Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 835: How do you prove that your father is your own father?

Lu Yuan's plan is much better than the previous two.

First, he will still go straight to the Ring of Ossus.

But he didn't use his full strength when he didn't appear on the court, and killed them all.

No, he will stand in a stalemate with the outer protective mercenaries, leaving enough time for the core mercenaries in the inner circle who master the Isu artifacts to completely control the violent half leopards.

Once the guys in the Ring of Ossus completely controlled the half-leopard, they would definitely think that they had a chance to win, and they would probably control the smoking mirror to come back and solve Lu Yuan.

But they didn't know that Lu Yuan's true strength was not worse than the fierce beast that had been worshipped as a **** for thousands of years.

Well, the road where most of the heavy firepower is sealed now is a bit worse than the fierce beast in terms of flexibility and the like.

But even so, Lu Yuan could not be resisted by those mercenaries.

With the speed that the half-human, half-leopard beast showed before, it took him at least ten seconds to escape from the battle with the temple guards under the Mayan pyramid.

At this time, there was enough firepower to destroy the mercenaries of the Ring of Ossus three times.

Therefore, Lu Yuan’s beautiful plan came up, that is, letting the mercenaries control the half leopard, and after the latter is controlled, quickly eliminate the mercenaries, and get their golden apples to control the half leopards and other Isu artifacts. , And then control the half leopard.

In this way, he didn't need to fight against the fierce beast like the half leopard at all.

If you ask Feathered Snake to tell the worst situation after the so-called unrelenting invitation, Lu Yuan will first fight an elite battle and then fight a BOSS battle. In addition, you can’t use crit or attack the vital points in the BOSS battle. Have to capture the BOSS alive.

This is more difficult than the highest difficulty Hell difficulty, which is completely the legendary Purgatory difficulty.

But if you follow Lu Yuan's plan, don't talk about purgatory difficulty or **** difficulty or normal difficulty, this BOSS battle doesn't need to be fought at all.

He only needs to fight an elite battle of simple difficulty.

Although this elite battle has a relatively stingy time limit.

But even so, compared to the two sets of wars, there is one heaven and one underground.

As long as you are not a **** player who likes to be frantically probing on the edge of death, there is no need to consider which tactic to choose!

Therefore, after running out of the cave, Lu Yuan looked down from the air sent by Siafee to determine the specific state of the half-leopard in the scout screen. On the other hand, he walked around to the other side of the Mayan Pyramid and climbed to the temple platform without any hassle. .

However, things are not always satisfactory.

Lu Yuan thought that at his own speed, when he climbed to the top of the pyramid, the mercenaries of the Ring of Ossus should take down the half leopard.

But the fact is that the half leopard has not been controlled by the mercenaries, but has even begun to adapt to the pain of being chanted.

When the distance was only the last two steps to climb to the top, the half leopards who had adapted to the pain even began to hide behind the hills and even the shade of the trees intentionally or unintentionally, as if they wanted to use these obstacles to block the mercenaries on the temple platform at the top of the pyramid. The control beam shot down by the golden ball of light overhead.

However, that set of light-analysis creations was after all the control backdoor arranged by Olympus for the monster biological weapons, and it could not be cracked so easily.

In fact, not only the golden light beam will not be slowed down by the obstruction of leaves, but even when it encounters a hard shadow like a small rocky hill, it actually draws an arc in those places, bypasses the obstacle and continues to shoot past.

Only from this kind of propagation mode is enough to explain that the energy beam emitted by the light analysis technology is not simply light, or electromagnetic waves.

Light has wave-particle duality, and Lu Yuan feels that the light-separated energy is similar, but it has the duality of physics and magic.

But the half-leopard's unsuccessful evasive action to control the beam does not mean that he can be controlled quickly.

Lu Yuan was lying under the last step, holding a tablet in his hand, looking at the top view shot by the drone in the sky, and he was in the same mood as the half leopard man jumping up and down in the screen.

Every time that guy wailed, as if he was about to be completely controlled by the control beam, Lu Yuan's muscles were tight, and he jumped out to open the killing ring when he was ready to confirm.

However, the next moment after the guy wailed, he jumped away again, mowing the temple guard while avoiding the light beam.

This way, he had to take off his strength and leaned back on the steps again.

After going back and forth several times, not only Lu Yuan felt uncomfortable, but even the few outer mercenaries on the platform monitoring side were also attracted by him.

When only one or two people noticed it at first, with the mentality that more is worse than less, the mercenaries in the outer circle wanted to pretend to ignore it.

But after four or five people found out, no one dared to risk being reported by someone to the core mercenaries in the inner circle and continue to pretend not to see.

Therefore, under the pressure of the eyes of the surrounding men, a small boss had to raise his shield, pointed his straight-edged sword in the direction of Lu Yuan, and shouted, "Who is there? Come out!"

Provoked by a Sasanian-Persian straight-edged sword from the seventh century, Lu Yuan had to come out to fight no matter how lazy he was.

And he is not easy to use other weapons, it is best to use his ring-headed straight-bladed knife from the second century BC to the middle of the Western Han Dynasty.

There is no way, there are always people who have been influenced by the straight-edged swords of the Sassanid dynasty in the Tang Dynasty, such as the equipment of the horizontal swords of the Tang Dynasty.

It's like my son has learned two songs from a neighbor's music teacher. It's just that some people say that this son was born in a neighbor's family.

If the neighbor had another king's surname...

Pharaoh next door directly hammers...

In order to rectify the names of Tang knives, especially the real fathers of horizontal knives who often don’t have ring heads, Lu Yuan’s waist was straight, and he climbed up the last step, took out the ring head father knives, and rushed towards those slaves. Mercenaries boarding at Krumos Harbor in the Persian Gulf.

Of course, inner drama is inner drama, and the reason on the surface is still to be found.

As Lu Yuan ran over, he replied in the same Huaxia Mandarin, "You **** mercenaries, what have you done to Lord Wang?"

"If you don't lay down your weapons, you will be arrested? When the Huang Da NPC troops arrive, none of you will be able to survive!"


Lu Yuan's inner drama is dramatic enough, and the superficial drama is not much worse.

Lord Huang's troops? The ones who were persuaded out of the jungle by someone himself? Might they come?

But how to say this kind of thing, it still depends on cooperation.

For example, this team is mainly Persian mercenaries. At this time, they actually used Daming Mandarin to call the battle, indicating that they either had a long-term cooperation with the Western Fleet, or they had confirmed him from the armor of Lu Yuan. identity of.

There is such a tone, when Lu Yuan bluffs, others may not believe it, but these people do.

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