Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 841: Weakness is the target

Lu Yuan guessed that the acting school before it was mostly because it had been repeated countless times in this time cycle.

Because of countless times of practice and countless times of experience, it is so natural.

However, Lu Yuan appeared only once.

Right now, it was lured by Lu Yuan, not very vigilant, shook its big head like a steel hammer, and still used the previous method unrelentingly to rush towards Lu Yuan again.

As a result, it was naturally avoided by Lu Yuan.

But the difference is that when he raised his head again this time, he was seeing the slender and flexible noodles under the temple platform. No, it was a feathered snake, creeping slowly like a dream.

"Delicious! Going to run!"

Although it can't speak, it pays attention to its distance all the time, and from its state of "shaking the tiger" and "salivating", it immediately helps it to make up these two lines in its brain.

Then, the stalemate between the two became a farce in which diners rushed to eat, but the store had to pay for it first, and was not allowed to take the meal without paying.

Diner acting online, that is the true appearance.

Lu Yuan, the actor in the store, is a real acting school. He has been hinting at himself countless times before he shows his feet.

Half a minute later, under Lu Yuan's harassment, the diners finally ran to the "noodles", opened their mouths and bit on the noodle heads, intending to **** the whole noodles into their stomachs.

As a result, after a bite, the noodles with too much spicy seasoning immediately caused its mouth ulcers that were not so good!

It turned out that Siafie had controlled the spider drone on the feathered snake chain, and had placed several kilograms of high explosives.

Those explosives with steel ball fragments were detonated at the same time under the bite of Tyrannosaurus, giving it a direct tooth extraction operation.

The Tyrannosaurus, who was already angry with oral ulcers, was forced to pull out several rows of teeth. He also sent more ulcer stickers along the way, and immediately opened his **** mouth and wailed again.

At this moment, Lu Yuan, who had already prepared in advance, had already taken over the control of the weapon system on the Dragon UAV with a remote-controlled sight, and pointed the coil gun of the belly pod directly at the glutton. The mouth.

Just as the drone changed from the dive state to level flight, so that the muzzle aimed at the big mouth was also pointed at the Tyrannosaurus brain behind the mouth, Lu Yuan immediately pulled the trigger.



The familiar sound of the coil cannon's energy-storing launch sounded in Lu Yuan's mind, and at the same time, a small blood flower that was not amazing, flashed away in his big mouth full of ulcers.

But the wailing of the giant beast stopped abruptly at the same time. After a while, the invincible six-meter behemoth fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

【Kill the alien creature modulation weapon-Terrifying Tyrannosaurus (status: adult, hungry), and get 370 time and space points. 】

As the system also gave a kill record, Lu Yuan finally confirmed that his decoy plan was finally perfectly successful.

This plan is simple and outrageous, but it is just right to deal with the Tyrannosaurus Alien with well-developed limbs and simple mind.

However, seeing the bump hit by the tungsten core armor-piercing bullet on the upper part of the Tyrannosaurus alien giant that fell to the ground, Lu Yuan still took a breath.

Although the power of the coil gun in the belly pod of the drone is limited, it fired tungsten core armor piercing bullets along the weak part of the Tyrannosaurus mouth, even penetrated its skull and twisted its brain into a paste.

However, at the end of the fight, it still failed to penetrate the scales outside its scalp in the opposite direction, only a bulge.

Seeing that this guy's scale armor was as strong as the armor of the main battle tank, Lu Yuan was afraid for a while, but an impulse suddenly surged deep in his heart.

What I was afraid of later was that if it wasn't because Feathered Snake reminded him of the food trap trick, if he really kept fighting with this guy for a long time, he might not be able to break this guy's defense if the time cycle was reset.

And with this kind of creation, it can also inherit the ability to cycle memory every time. It can't be killed the first time, I'm afraid it will only be more difficult to fight next time.

As for the impulse, it is to quickly rip this guy out, peel off his skin and draw his armor!

I want to know that if you use this outer scale armor to make a suit of armor to wear on your body, then the legendary humanoid tank can really be realized.

Lu Yuan is not only immune to firearms, but he may even dare to shower under strong firepower such as machine guns!

But the ideal is full, but the reality is much more skinny.

Not long after the system gave the kill record, the watch-like time tracer on his left wrist shook again.

But this time, what was transmitted to the earphones was not the sharp alarm before, but a refreshing sound similar to the impact of gold coins, or even large beads and small beads falling on a jade plate.

Subsequently, the system again gave a message record.

In addition to almost half of the screen's explanation and item list, Lu Yuan suddenly found that the number of points in his wallet had actually been added to the fifth place by two.

This is, gave 20,000 time and space points?

This is the reward given by the plane itself by destroying the time river dam built by Aschalotar, or eliminating the fixed time disturbance it generates?

This is too much, right?

However, when Lu Yuan looked carefully, he discovered that he actually only paid more than 11 thousand.

It seems that the number of tens of thousands has increased by two, but in fact, his previous accumulation has made the number of thousands of ninths nine.

[Host current time and space points: 70876]

Even if the final number of points obtained is not 20,000 but 10,000, it is very gratifying that since entering the time loop, the road of always spending little money to make money is far from great.

People, still have to do the big job!

Lu Yuan sighed with emotion.

If this is to clear up a few more disturbances, won't your points quickly return to six digits?

Although he doesn't have anything desperate to buy, who doesn't like the number in his wallet to go up by one?

Wait, there seems to be something eager to do just now?

Soon, after slowing his mind, Lu Yuan looked at the corpse of the Tyrannosaurus lying down on the ground, and finally awoke from the ecstasy of paying the wages, drawing a knife and preparing to peel it.

However, when he pressed his left hand on the corpse and lifted the knife with his right hand to start peeling the flesh at the weak corner of its mouth, the scale armor he was holding down turned into a dusty powder like a weathered stone.

No, not just the scale armor.

The tendency to crumble into powder is like a virus infection, spreading in all directions at the same speed from the initial position.

In just a few breaths, the whole dragon corpse became gray and dull. Soon, under the gentle breeze that was almost impossible to catch, the whole gray body collapsed like a sand dune.

Then, even the dust and debris that was raised gradually disappeared in the wind, and only a gray-white slate was left alone on the ground where the corpse was before.

"This thing again?"

Lu Yuan whispered to himself, reaching out and picking up the fourth piece of rock.

"Huh? There is nothing on both sides again? Don't biological weapons have no human rights?"

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