Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 772: Dugan's House

So, what did Yanzi just say?

Probably it is:

"I use the descendants of the high elf sage wizard Gary Felius Daltery, the guardian and savior of the worlds where the celestial sphere meets, the highest queen of the Dryad Empire, the wolf slayer witcher, the warlock of Wengerburg, In the name of Svia, order you to surrender!"

To be honest, if the Swallow hadn't used a magic language mastered by her ancestor Gary Felius Daltrein, she would have been unable to express her two illnesses.

When she didn't know Lu Yuanqian back then, she still said these kinds of things smoothly, but since she met that guy, especially after he stayed in the main position for a while, her face has become thinner in this respect.

If it weren't for this language, no one in the audience would know it, and she was afraid that she would be able to dig out a world-famous painting from the ground with her toes awkwardly.

Fortunately, with the magical fluctuations as soon as possible, the final result is still good.

At least the Colonel Merriweather commander never showed the same impatience as before.

However, Yanzi suddenly saw Euphnia who was smiling but not smiling, but suddenly felt a chill.

Damn, she can understand it? ! The swallow was a little bit eager to cry but no tears.

Fortunately, Yufonia’s smiley face was fleeting, and she quickly turned to the colonel commander who was struggling to stand up from the guard, and said, "Colonel Dugan, now we should have a good talk?"

Although there was some anxiety in her heart, since Yufnia did not reveal it directly, Yanzi was happy to expose the matter.

With Swallow’s previous demonstration, Commander Meriwether, the Colonel Dugan, also had to believe that there is a strange existence of brainwashing poison in this world.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the formation of poisonous helicopters that theoretically should be able to completely take off the Meriweather base has been killed by the swallows ahead of time.

However, since the gangster alliance has complete technology, they can only assume that they will soon produce a new batch of poisonous gas without knowing how much raw materials they have in stock.

Meriweather's situation is very critical.

Faced with Colonel Dugan who went from one extreme (no belief in the existence of poison gas) to the other extreme (afraid of poison gas appearing at any time), Yanzi didn't want to tell him that there was a reason why the gang tried so hard to seize the modified helicopter formation.

Just like the few poisonous gas grenades that Yanzi just used, it was mainly because the air circulation in the command room was poor.

If the poisonous gas does not reach a certain concentration in a well-ventilated place, it will be difficult to take effect.

Similarly, if other methods are used, such as rockets, missiles or even artillery shells, to throw poisonous gas, too high flight speed will cause the poisonous gas to lose its activity prematurely, and it will also become ineffective.

Therefore, until the gangster alliance finds a substitute for a helicopter, Colonel Dugan's unfounded worries will not come true, and the sky will not collapse.

But as I said before, Yanzi wouldn't tell this humbling fellow about these things at all.

This guy is obviously Meri Weather's highest commander in Los Santos, but he doesn't have the atmosphere of a normal soldier at all.

This kind of people, honestly go in business, or go to politics, what are you doing in a mercenary team? Is it an eyesore?

She still doesn't know that this Colonel John Dugan is really an important member of a rich family. The personal listing is strong and belongs to the family.

However, it didn’t take long for Turner Sam, who had bypassed the gang’s coalition aircraft brigade, to come here. After communicating the situation in twos or twos, Sam began to help the colonel Dugan formulate a new version of the combat plan with Euphnia. Turner Here began to make up lessons for Yanzi.

For example, this Colonel John Dugan is a member of the Dugan family of the Midwest energy tycoon who once hunted Valeria.

An important figure in that family had been a comrade-in-arms with Don Pasival, the founder of Meri Weather, and the two naturally gradually formed an alliance.

This John Dugan was appointed as a commander by Parcival in order to show his favor to the big man who had already entered the Pentagon.

He wasn't a complete mess, but he was a lot worse than those commanders who slowly climbed up by his own ability.

Now let him be the commander-in-chief. In addition to the fact that the big riots were too abrupt and Meriweather had no time to change, it was also related to the capable lieutenant colonel who had stabilized his head and was dispatched to perform other tasks. .

Originally, even if he was a idiot, it wouldn't be a big deal with a capable assistant, who knew it would be such a coincidence.

On the way between Turner and Sam, the latter has already got in touch with Don Pacival, who is also in Washington, D.C., through the old relationship.

His opponent Pasival, who knew very well, immediately asked Sam Fisher to fill this command loophole.

In exchange, Parcival would protect Sam’s daughter Sarah as soon as possible. Even after Sam showed his vigilance about McCle’s remnant party, the founder of Meriweather said immediately that as long as he got in touch with Sarah, he would A private jet will be arranged to take her to the designated place.

Before she flew to her destination, Sam could find someone he could trust to pick her up.

So Turner found a new job for the three of them to help Sam protect his daughter.

But that's all five hours later.

During this period, Turner learned the details of this Colonel John Dugan.

Swallow: w(°O°)w, it turned out to be a family proton and straw bag? No wonder it's so stupid!

After listening to Turner's narration, Yanzi did not catch a cold to this man even more.

Originally, he had great opinions on this person, but now that he is still a member of the Dugan family, it is even more uncomfortable.

We must know that the armed vehicle competition, which caused a lot of trouble for them before and was one of the incentives for the great riots in Los Santos, was funded by the Diamond Casino in the northeast of the city that had just reopened soon after its renovation.

And this diamond casino is currently an industry belonging to the Dugan family.

After rounding up, it is equivalent to this house causing a big riot, making everyone so passive!

While Yanzi secretly wondered how to find an opportunity to teach this guy to vent his grievances, Sam and Yufonia’s new plan over there encountered difficulties.

It is difficult, but in fact there is a hard bone in the throat, like a light on the back. If you don't get rid of this thing, no matter how good the layout is in other aspects, it may be overturned by the Gangster League at any time.

That was the black IAA flying saucer that was hovering over the sea between Los Santos Airport and Nanluodu Wharf just now.

The existence of that kind of martial arts single-soldier unparalleled and Wenneng assisted gain is really too BUG.

With the armed forces that Meri Weather still had, the five Valkyrie helicopters could not help that guy at all.

And because the entire eight F/A-18F Super Hornet flying saucers were easily killed before, Meri Weather's most important reinforcement near Los Santos, the San Diego Naval Base, did not dare to send an air team to die in a short time.

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