Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 768: Grinding the gun in the battle, panicking

Lu Yuan didn't expect that when he stopped the shelling, the green-skinned alien lizard jumped out vigorously.

That's a dozen heavy artillery, how does it feel that it just broke the guy's bone armor?

Isn't it funny? Lu Yuan cursed secretly in his heart, and let him violently hit me several times with his double knives, even this keel shield would have to be deformed by him!

Originally, the first knife of the keel ring was his practice after he got the keel from the plane of Nin.

The main body of the knife is not only the toughest part cut from the complete thigh bone of the dragon, but also the blade is made of Nien's specialty God's blood ebony wood.

Although the ring knife weighed almost ten kilograms as a result, it was not something that a normal person could use at all, but it was the first keel knife he cherished very much.

As a result, after only blocking four or five attacks from the green lizard on the opposite side, he was bent and unable to use it, forcing him to pull out his shield.

The method of making this keel shield is definitely different from that of the ring head knife. Some are similar to the production of an umbrella, using keel as a shield bone, and then a shield body made of ebony wood.

A one-meter-two long, less than ten-centimeter wide, and two-centimeter thick ring head knife weighs nearly ten kilograms. Lu Yuan’s keel buckler that can protect more than half of his body can be imagined. .

Even so, Lu Yuanlian's shield was still slashed out by the Khodochkangkwa double-knife, which shows how strong that guy is.

However, according to the conservation of kinetic energy, Lu Yuan and his shield were smashed out, which would reduce the damage to the shield. Probably because of this, the integrity of the keel shield can be guaranteed before the keel shield bone is broken. .

This may be the key to why Lu Yuanda's delay technique can still be used.

He only made one of the keel ring first swords for himself to enjoy. This kind of keel shield made of dragon ribs and spine is naturally impossible to have more.

If this keel shield is broken again, then he really has to consider whether to GG directly.

As a result, Lu Yuan tried his best to hold a shield heavier than himself to block the opponent's attack, and at the same time, he was actively trying to create more trouble for the opponent.

In addition to asking Siafee to replace the high-explosive fragmentation grenade with arrow-shaped armor-piercing shells for the robotic arm automatic loader of the D20 towing howitzers, he also connected other weapons such as tank guns and heavy machine guns to the opposite side on the shield. Some surprises.

However, it is a pity that although those surprises caused some trouble to the dual-blade green lizard and effectively reduced its attack frequency, it failed to achieve the effect Lu Yuan wanted and did not cause any harm to the opponent.

Because, that **** can actually avoid tank guns!

When the 2A46M smoothbore gun on Luyuan’s T72B main battle tank fired a grenade, the muzzle velocity of the warhead was nearly 800 meters per second, which is more than twice the speed of sound.

But the guy on the opposite side of this speed can dodge, the D20's muzzle velocity of 650 meters per second, he can naturally dodge better.

Even if the speed of the armor-piercing arrow projectile is definitely higher than this speed, it can even be more than doubled, but can it really be avoided by him?

But this also shows that the previous continuous heavy artillery is not completely useless, at least it hurts it. Otherwise, this guy won't dodge immediately when he encounters a tank gun attack.

It's just that, how can the guy who can dodge the tank gun be killed?

Lu Yuan made a three-point defense and a counterattack, but he spent six points thinking about the next strategy.

After thinking about it, he simply said to the opposite side of the linker, "Siafi, don't mess with those D20s, go and call up the design drawing of the No. 4 test product!"

"Experimental product No. 4? My lord? But the design of that thing hasn't been completed yet, right?" Shia Fei was taken aback for a moment and couldn't help but persuade him, "Are you afraid that D20 is not fast enough? It's better to use the test article No. 1. At least that has been tested in actual combat many times..."

"Obey the order, Siafee!" Lu Yuan eagerly said, "Speed ​​alone is not enough. If the number one is, the power is definitely not enough!"

"Yes, sir, I will arrange this." Xiafee said immediately, "but, sir, our existing energy is not enough to support No. 4, even if all the operating energy of the entire space is taken in, it will be output instantly. It's not enough."

"I know," Lu Yuan interrupted, "but we now have a big guy who can help!"

"Big guy? Sir?" Siafi understood immediately, "You mean, that?"


"Okay, I understand, I will also prepare the equipment and materials at the same time." Sia Fei said, "but I can't provide you with fire support during this period, please be careful!"

"Got it. Don't worry!"

It's a pity that the one who made others "rest assured" was beaten out again by the enemy.

The opponent was knocked into the air twice in a row, but there was no such strange support firepower. The two-sword green alien lizard's sharp teeth couldn't help but cocked slightly, revealing a cruel smile.

"Why, that strange shelling stopped? No ammunition? Or broken?"

"Hehe, then you die!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Ah, damn, my eyes! It's a shocking bullet again! You bastard, I must personally cut every piece of flesh on your body into minced meat!"

"What are you doing? Make dumplings filled with meat?"

Lu Yuan's voice suddenly sounded from behind Hodoch Kangkua, who was holding his blindfolded eyes, but because the guy was cruelly cocked again, he slashed in the direction of the sound with both knives in his hand!

"I think sizzling grilled meat is more suitable for you!"

The green lizard's double knives arrived in sync with the sound, but the expected hand feeling of cutting the flesh until the bones was cut did not come back. The double knives only chopped up a palm-sized electronic product, and there was no other gain.

What? mobile phone? The green lizard had a bad heart, but in the next second, his left arm was hit by a familiar sharp hard object, instantly smashing the already dilapidated bone armor, almost interrupting his left arm!

Anti-material rifle! Trevor's green lizard, who had suffered this gunshot wound a long time ago, immediately understood what he had been hit, and almost dropped out regardless of the serrated knife in his left hand, took a small step forward at an extremely fast speed, and then continued to jump to the left. , At the same time the left hand knife swung out!


It was still not the sound of flesh and blood being cut, but the sub-steel frame being cut off by a serrated knife.

Is it a trap again? ? The green lizard who was fooled again was quite embarrassed. It was obvious that he used the same trick to bully others, but now he was used by a little bug to deal with him again and again?

Simply outrageous!

"What are you doing? You are a lizard man, what about your natural infrared heat sensor?" Lu Yuan's voice came from behind him again.

But this time, he didn't choose to turn around and attack. Instead, he jumped two or three times and fled into the depths of the arena, waiting for the eyes and hot cheeks blinded by the shock bullet to recover.


Lu Yuan's voice came from the shadow on the other side. The voice just now was indeed a trap.

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