Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 833: A different eschatological crisis

This is equivalent to cutting and copying the cloud backup to Jie Cong.

This synchronous arrangement of Feathered Serpent was not actually a guard against the rebellion of the temple guards, after all, Feathered Serpent had never thought that such a thing would happen from the beginning.

The logic of this arrangement is simply because once the temple guards need to use the extinction natural disaster to deal with the crisis, it must be an extremely serious doomsday crisis.

The land he was supposed to be guarding had encountered such a serious crisis, even if Feathered Serpent wanted to save his brother, he had to shoulder the responsibility of guardian first.

Therefore, when Feathered Snake discovered that his consciousness had been downloaded into the Jie Cong reserved thousands of years ago, he felt the emotion of when he met Lu Yuan just before.

Actually reached this point.

"The land I should have guarded, because of my own willfulness, someone finally invaded here taking advantage of the absence of the guardian, and the temple guards had to choose to fight poison with poison."

This is the idea of ​​Feathered Snake not long ago.

Helplessness, self-blame, guilt.

However, this is not the case.

This step is only because the descendants of the temple guard who went out betrayed the feather snake under the enchantment of the ring of Ossus.

Although this result would not dissipate the feelings of helplessness, self-blame, and guilt before Feathered Snake, at least one thing made him feel at ease, that is, this land did not face the second apocalyptic natural disaster.

You just came back decades earlier.

Lu Yuan sighed silently in his heart when he heard Feathered Snake's emotion.

Speaking of the last days, is there a future that is more terrifying than the future of "Han'er speaks huer, but curses Han people at the city's head"?

In a few hundred years, at least two-thirds of the descendants of the Feathered Snake Family on this land will become that way.

Although there are still people who stick to the ancient road, they have to live in poverty, backwardness and isolation.

Just like their cousins ​​and neighbors to the north now.

What Navajo, Chumaxu, Lakota, etc. etc.,

Perhaps the name has been handed down, but the land where the ancestors lived for thousands of years was taken away, but he was called a barbarian by the invaders, and he was also raised like a wild animal in a poor rural area similar to a safari park.

If Feather Snake knows this kind of future, I am afraid he will be as crazy as his brother did, right?

But think about the unabated passion of Feathered Snake in 2013. Even though he has gone through those desperate situations, he never gave up hope.

Resilience is indeed the most needed and most important quality for the inheritance of civilization.

Lu Yuan muttered to himself, Feather Snake had already understood the current real situation from Wang Jinhai's memory.

When the crystal skull in Wang Zongbing's heart illuminates the feather snake chain body before, those memories have spread along with the blue light and spread to Jie Cong along the feather snake body.

After waking up after a long sleep, Feathered Snake finally checked these memories.

The current situation is that there is no second apocalyptic crisis from outside.

For the time being, not for the time being. Lu Yuanxin said.

But the old eschatological crisis was released by the traitors with bad intentions.

Just when Lu Yuan went to pick up the crystal skull, he found that the feather snake chain tied to the half leopard was constantly loosening.

It seems that it won't take long for that ancient beast that is full of killings and kills, and it will completely break free from the shackles of the seal.

And those temple guards who have persisted in their mission for thousands of years and are loyal to the feathered serpent are using their lives to postpone the arrival of that moment.

Faced with this situation, Feathered Serpent naturally could not sit still anymore, and immediately wanted to reversely use the memory transmission channel of the previous King Chief Soldier to inject his consciousness back into the body of the former beast god, which is the Feathered Serpent chain. .

"and many more!"

When the white jade Jie Cong also began to flourish in blue light, Lu Yuan hurriedly stopped the feather snake that was drilling back.

"What?" Feathered Snake was puzzled at first, and quickly looked at Lu Yuan suspiciously, "You, why stop me?"

Do you think I want to? Lu Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart, I'm not used to this feeling of being tied up!

It turned out that just as the feathered snake drilled back, the alarm of Lu Yuan's time tracer sounded crazily.

That is, Lu Yuan set the alarm module prompt sound to be played on the wireless earphone, so that the harsh alarm sound did not ring directly from the watch.

The hint of the backtracker is that if the feathered snake is allowed to upload consciousness into the body, once he dies in the subsequent conflict, then this period of time will end early, and because the timeline is severely damaged, Lu Yuan will be run into it. Time turbulence.

Because, in 2013, the feather snake **** in Jie Cong will be a very important figure in Lu Yuan's journey.

If the feather snake died in the body of the beast god, he would lose all opportunities for rebirth, which meant his permanent death.

Then this timeline will never be condensed to the timeline that Lu Yuan experienced.

To put it simply, Lu Yuan is now facing the risk of a grandmother's paradox with extremely serious consequences.

If the feather snake was killed by Lu Yuan, as long as Lu Yuan was willing to spend up to five digits of time and space points, he could reset the time loop and return to 1420 again.

But if the feather snake is killed by other existences, such as the smoking mirror outside, then the grandmother paradox will form, and this timeline will be completely abandoned by the plane leaf.

And the road far in it will naturally follow the abandoned timeline and be thrown into the void, that is, time turbulence.

Despite the worst result, Lu Yuan is unlikely to die. However, if it is possible to kill the risk, then why bother?

Feathered Snake's suspicion of Lu Yuan is getting deeper and deeper, and Lu Yuan is also thinking about it, trying to find a reason that is strong enough to persuade.

Suddenly, he inadvertently scanned the previous news records and found that Siafee had flown over this area not long ago in a Dragon drone.

Even before he flew there, he had launched a cannon-fired reconnaissance drone into this area, and transmitted images of the mercenaries of the Ring of Ossus on the temple platform.

Seeing that those mercenaries actually took out a few more Isu artifacts, and chanting something plausibly on the platform just like Mr. Wang before, Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel shocked.

The Isu artifacts used by those guys are actually the golden apples most frequently seen on the Eurasian continent!

And as they talked, several golden apples were emitting that kind of golden light energy.

Those energies converged into a golden ball of light above the mercenary's head, and it was still getting bigger and brighter.

During the time that Lu Yuan was in contact with Feathersnake, the golden ball of light had gathered from the original baseball size to a state that was two laps larger than basketball.

At this time, when Lu Yuan checked the video at double speed and entered the live broadcast, a beam of light had already converged on the golden ball of light, and it shot directly at the top of the leopard man in the dense smoke under the temple.

The smoke-spitting mirror illuminated by the golden light actually stopped the previous attack, and the two front paws covered his head, as if, just like the monkey king who was chanting a curse!

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