzi who discovered this hurriedly notified the two teammates secretly, and the two who sensed that they were not good hurriedly retracted their respective detectors to focus on the changes on the field.

At this time, that Chris is no longer as simple as a sudden increase in strength.

Just now, the red light burst out in his eyes, his hands and feet pressed hard, and the straps broke apart in an instant.

But this is just the beginning.

Unlocking the restraints of his limbs, Ben, who had been crushed by Sam with two knees and the root of one arm, jumped in place and stood up from the ground, as if his limbs were intact.

Then, he looked at Sam who was packing C4 on the center of the nutrient solution circulation system while packing the hard drive, and ran over, like a rugby player trying to contain the opponent's golfer!

He ran together here, and the sound under his feet naturally increased. Although Sam was distracted and used twice, he still had decades of professionalism. He instantly caught the running sound and hurriedly watched it.

Afterwards, the old agent drew out his PX4 storm pistol at a speed that was ashamed of the distance, and fired a series of rapid shots at the red-eyed Chris.

The two were about ten meters apart. Using the old agent's marksmanship, even if you couldn't say that you wouldn't hit the calf if you hit the knee, he didn't do it in a hurry.

On the contrary, since he was faced with Chris who was supposed to have broken his limbs and could not move freely, but now he is not only alive but also feels like an elite athlete, the old agent's first choice is to attack the opponent's chest.

In an instant, several .45ACP rounds hit Chris' chest.

However, apart from a few golden and stone clanging sounds and a few metal sparks that were conspicuous in the dark, Chris's offensive showed no signs of stopping at all.

Yanzi: Let me go, how did the weak chicken become so strong? Wait, he is transforming? I said, he wouldn't be an Aschalotar too, would he? lizard Man? Scale armor?

Just when Sam's face changed, he dropped the useless pistol and started to retreat, and replaced the MP7A1 with the armor-piercing magazine. Chris, who was empty in the first attack, did not continue to pounce, but stopped in place and his body began to skyrocket.

Soon, as his body grew larger and larger, the light blue priestly robe was torn apart, revealing a sturdy body with densely dense scales underneath.

However, when he, uh, no, it should be it. When it showed its complete form, Lu Yuan couldn't help but grow up his mouth, staring at the unknown creature that was at least five or six meters high as if looking at a rare species. .

The scales on the outside of the thing are indeed reminiscent of lizardmen and Aschalotar, but it is not in human form!

The appearance of this thing is extremely strange, and it looks terrifying at first glance, as if an ancient pterosaur came to this world across time and space, ready to hunt and eat at any time.

Its scarlet eyes, long sharp mouth, wide and sturdy wings, and claws covered with sharp claws all warned everyone that it is best to stay away from this beast.

But if you suppress the fear and want to escape instinct, and then observe this guy carefully, you will find some dumbfounding details.

For example, in addition to the scales on the front of the wings of this thing, the rear tail is actually covered by brown feathers.

Although the tan scales with it are large, it is easy to overlook at first glance.

This may not be a big deal, but what is going on with four legs? Counting the wings, this thing turned out to be a hexapod?

That's all, what is the red crown structure on the head? Isn't that the rooster's crown?

Look carefully, is this pterodactyl or an enlarged version of Kaifeng Caijia's broiler in the rumor?

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