Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 827: Smoking mirror

With a muffled thunder-like drum blast, the blue light emitted from the crystal skull in the hands of Officer Wang finally completely covered the pedestal of the temple below.

However, just as the blue light was fully covered, a thick mist sprayed out from the pedestal, and the pale white mist rose and filled the entire temple stage.

However, the mist that descended from the top of the temple platform suddenly darkened in color, and its properties changed from mist to smoke.

In the dark smoke, Lu Yuan faintly saw a giant shadow about three to five meters in length, jumping out from under the temple pedestal at an incredible speed, like a shark swimming in the sea, beneath the temple platform. Running non-stop looking for opportunities.

Suddenly, the huge "smoky sharks" that circumvented to the sides of the two warring parties jumped from the thick smoke to the crowd like lightning, swiping two sharp claws from side to side, and then five or six temple guards who were still fighting The mercenary tore into pieces of minced meat.

Before the guy was swimming in the thick smoke, Lu Yuan speculated about his prototype through the changes in his motion characteristics. This time it took the initiative to jump out of the thick smoke, despite the strange speed, it did not stay in the mist. For two seconds, Lu Yuan still saw the thing clearly.

It was a burly and vigorous jaguar. Unlike its distant cousin, the cougar, this cat with black spots on its fur belongs to the leopard subfamily rather than the cat subfamily. It is a real big cat. At the same level as tigers, leopards and lions.

The jaguar itself as a beast is scary enough, but the head in front of him is not only several times larger in size, but also has a clear trend of humanization.

For example, the werewolf that Lu Yuan was familiar with was one of the half-orcs created by the demon deer beast Helsin on the plane of Nin.

In the myths and legends of the main plane of Luyuan, the Celtic Druids of the continental system with the deer head **** as the highest belief are also very likely to be the earliest source of the existence of werewolves.

The huge jaguar in front of me is like a half-orc like a werewolf, like a jaguar!

"What the **** is that?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan was attacked by this unreasonable giant monster. Most people on both sides of the conflict were just on guard, and were not frightened by the scene.

As if they knew that they would eventually face the existence of the half-human and half-jaguar.

Only the direct manipulator of the crystal skull, Wang Jinhai's Chief Soldier, who was supposed to be the core of everything, was the only one who yelled at that doubt.

However, his cry seemed to stimulate the murderous creature. The guy was still looking for a chance in the thick smoke, but the voice of Wang Zongbing shouted directly from the thick smoke, rushed across most of the temple platform, and went straight. The crystal skull holder guarded by mercenaries.

Seeing the half-human and half-jaguar fierce creature headed straight for the enemy, the surrounding temple guards hesitated for a while whether they should continue the siege.

At this time, a long and long horn sounded from the temple guarding base camp on the other side.

Hearing the sound of the horn, the Mayan warriors on the temple platform retreated together, jumping out of the thick smoke two or three times, and disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yuan's heart moved, and he hurriedly listened to the audio returned by the reconnaissance drone near the temple guard base camp. Only then did he know that it was the order to retreat there.

In addition, Lu Yuan also obtained two pieces of information, not too big and not too small.

First, the guards of the temple did not rush forward, just because they were afraid of too much movement, they would wake up the evil thing in advance.

They just didn't expect that the purpose of these outsiders who defiled their temple was to awaken it.

Second, Lu Yuan knew the name of the murderous creature, at least the name the guards of the temple called him.

Disco Tripoca.

Nahuatl, meaning smoking mirror, or smoking magic mirror.

To be honest, hearing the names of gods in Nahuatl from a group of Mayan-dressed temple guards still gave Lu Yuan a strange feeling.

For a moment, he thought that as the junction of Nava civilization and Maya civilization, the temple guards were also formed by the two races.

But then the guards continued to argue in Maya, which made Lu Yuan understand.

It turned out that the existence of the half-human and half-jaguar was a fallen **** in the eyes of the Mayan guards, so it was no longer called by the name of the **** in this culture.

How should I put it, Lu Yuan has the feeling that Yingzhou people have done embarrassing things abroad, saying that they are from Silla. Well, the reverse is also true.

This kind of careful thinking is considered common in East Asia, and Lu Yuan really didn't expect to encounter it here.

Confirming that Disco Triboca was a fallen evil god, Lu Yuan's thinking began to become active.

Could this thing be the real protagonist of this time cycle?

You know, the position of this person in the Aztec mythology is not low.

It is said that he was once, in the era when Quetzalcoatl was the supreme **** of the world, he used conspiracy and tricks to force the Quetzalcoatl to step down, abandon the humans of that era, and "go far to the east."

And he and Quetzalcoatl are not only the two of the four sons of the creation god, but also the direct creators of this continent.

After the Quetzalcoatl was driven away by him, he also became the supreme **** of an era and eventually stepped down.

In the end, the battle between DiscoTriboca and the Quetzalcoatl was still a tie. The former was even better in conspiracy and intrigue, while the latter's governance ability was less than that of the dark god.

Although there are no horses here.

Compared with the dark **** status of this half-human and half-jaguar in Aztec mythology, his image is much more positive in the ancient Olmec and Mayan mythology.

Especially in the oldest Olmec culture, it is even the most supreme main god, the sun god.

Such different descriptions of the same existence in different cultures have always been very interesting to Lu Yuan. He has always believed that behind this difference may represent some branding of the changes of the times.

For example, the deer head god, who was once the main Celtic **** of the mainland, became a proper evil **** in a certain religious era.

In the age of Lu Yuan, the main **** appeared in popular culture almost in a negative or even terrifying image.

The image of the gods that have also been vilified and evil can be seen everywhere in the thousand-year heritage of a certain religious religion.

From the table to the table, from religious organizations to the individual authors below, they are all using their own means to spread the brand of this era change.

But what is interesting is that although the Disco Tripoca in the Aztec mythology is mainly negative, it is actually one of the important gods they believe in. This is really a bit peculiar.

However, considering that they are the youngest and most advocating blood sacrifices in the remaining civilizations in Central America, maybe they just haven't had time to transform the gods they believe in to be more civilized.

It's like a certain person in the Old Testament who punishes God for every disagreement, who doesn't have the mercy of God the Father at all.

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