Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 782: Isu people have clear love and hate

However, if it is a natural civilization change, it has nothing to do with the ancient Isu people, and these survivors will not care too much.

The problem is that a certain religion is too strong, it has eliminated most of their existence, and has also allowed their descendants to convert to that religion.

Imagine a lord-level existence who was once praised as a god. After reincarnation and awakening, he suddenly found himself a believer of others. The key to his belief was that he was just the stupid son of a certain village chief's family back then!

This time, I feel so sour!

If it's just like this, even though the Isu people have never heard of "Thirty Years in the East and Thirty Years in the Hexi", "Don't bully the young and poor" and so on, they still understand similar truths.

Yunjuanyunshu, ebb and flow, but so.

But the problem is that the silly son of the village chief's family who was once despised not only turned over and became the only god, but also raised a butcher knife to other Isu survivors and slaughtered.

In addition, those foreign invaders, Aschalotar, will definitely contribute to the changes in this era. Therefore, the hunting and hunting of Isu survivors by various forces has been very popular for a time, and there are many names for religious trial witch hunting.

Even though these reincarnations only have Isu memory and no human past life memory, they still have brains, and they can just read the ancient history of human beings, and they can think of what they have experienced in the past life.

The experience of Sonaz-Thunder God Perun, who is fused with Lu Yuan, is a representative.

The Grand Duke who once personally invited the statue of Perun into the temples, and under the influence of a certain religion, personally overthrew the statue, led and even forced other believers to flog and humiliate him, and finally threw it into the river.

This is a representative and a microcosm. And because Peelun at that time only left the remnant soul in the God Realm Stone Fragment-Thunder God Arrow, the pain was not high in fact.

Most of the races who believe in the original polytheism have more cruel experiences.

In this way, the "treatment" of other Isu people/gods can be imagined.

The Celtic Danu Protoss represented by Morian is one of the more cruel representatives of this experience.

As for herself, she was later labelled as a witch or witch by a certain teacher. The humans who had served her were lucky enough to be hacked to death.

Burning alive this way, simply sounds too commonplace, and it is not stimulating to modern people, but anyone who has ever experienced burns can imagine the cruelty of this method of death.

And this is just the first level of torture by a certain religion on the heretical witches they identified.

Before awakening, Helena was an out-and-out academic bully. She also received a scholarship from the University of San Andreas at Los Santos through her athlete qualities.

With her ability, it is not difficult to find out what cruel things happened in the history of Celtic traditional settlements in medieval Europe and even the British Isles.

So among these awakened people, she has the worst perception of a certain religion, which is normal.

Although Sam is not an Isu and cannot intuitively understand the love and hatred of these awakened people, he is an old gang after all. Seeing Helena’s unconsciously twitching cheeks when mentioning a certain teacher, you know what she thinks. So I didn't irritate her anymore.

"Anyway, we don't need to struggle with any one-size-fits-all solution. If there is hope, just act!" Sam turned to Lester.

"You're right." Les Feature nodded, took out a box with his backhand and handed it to Swallow not far away.

"Meow, meow? What's this?" Swallow looked at the shoebox-like thing that Lester had kept, and was almost taken out of the prototype. "Sneakers? You gave me?"

The black line on Lester's forehead fell instantly, "What sneakers! This is for you to extract the power of the hammer!"

"When the time comes, you put your pendant in, and then stick the other side of the box to the head of the hapless ghost, and it will automatically collect the last two divine powers back and merge with Mulnier!"

"Uh, is that so?" Yanzi straightened his messy hair and smiled awkwardly.

"Is it a box?" Turner looked at the thing, a little uncertain. "You thing, don't you have any side effects?"

"What side effects can this box have? Does it fall out of the shoe and hit my foot?" Swallow joked casually, but as soon as the voice fell, he remembered something, "Wait wait, Hephaestus, the box, hey , Isn't it Pandora's box?"

With that, the swallow handed the box back to Lester.

But after the opponent took the box subconsciously, Swallow didn't move away, but instead opened the mouth of the box to Leicester.

The meaning couldn't be clearer, that is, if there is a pandora's box, such as diseases and disasters, it will kill Lester himself first.

Seeing that the swallow's actions were done in one go before he came back to his senses, Lester's slightly wretched face is now full of dumbfounding.

"Don't worry, there are no disasters here!" Lester laughed ugly than crying. "Now, don't you understand, the disaster in Pandora's Box in the myth refers to the catastrophe of Toba!"

"Pandora is me, um, the human daughter of Hephaestus, so when she married a human, Hephaestus, who had a premonition that a catastrophe would happen in Taba, gave her a magic box to defend herself."

"So when the Toba catastrophe occurred, Pandora opened the magic box to rescue humans, but because of the opening of the magic box, disaster was incurred."

"Self-defense? How to defend yourself?" Yanzi suspiciously asked, "Uh, Pandora is your human daughter. Isn't it like the unlucky ghost, you made it with the supernatural power of a light analysis weapon, right?"

"Opening the magic box for self-defense, is it the same as recovering the power of Thor's Hammer, taking Pandora's consciousness back into the box, so you are not afraid of the destruction of the body?"

Lester: "..."

"Your association ability is so strong, do everyone in your family know it?" Lester said helplessly.

"I know, my dad, my mom, my master, and my boyfriend, they all know it!" Yanzi said with a proud nose, but the master pressed his head back in the next moment.

"Well, don't talk, now that there is a way, let's go!" Turner said.

"Oh." Yanzi was a little disappointed in not knowing the truth about Pandora's Box, but still chose to listen to the master's words and put the box in his backpack and was ready to set off.

But before leaving, she suddenly remembered that Lu Yuan had said that she had something to ask Lester, and then stopped and asked, "By the way, what is your thing that darkened Clifford of Evan Hertz? "

When it heard that Lu Yuan had been concerned about this issue, Turner stopped urging his apprentice and followed her behind to look at Lester.

Lester was taken aback when he heard the words, looked suspiciously at Gunther and Helena, and finally looked back at Yanzi and said, "How do you know this? Didn't you take part in the mission? Someone didn't tell you? "

The implication is that Gunther and Helena, who participated in the Doomsday Crisis mission, knew it. Who did the Yanzi ask this for?

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