Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 812: Space segmentation and time loop

Because the working space could not be opened, and the previous battle with the Millennium Dragon lost a lot of fuel, the fuel left in the drone's fuel tank alone was not enough to send him from the west coast of North America to the west coast of Europe.

Fortunately, there is a long way to prepare. There are portable equipment from crude crude oil to refined kerosene. Although the output is very low, it is enough for drones flying to shallow oil mines around Texas. The fuel tanks are full.

This time, it was enough for him to fly to Iberia.

At this point, Lu Yuan knew the exact number of this unknown time node at the Grand Franco machine in Castile.

In 1420.

The dragon's name for a thousand years is well-deserved, and it was just a thump before he died, which brought Lu Yuan half a thousand years ago.

Considering that both he and the dragon corpse were driven out in the middle of the time channel, I am afraid that the original goal of the Millennium Dragon might indeed be a thousand years ago.

In addition, after the previous battle in the time channel, Lu Yuan also realized that he had blamed the Thousand-Year Dragon to some extent.

Before, he thought that whether the Thousand-Year Dragon’s protective force field or the light ball breathe, they all used other methods to simulate time magic in disguise. In fact, the main body was a powerful corruption technique.

After all, he had committed a risk with his own body and tried the breath of a thousand-year-old dragon.

However, after he killed the thing with a close fight, the rusty power armor was nothing more. The drastically decreased lifespan value in the attribute panel clearly told him that the force field on the side of the thousand-year dragon did have time attributes.

Had it not entered the Time Channel later and disguised the Millennium Dragon's melee field, I am afraid that Lu Yuan would have died of old age before he killed it.

He doesn't keep the life potion in the power armor.

In the end, he concluded that the guy's light ball breath was a powerful corruption technique, but the force field around him was indeed controlling time.

But in this way, Lu Yuan's previous suspicions of Li Field had no reasonable explanation. For example, the bullets are rusty, why the kinetic energy on the warhead has not disappeared, and why the speed of the warhead seems to be slower, so that the Millennium Dragon has time to evade.

These problems plagued Qi Lu Yuan again, and it was not until his journey of time retrospect failed this time and he returned to the starting point that he remembered a word, time loop.

That's right, after a long period of time on the European continent, he suddenly returned to the original starting point, the woods on the Thousand-Year Mountain.

Next to him is still a giant dragon drone with serious damage in appearance and little actual injury, and a thousand-year-old dragon corpse that will soon turn into fly ash not far away.

At first he was not sure that this was a cycle of time, until he found out that Shia Fei had no memory of this time, and saw the same female leader who had told herself about the Three Cities Alliance at Chumaxu. Time to recycle this matter.

When he has been here for a period of time and has not escaped, he will be brought back to the starting point again. Except for his own consciousness, everything else will return to the state at the start point, that is, the state when it was just thrown out by the time channel.

For this reason, he finally constructed a model of the thousand-year dragon bodyguard force field that was enough to convince himself: cut into sections of small adjustable spaces, there are time cycles.

In these time cycles, all changes will be restored at the end of the cycle, except for two points, one is the actual location, and the other is the traces of aging or corruption.

Therefore, after the bullet passes through this small time circulation space, the kinetic energy does not change, and the trajectory does not fall, but the bullet body is aged and rusted.

In the force field magic area within one meter outside of the dragon's body, there may be thousands of such tiny time circulation spaces, or thousands of layers.

If you want to attack the Millennium Dragon, you must pass through thousands of layers of time circulation space.

But now that the Thousand-Year Dragon is dead, even if he speculates on the model of this magical force field, it doesn't make much sense.

On the contrary, the concept of time loop is more important to his current situation.

Time cycle is essentially a kind of gap between time and space. The steampunk world in which the swallows were trapped back then is probably essentially a cycle of time, but for a longer period of time.

Considering that the big guy once said that the plane was originally a part of the leaf vein time river intercepted from the plane of Puppet Luodu, it is the same in nature as the time retrospective zone that is obviously a small vein tributary, which is also a matter of course.

But Lu Yuan’s problem is how to get out.

The reason why he entered this time retrospective zone was an accident in the final analysis, and he was brought over by the escaped Millennium Dragon.

Unless the Millennium Dragon comes back to life, he can't guess how to break the game by guessing alone.

Fortunately, after a time cycle, he carefully savored the explanation given to him by the previous boss, and finally grasped a key point from inside, that is, after contacting the Millennium Dragon, he should also be able to unlock the time channel with the Millennium Dragon. Similar props.

Then, after paying 5,000 points, he got a watch-style prop called a single face time tracer.

The name is simple and clear. It is a prop that specializes in retrospecting time on a single plane. It cannot cross planes, nor can it even form parallel planes.

Using this kind of thing to go back in time can change the historical time to a certain extent, but if this change exceeds a certain range, a time loop will occur.

If the degree of change is greater, the user will even be thrown into the turbulence of time.

So when buying this thing, I crossed the store and gave three big red exclamation marks, indicating that Lu Yuan must be cautious.

Lu Yuan also recognized this.

Although he would not thank the profiteers who dared to sell this ton of aviation kerosene for 100 points, he would not think that the prompt to cross the store was fake.

Although Lu Yuan had experienced the world with great flexibility in the timeline of the plane of Nin, and had heard of the mechanism of the so-called Dragon Break, he had not personally experienced the Dragon Break after all.

Perhaps the local talent of Nien, Serberina, has the most experience of this integration method where countless parallel timelines collapse into one timeline.

This kind of time loop, this kind of time backtracking that Lu Yuan encountered right now can be regarded as a special weakened version of the dragon-breaking phenomenon to a certain extent.

Well, maybe the actual situation should be reversed. Dragon Break is an enhanced, specialized time loop and even the collapse of the timeline.

In any case, Lu Yuan has been trapped in this cycle of time. No matter how big or small it is, it is good to help him solve problems.

Besides, the existence of messing with the timeline here is also a dragon.

In this way, while looking back at the relevant knowledge in his memory, he fiddled with or researched the newly acquired watch, the time tracer, and finally triggered the reminder of that thing after another time cycle.

Like the first time cycle, Lu Yuan has returned to the Millennium Mountain.

But the difference is that this time, except for Lu Yuan’s own consciousness not being brushed back to its original state, even the drone, Siafee on the drone, and even the watch on his wrist, and an indigenous leather jacket, None of them have been refurbished to their original state.

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