Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 816: Jeanne Dark

It is interesting to note that the relationship between the elites and ordinary people in these countries was still such a distrust of each other until the era when the road was far away six centuries later. Although at that time the so-called nobles had turned into capitalists.

The country that is the deepest shadow of this model may be Amerika.

Regarding this matter, is it because the barbarians in Europe conquer too frequently, or the civilization that started from the ancient tribes of the ancient Xia tribes like the hometown of Luyuan, and that the civilization that has been continuously merging regardless of the upper, middle and lower levels is really this planet. The special case.

In any case, the Anglo-French war continues.

In April, although the Anglo army threw the French army under siege in the city of Orleans, the French army secretly used the river to transport supplies in order to sustain it for a long time.

At the end of the month, a barge full of grain sailed into the Orleans area while the Anglo army was attracted by a feint.

The leader of this support army was the person Lu Yuan was looking forward to, Jeanne Dak, a peasant girl from a small village, who was 17 years old at the time.

About two months ago, this peasant girl who claimed to have seen a miracle and was helped by God’s will to help the King, impressed a certain nobleman with several successful prophecies, and with the help of that nobleman, met the late The prince who was late to the throne.

It is said that when she met the future Charles VII, the crown prince was hiding among the courtiers, but Jeanna recognized him at a glance and told him that it was God who ordered her to help him defeat the Anglandians and help him. He ascended to the throne.

But this is only the version rendered by countless halos later, as for the truth, Lu Yuan could not witness it.

Of course, he has no interest.

After all, the same rumors also claim that this girl sent a letter to the Angjun, in which it said, "For the sake of God, go back to your own land."

With just this sentence, Lu Yuan confirmed that the legend of Nadak's feats was at least general, and it was glorified by the people of the time.

Angjun’s own land? Is it the ones they invaded? Just like the land of the king?

Such remarks are justified in the eyes of a certain cult fanatic, especially in the eyes of people of this age.

But in the eyes of Lu Yuan, who has seen the historical context of these countries, it seems too funny.

There is a rumor that this girl was a patron of the King from the very beginning, and Yolande of Aragon arranged in advance by spreading prophecies about the girl from heaven to save Francis.

Combining with some words left by this young girl that are in line with this era but difficult to be logically self-consistent in later generations, we know that this rumor is not without evidence.

As for the Aragon, it was the kingdom of Castile where Lu Yuan learned the precise time for the first time and later merged into the Kingdom of Great Franco.

That area once belonged to the Visigothic kingdom.

That kingdom was similar to the Frankish kingdom and was also established by the Goths of the Germanic tribe. So the three barbarians in Europe, in fact, the whole of Europe is basically Germanic.

On the Iberian side, the Franciscan of later generations, the Goths replaced the traces left by Rome to establish the Visigothic kingdom, which was destroyed by the Arabs who came across the sea hundreds of years later.

The remaining Germanic Goths and some scattered aboriginal people worked together to build a line of defense against Arab invasions, and slowly formed Castilla, which means the country of castles.

Later it became a Franco machine.

The three kingdoms of France, Germany, and Italy in the northeast were separated from the Frankish kingdom, and they were again Germanic nations.

Going further northeast, you will reach the German hometown. The Nordic countries, needless to say, are still Germanic.

But to the east, to Poland, Germany, Lithuania, the Baltic Sea and the three countries of Ross. It looks like it's not Germanic but Slavic, doesn't it? But many of the royal families are still Germanic. Of course, it mainly refers to the Rurik dynasty of Kievan Rus.

Throughout Europe, people may come from all races, but the so-called nobility comes from similar sources.

So later, Lu Yuan discovered that these so-called European elites often vent their breath from one nostril and talk about the so-called same values.

Probably, since they invented something like the Crusades, in their eyes, the world was nothing more than a hunting ground, perhaps it was also the big bath where they once barbarians got rid of their skins.

Well, it should be noted that Yolande of Aragon later married the Duke of Anjou, the nominal kingdom of Naples. Therefore, the political power she represents is the latter rather than the Kingdom of Aragon.

Looking back, because of these things, when Lu Yuan learned that the legendary Francis heroine also had the kind of robbery words in his mouth, his sense of the "goddess" immediately dropped from longing to "just a little curious". .

Although this idea seems a bit too harsh on the ancients.

It wasn't until the heroine's several great victories were spread to the entire Francis that Lu Yuan knew the exact location of this heroine, and then rushed over.

And when she wielded a holy sword to kill the Quartet, Lu Yuan saw the pale golden light shrouding the girl's side.

Only then did Lu Yuan know that this heroine actually had a handful of Isu technology products in her hands.

But when he tried his best to use a small spider drone with little energy to look at her holy sword up close, he discovered something that made him laugh.

The sword of the Isu Excalibur, that is, on the red ball-shaped weight ball at the head of the sword, faintly writes the signature of the maker of the sword in Isu script.


The former life of the lame otaku in later life.

An Isu artifact was found on the heroic girl, and Lu Yuan was very excited.

Now that the Isu sacred artifacts appear, it means that the time disturbance of this time cycle is likely to occur here.

However, he secretly observed the entire process of the so-called Maiden from Heaven saving Francis.

From a scattered sand army with a disorientated mind, even the king prince himself wanted to give up on the side of the French king, the prophecy of the girl from the sky generally united the hearts of the people and burst out extremely strong fighting power.

After repeated victories, they once again fell into a power struggle, began to stumbling upon each other, and even turned their vigilant and suspicious eyes to the person who brought them victory.

In the end, the girl was captured by the enemy intentionally or unintentionally during the battle, and many rescue opportunities passed between her fingers. Finally, the girl was named a witch by the Anglo-American country and tortured by fire. Lu Yuan was expecting no disturbance in time. appear.

During this process, he also discovered that the girl's so-called oracle originated from her high concentration of Isu gene.

If it weren't for this person, Luyuan hadn't seen her, he would even think that she was the reincarnation of an acquaintance.

Through long-term observation, Lu Yuan was able to confirm that the oracle that this girl thought came from a certain Isu consciousness.

But until this time cycle returned to no avail, Lu Yuan could not pull out that consciousness.

Yes, this third cycle did not break the game.

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