Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 791: Change, chase, roar of giant beasts

Each of the five parties had their own plans, and the fiery battlefield that had just been fought fell into a weird calm for a while.

"Master, how is your place?" The swallow hiding on the ground, looking at the IAA flying saucer in the sky that was far more tolerable than he thought, asked Turner on the other side of the communication device rather bored.

On the other side, Turner, who was driving the Terrorist, was observing the performance of the surrounding gangster alliance with a drone on a street corner in the Santo District of Nanluo.

"It's calm and the waves are calm." Turner looked at the picture sent back by the drone and said flatly.

"Hehe, hey, is the position of a mere anti-thief leader so happy?" Yanzi sneered.

The calm of Nanluodu District means that the follow-up forces of the Gangster Alliance have not been mobilized, which means that the Gangster Alliance has not yet competed for a new leader.

Of course, if it is just that Nanluo is calm, it may be that the leaders of all parties still don't know that the headquarters has been terminated.

But there is a second point, which corroborates Yanzi's judgment. That was the gangster alliance ambush that was still stuck with Meriweather's advancing troops. Not long ago, it suddenly retreated and disengaged from contact, and then disappeared completely without a trace.

The act of ambush of the gang shows that its commander has learned about the situation of the general headquarters and has begun to use the ambush as a bargaining chip to fight for power.

After thinking about this, Yanzi shook his head disapprovingly, and said to Turner, "Master, there is no movement on his side? I don't know if our news has passed."

"He should have seen it." Turner was also a little uncomfortable when he talked about someone who lost contact again. It’s not going well."

"Hey, with his frontal battle, he started by bombarding, then sniping at a long distance, and finally running away if he couldn't fight. There is no news that it can be delayed for so long, and it probably won't go well!" Yanzi, who is already quite familiar with Lu Yuansan, laughed. road.

After laughing, she couldn't help but worry about that.

However, thinking that if he was defeated there, he should have returned to the main plane to contact him. Then there is no news but good news. As a result, Yanzi feels much more relaxed.

While looking up at the black flying saucer in the sky, Yanzi guessed how long the thing would stop, but the next second she suddenly found out, where else could it stop for how long? Where's the flying saucer? Why is it missing?

Fortunately, there are still many people who are in the same mood as her, and the first to bear the brunt are the old fighters of the Second World War Cold War at a higher level.

When it was discovered that the IAA flying saucer was moving in other ways, they were the quickest to take the former as a life-saving straw. They immediately turned their nose and flew out of the airspace following the flying saucer.

Looking along the flight direction of those old planes, Swallow quickly found the black flying saucer that was disappearing from the horizon, and once again envied this guy's unreasonable mobility and planted the longest finger representing friendship.

Although knowing that it is impossible to catch up with the preemptive flying saucer at the speed of his own flying motorcycle, the swallow immediately turned on the motorcycle and followed it up into the sky.

For nothing else, it's good to take the opportunity to beat down a few more master fighters at the end of the team.

On the other hand, when the aircraft suddenly left, Meriweather's long-standing team finally started again.

Because the gang ambush had already evacuated before, after this time Meri Weather was launched, it went straight into the hinterland of Nanluodu like a broken bamboo.

Waiting for the gangsters who were still fighting for command over there to discover the changes here, the Meriweather Synthetic Battalion, which had been huddled in the port area and unable to expand, had already crossed the harbour bridge and entered South Luodu.

At this time, Meriweather, who had completely opened up the situation, could no longer be quickly stopped by the gang forces that had lost their mature command system and at the same time lost air supremacy.

The battlefield commander who had previously delused to use the flying saucer to contain Meriweather, and he transferred his troops north to seize power, could only swallow the evil fruit he had planted, and watched Meriweather's iron armor rush over his troops.

Not long after the war went on again, Nanluo Shengdu had already fallen into the hands of Meri Weather.

Turner, who witnessed this battle, found that unless there was another miracle here, the gang forces were unlikely to stay in Nanluo after the turnaround, and followed the Yanzi's signal to chase to the southwest.

The situation on Yanzi's side did not exceed her expectations. It was a little harder for her to catch up with the unreasonable flying saucer, but there was no pressure to catch up with the master planes that did not even have a speed of 0.6 Mach.

After all, after using BUG, ​​she can fly to 0.9 Mach or even higher.

From this point of view, the unreasonable degree of a flying motorcycle without a reasonable aerodynamic configuration of the driver is not lower than that of a flying saucer.

As a result, those old World War II propellers that flew slowly were cleaned up by the swallows in a short time.

This made the swallow suffocating his stomach scream out of joy.

Then came the early jets of the early Cold War shortly after World War II.

For example, the vampire fighter, which has a flying speed of only Mach 0.7, died a little later than the Mustang or its own Spitfire, but it didn't make the latter wait too long.

In the end, the Soviet-made MiG 15 was the strongest. After all, it was a monster that could fly to Mach 0.88. As long as it escaped with all its strength, the Swallow, whose maximum speed was not much different from it, would not catch up for a while.

However, even so, the air combat squadron that once held Meriweather's entire combined battalion has been overcome by the Swallows.

Now even if the flying saucers come back and continue to give them blessings, because the number has dropped drastically, they will no longer be able to have the same level of combat effectiveness as before.

What's more, the flying saucer has completely disappeared in the air at this time, and I don't know where it flew.

Just as Yanzi hesitated between continuing to pursue the remaining aircraft and returning to the city to help clear the ground troops of the gang, a loud noise not far away made her choice again.

Originally, she was flying in the air, but because of the convenience of teleportation, she didn't wear a helmet, so she couldn't distinguish other sounds from the fast flowing air current.

But the loud noise not far away, like some kind of ancient behemoth proclaiming his arrival, easily attracted her attention.

When she turned her head and looked over, she saw that the garden bank arena where she had fought before had actually been broken into a load-bearing column and collapsed in a cloud of smoke.

And among the rubble, a black shadow suddenly flew out of it, and flew into the air with the kind of trajectory that the swallow was familiar with, which did not talk about fluid mechanics. It was the IAA flying saucer that had disappeared before.

But soon, there was another loud noise, and the flying saucer in mid-air suddenly floated upwards as if being held up by a giant.

However, this time the flying saucer seemed to have slowed down by half a beat, and was hit by something unknown to the side and rear. For a while, the front half of the fuselage was tilted up like a cobra.

It turned out that the loud noise was not an explosion, let alone the howling of an ancient behemoth, but a sonic boom that was transmitted to the swallow when a supersonic flying object cut through the sky!

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