Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 784: Long time no see, business is coming

An armed pickup truck of unknown origin disappeared and was replaced by two black armored fighters. This was originally very suspicious in the eyes of ordinary people and obviously would be the focus of attention, but it was turned aside by the gangster alliance.

In fact, Turner and Swallows, wearing black armor, were heading north along the familiar Alta Avenue to the Arcadia Commercial Center building, the former center of the security office. The gangster who was collecting supplies along the street had a face-to-face encounter.

Just when the two men subconsciously pulled out their guns to solve the gangsters, the two people over there gave a not-so-standard military salute.

The military salute was weird, and even Turner, who was born in the Marine Corps, had no impression.

But the swallow, who had heard of such things from Lu Yuan, instantly reacted, and that was the military salute promoted by Mike Cole in his private army.

His private army naturally includes both black armored fighters and gangster alliances.

Then, the two fake black armors were regarded as guests by two gangsters who were difficult to distinguish between true and false. They were accidentally sent to the temporary headquarters of the black armor in the city center, opposite the Arcadia Commercial Center, United Savings. Bank.

Even Turner and the two didn't expect that the Los Angeles Branch of United Savings, which once contributed a golden bed to Lu Yuan, turned into the temporary headquarters of the gangster alliance.

Imagine that the security office over there used the building of another bank’s Garden Bank. The two suddenly discovered that the bank was the strongest building in the United States.

But those who rob the bank? Well, it seems that the looted people are usually small remote banks.

Along the way, all the gangsters who met two people respectfully greeted each other. When they walked to the command center, the two almost forgot that they were here to do something, not to "come here and instruct".

But on the other hand, it also shows that in the past, black armored fighters often dealt with these gangs who were supposed to be cannon fodder. Otherwise, the two sides, uh, mainly the gangster, would not be so familiar with the black armor, or even feel more cordial.

Soon, under the leadership of these enthusiastic gangsters, the two Turner successfully arrived at the temporary headquarters of the gangster alliance.

The current person in charge here, as expected, is Trevor's deputy, Ronaldinho and Ronald Yakovsky.

In addition to this slightly neurotic but firm supporter of Trevor as the supreme commander, there are also leaders of several major gangs in the alliance, such as the blood alliance, the Bale Gang, the Vigo Gang, the Silla Gang, and the Triad.

Others, Turner, etc. are not very familiar, but they have all heard of the person in charge of the triad, that is, Chen Tao, the son of the former leader Chen Wei.

You know, this guy was personally killed by the protection of Lu Yuan's black armor bodyguard.

As a result, another one appeared now, indicating that he was also resurrected.

Calculated by time, when Lu Yuan killed him, the low-cost simplified resurrection device of Aschalotar or Epsilon was far from being put into use.

As a result, he could only be reborn once by Ascharlottar using the original resurrection equipment at no cost.

This surprised both Turner and Yanzi. After all, this inconspicuous dude has no use value at all.

Of course they don't know that this humble dude has many roles in the original plot.

The purpose of Ascharotar is to interpret the original plot similarly to the Nin Plane’s "Armored God" method, so that this face can be regarded as the parallel world of the Los Santos world, so as to complete the distant world. Jump between.

That's why they gave this guy a resurrection spot with limited opportunities.

Speaking of them, they didn't want to waste it, but Luyuan was just to test out their thoughts at the time, deliberately under great pressure to kill this person under the protection of the black armor group.

It was precisely because of this temptation that Lu Yuan finally had to leave Los Santos and spent a year in other worlds.

Turner and Yanzi vaguely heard Lu Yuan talk about these things, but they were second-hand after all.

And now, the gang leaders in the gangster alliance headquarters, including this Chen Tao, are almost like tool men, and most of them are controlled by Cui Fo's brainwashing poison.

Seeing this situation, the secret that the gangster alliance was able to completely destroy the Sangkudo Fortress and regain the troops with the power of chaos is also very clear.

It’s not that the soldiers at Fort Sankudo are too incompetent, and it’s not that the gangsters are so sharp, it is that after so many people are controlled by the brainwashing poison, they are the leader of Trevor, who is disguised as a green lizard in Ascharotar, does not count the casualties. Next, he played a fighting literacy far beyond his own level.

In this way, the legendary battle can be completed.

Sancudo was unjustly defeated.

"Two, on behalf of Trevor Phillips Industry, I welcome the two to come." Just as the two of Turner were looking and thinking, Trevor’s **** supporter Ronaldinho spoke first, "I believe you have seen it along the way. , Lord Trevor’s strategy was quite successful."

"Before that lord returns, the situation in Luo Sandu will be firmly controlled by Lord Trevor!"

"Of course, as always, we welcome the guards who stayed around to come and help me to stabilize the situation."

"But the procedures that should be followed still have to be followed."

"I don't know how the two are called, what is the code name?"

Hearing what Ronaldinho said, Yanzi and Turner couldn't help but glance at each other through their helmets.

And at the moment when their eyes met, the two heads shook their heads at the two heavily armed mercenaries behind the gang leaders. Those were the two of the unlucky ghost and the stone head.

Finding that the other side's small movements are exactly the same as his own, the master and apprentice also smiled knowingly.

As a result, Yanzi did not use the intelligence drawn from the apostated Quebec-1 to continue to disguise, but reached out and took off the helmet, revealing the perfect face with no scars on the corners of his eyes after fusion with Alex. Luo smiled and said, "Mr. Acting President, long time no see!"

"You! You are...!" Of course, Ronaldinho knows that face. After all, the actual operator who used to be responsible for the business between Lu Yuan and Trevor Phillips, that is, Ronaldinho, is Alex himself. , "Alex! Are you here?!"

"Hey, there's another business coming! Mr. Acting President!" Yanzi and Turner started to act as they spoke.

The two wore black armor, so naturally they were not afraid of carrying weapons.

At this time, the battle suddenly started, and the two immediately picked up the honey badger hanging on the back, and directed a series of shots at the surrounding people.

After all, their target is one and only the unlucky ghost, and the gangs here, including the Chen Tao, don't need to stay.

But after the shots were fired, the two people discovered that they had simplified the problem.

Because in addition to a few people near the door were shot, most of the gang leaders near the door and the window near the unlucky ghost, including Ronaldinho, even if a few people were shot, none of them were shot. Lose combat effectiveness.

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