Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 766: My name, Hodochkangkwa

Contrary to what Cui Fo thought, Lu Yuan did not take advantage of the situation to attack.

This is the cleverness of Lu Yuan.

Based on Trevor’s double-knife accomplishments, as long as Lu Yuan launches an attack, even if Trevor is blind in both eyes and deaf, he can grasp Lu Yuan’s true position only by analyzing the force on the combat weapon in the back of his mind. .

When Lu Yuan and the two fired their unintentional shock bombs, most of the effects would be lost.

Instead, Lu Yuan chose to use this time to find some help for himself.

For example, the portable remote weapon station is the legendary machine gun station.

He wanted to use this thing in the underground drainage network before, but because Sam was there with the light bulb, he had to keep it in his hand.

Right now it happened to be out for the first show.

Said to be a remote control weapon station, it is actually a set of remote control machine gun holders similar to drones.

Just for the convenience of carrying, the ammunition of this thing is only two hundred rounds, and the ammunition used is the same 4.6X30mm ammunition as the MP7.

So the lethality of this thing is average, the effective range is average, the endurance is average, the accuracy is fair, and the cost is very low. Better than toys, but performance is not enough to be a killer.

The greatest value is probably to do traps, or provide additional alert fire support when alone.

Coincidentally, Lu Yuan just needs it now.

Moreover, he threw out three groups at once.

So when the first gunshot sounded, Cui Fo slashed along with the sound, leaning to the sides behind him, unexpectedly two gunshots were heard at the same time.

These two bursts of shots hit him firmly in the back.

"Damn it!" Cui Fo, who was hit by a large-caliber anti-material rifle and only vomited blood, was naturally not afraid of PDW bullets that even small-caliber rifles could not match.

But this thing is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting.

It was almost impossible to put the word idiot directly on Cui Fo's forehead.

Realizing that he was injured by this kind of thing, Cui Fo Dao Wu was defensive, but only a few repeated horizontal jumps, he cut off the three remote control machine guns again.

Although Lu Yuan still had some inventory, he still gave up on using such a high price to delay time after calculating Trevor's efficiency.

It's better to save money.

"You use this pair of knives well." The third wave of guns came again, "but I'm a little curious, if you still have a mount, what kind of weapon do you use on its back, or double knives? Then you have to lengthen it. I got my arms."

"You! Sure enough, you killed Kipron!" Cui Fo furiously made Lu Yuan excited. He found that he seemed to have found the best point of attack. ""

"Kipron? Chicken-bellied dragon!" Faced with Cui Fo's angry pursuit, Lu Yuan immediately practiced the concept of running if he can't beat him, and turned around and jumped off the roof, his figure flashed, and he rushed into the arena. .

"Hey, the chuckle of that thing's chicken wings are cut off. Tsk tsk, it's still a rooster!"

"You! Damn bastard! I must kill you!" Trevor shouted after him.

Oops, this doesn't feel right, does this guy have such a deep relationship with that Kipron? Could it be another kind of relationship between mounts and knights? Lu Yuanxin said.

Lu Yuan said nothing about cutting off chicken wings and clucking, and it never happened.

Although Kipron died in his hands, he was only shot through the heart by a stable armor-piercing projectile fired by a tank gun. Of course there can be no sorrow.

It's just that he can make Cui Fo so angry by talking nonsense. Tsk tsk, this is interesting.

"By the way, did you know? Your mount was underground, but you found yourself a dozen popular stars as playmates! That scene, hehe!"

"You nonsense! Those are all Chris' toys, and have nothing to do with Kipron!" Trevor chased after him.

"So you know? It's a good idea to let Kipron hide in Chris's body as a back-up player!" Lu Yuan is another way of raising and suppressing, "But you guess that Chris wants to engage with his **** Good relationship, won't you arrange some entertainment for him?"

"Hey, if it wasn't for your Kivron to be hollowed out by those, how could we kill it so easily?"

"These, that Lord Chris didn't report to you?"

"His matter, I will naturally ask him to settle the account!" Cui Fo's words directly explained the key points and thoughts of Lu Yuan's words and thoughts, but even if he recalled it, I am afraid he would not care.

Trevor is now thinking about killing Lu Yuan, avenging his mount, and then going back to sacrifice the blood of Chris, who had let his partner "degenerate", to comfort the mount in the spirit of heaven.

But if Chris knew about Trevor's plan, he would also yell wronged. Those things were obviously nonsense by Lu Yuan, and he had never done it.

Uh, it's not easy to say, because he will also recall the scenes where he had fought with those playmates until he was full, suddenly lost consciousness, and recovered all the people around him into a coma and lost his memory.

I am afraid that because of this hesitation, Cui Fo will be deemed guilty of conscience, and he will be sent to see Kipulong.

Regardless of how Trevor intends to deal with the resurrected Chris, and no matter how Chris begs for mercy, Lu Yuan now has another thing in his mind.

That is, Chris was resurrected, and Trevor was the one holding his resurrection center. Moreover, it looked like Kipron who was the head mount, and the owner was Trevor.

Regarding the resurrection of Chris, he has long been able to confirm this.

Because when he killed Kipron in one shot, the system only showed Kipron's points, but there was no record of killing Chris.

Although he was not sure of the specific mechanism that allowed Chris to escape Lu Yuan's kill, Lu Yuan himself came up with several reasonable explanations in an instant, such as Kipron's awakening and killing Chris.

In short, if there is no record of killing Chris, it is basically certain that he will be resurrected.

The latter two inferences are not difficult to give.

Chris died early and resurrected. In addition to protecting himself, he also had a big advantage, which was to report to his superiors the fact that the underground resurrection factory was attacked as soon as possible.

Who would need this report? Naturally the owner of the factory.

The owner of the factory is naturally the one who placed the mount there as a bodyguard, and is also the owner of the mount.

It now appears that the two masters of one body are undoubtedly Trevor.

Wanting to understand this, Lu Yuan continued to run wildly around the bunker in the arena, avoiding Trevor’s angry attack, and shouting to him, "Since Kipron is your mount, then your real body is also that green. A big lizard that doesn't pull a lot?"

"Then what's your name? You wouldn't really be called Trevor, right?"

"Huh! Damn it! Remember my name, I'm champion warrior Khodochkangkwa! When you report to the Reaper, don't call me the wrong name!"

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