Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 803: Towards their respective battlefields

"■■?" This is the first time the system has covered up the typed characters in the information bar.

If you don't want Lu Yuan to see it, the system doesn't need to write this word out.

Write it out, but cover it up, the reason behind this is worthy of intrigue.

However, with the previous explanation of the big boss who descended on the female ghost in white, and the information provided by the swallow before, Lu Yuan quickly put the matter together.

According to Yanzi, whether it is attacking the so-called God's Chosen, or uttering the name of the existence, it will attract his attention.

This is probably the reason that the boss said before that the existence glanced at this face, because Lu Yuan defeated the purple lizard and imprisoned her.

But this big boss was there, dazzling like the sun, blocking other stars nearby, such as the rising star Lu Yuan.

So just as the boss said, as long as she is there, whether Valeria or Aphrodite, the so-called **** behind it can't or even can't do anything to Lu Yuan.

After all, he might not even notice the covered starlight around the boss.

However, the boss can never be his nanny forever.

If he knew the name of the interplanetary **** without protective measures, it would be equivalent to exposing his position to that existence.

So, although the system could determine what the thing was, it still blocked the name of the **** for Lu Yuan.

"Hey! It's still too weak!"

After sighing, Lu Yuan turned around and was about to go out, only to see the purple lizard in the capsule suddenly weathered, turning into a dusty sand and collapsed.

However, after a while, the sand haze disappeared little by little, leaving only a centimeter square piece of stone on the original bed.

Lu Yuan picked up the piece of stone in the past, but saw that it was neither gold nor jade but like gold and jade. It was very round in his hand, but there were irregular gaps in the edge of the stone, as if some kind of primitiveness. Saw blade.

What is even more strange is that on one side of the stone piece was carved a pattern that Lu Yuan did not recognize, and on the other side was three dots arranged in a fringe shape, dyed purple by a certain dye.

When he took this thing to ask the boss, the boss glanced at him profoundly, said "you will know", and then went over it in a perfunctory manner.

Seeing what the boss said, Lu Yuan stopped asking more, and went to the drone after finishing the complicated preparation work.

Just as he rode on the back neck of the giant dragon drone again and was about to rush into the underground base directly according to the position given by the boss, the swallows left first.

Seeing Yanzi riding a flying motorcycle into the sky, and sending a kiss in midair, Lu Yuan still had doubts in his heart, but he sent her a goodbye kiss. I wish her the next battle in Los Santos will go well. .

Regarding why other people such as McGrady Santa couldn't go back in time, the big guy's explanation had convinced Lu Yuan. It is indeed extremely risky to return to a past that can change the present without the mark of a traverser on his body.

But Yanzi, she's also a traverser, why can't she?

Because half of her, Alex, is a native?

However, the swallow only said something like a riddle in this matter, and the boss didn't want to explain much, and Lu Yuan could only hide the question in his stomach.

"Remember the initial warning I gave you? We are the same."

This is what Yanzi said before he left.

The initial warning, Lu Yuan could probably guess, was that he had wanted to tell Yanzi how her adoptive parents would survive in the future.

Or more than that, it refers to the life of Yanzi in the original works that she knows, and she does not allow herself to say it.

But, "We are the same", how do you understand this sentence?

Is it possible that in the world that Yanzi has been to, there are novels or games with himself as the protagonist?

So Yanzi can't tell herself the so-called future things?

But, I obviously went to her main plane to help her, there is no problem?

Faintly, Lu Yuan felt that his understanding of the sentence "we are the same" might be too superficial.

However, these are not very important.

Although without Yanzi, the auxiliary magic master, in the past when he couldn't use tanks and cannons blatantly, his own firepower would be somewhat insufficient, but the problem was not as big as it seemed.

At least Lu Yuan is confident enough.

After all, the Dragon UAV is still very useful.

Lu Yuan firmly fixed himself on the back of the drone with the leg armor and the back neck of the drone, similar to a train coupler, which is a Zhan-style coupler. Thinking of this, he commanded Sia in the drone. Fei exploded a hole in the import and export pointed out by the boss not far away.

In the smoke that has not yet dissipated, Lu Yuan, who looked like a dragon knight, plunged into the passage that lived like the entrance of the abyss.

What he didn't know was that shortly after he entered the passage, the big man in white looked at the direction he was leaving, and said to himself, "Good luck, road." He disappeared into the air silently.

On the other side, the road entering the passage looked around, quite a familiar feeling.

Soon, he realized where this familiarity came from, the intercontinental ballistic missile base.

In other words, this is highly suspected to be the structure of the IAA black flying saucer access channel, which is very similar to the intercontinental ballistic missile silo.

It's just that the latter is circular in cross-section, and here it is more like, uh, the cross-section of some kind of shell.

In other words, it is the shape of the squashed circle. But because the two short points have sharp corners and are not smooth, it is hard to say that they are elliptical.

What I have to say is to replace the two tips of the ellipse with triangles.

On the whole, the channel of this shape is very suitable for flying in and out of a flying saucer with a horizontal cross-section similar to an ellipse.

It's just that when the flying saucer gets in and out, you have to stand it up and let your flat body go straight up and down along the passage.

In addition to the similarity of the channel wall to the silo, the facilities at the bottom of the channel also have a strong atmosphere of a missile base.

According to the boss, the mural on the wall of the cable car station at the top of the mountain was painted after the death of the real woman in white according to the scene seen from the base in the mountain.

What's more, the female ghost in white was created because of the energy leakage from the base in the mountain.

Then at least when she died, this base had been built. It was before 1978.

The production of the One Minute Human III intercontinental ballistic missile happened at the end of 1978.

However, after the base was built, the equipment here should have been updated.

At the very least, the apron where the IAA black flying saucer is parked at the bottom of the passage, and the testing equipment near the apron, all have the feeling of the 21st century.

Yes, when the road went far down the channel to the bottom, I found that the IAA flying saucer had been heard on the tarmac.

And two guys dressed as pilots in black one-piece aviation suits were smoking some cigarettes near the equipment to relax.

Seeing the two drunk lives and dreams of death, it seemed that they were not afraid that they would come to the door after chasing them all the way.

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