Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 856: Luyuan sandbag sparring machine

If you want to go to sea, you need a boat.

But the reason why the boss came here was to grab the one-eyed brawny boat.

It turned out that there was another one-eyed old man rescued by coincidence.

And the one-eyed old man was caught by the brawny man only because when he was drinking and bragging, he mentioned the one-eyed monster, the famous one in Greek mythology, the genuine one-eyed giant.

After being rescued by the boss, the one-eyed old captain seemed to abdicate and become the new captain's first mate.

As for that ship, although it was a bit smaller than the Athens battleship, it responded much faster, at least the people on the ship said so proudly.

At the same time, Lu Yuan hurriedly lowered the Dragon UAV, which was hiding in the water again, to a gear, so as to save the propeller from turning too fast and jumping out of the shadow of this "clip boat".

Adelestia, the name of this ship.

When he first heard the name, Lu Yuan couldn't help but glanced at the boss.

Because this name means "inevitable", and later it was even extended to one of Nemesis or Nemesis.

But in the earliest version, this "inevitable" is the daughter of another "necessity" goddess.

That goddess is called Anan Ke.

It is the past life of Turner's new girlfriend, Victoria, the former chief engineer of the cloud server World Tree.

She has other heirs in mythology, such as Moira, the three goddesses of destiny.

In the optical analysis plane, these three are actually three analysis programs written by Anan for the cloud server world tree, representing the past, present and future respectively.

So, what would this Adelestia be, or who would it be?

Add her two names together and it becomes an inevitable or destined nemesis.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan couldn't help but glanced at the boss who was directing the ship to move, and thought, could it be the boss's past life...?

Then, in this generation, the daughter of Ananke, what should the lord of Ananke's husband be called?

Uncle Lu?

Hey, this seems pretty good.

"Maraca! What are you giggling at there?" The big man's words brought Lu Yuan back to reality from his imagination.

"It looks like you have almost recovered? Very good!"

"Barnabas, you come to command, I'll help my resilience is not weak, but the apprentice exercises!"

Old one-eyed: "Yes, Captain!"

Lu Yuan: "Huh? No, come back? I'm seasick!"

However, his struggle was destined to be futile.

The fate of being repaired is inevitable...

Soon after, Lu Yuan, who was knocked to the ground with a shield and spear by the boss again, panted heavily while using the spear in his hand as a crutch, trying to prop up himself, and at the same time, he said to the goddess master very depressed. , "Too ruthless, right?"

"Sorry~" The big man also slumped on the deck and smiled at him, "I saw you laughing at that time, but I don't know what happened. I felt that another voice of mine appeared in my heart. , She let me beat you up!"


An eagle call came from above the ship at the same time, causing the boss to laugh, "Ah? Icarus, did you hear that too? Haha!"

Lu Yuan followed the sound and saw that the golden eagle was hovering happily over the dhow, and it flew back while clearing it, as if echoing the big boss below.

Alas, companions are like companions to tigers, and there are still ministers on the side!

As early as the first time he discovered that this gangster had actually domesticated a golden eagle, which was known as the biggest bird of prey in the real world, Lu Yuan hadn't paid much attention to it.

Soon he discovered that this Icarus was clearly the golden eagle that he found in the sky at the end of the third cycle to monitor him!

Combining the words of the boss just now, don't have to guess, most of them are the ghosts of the real boss who stayed in 2014.

Anyway, according to the boss's statement, these different times and different dimensions of her, after she became a high-level traverser, completely mastered the main plane of her birth, she basically became her clone.

Is it not easy to give yourself a avatar to convey some psychological hints?

Don't talk about your own clone, it's your own pet, most of it can be sent to this time cycle by that big guy?

Maybe that flat-haired beast in the sky can share a vision or something. Otherwise, why has this guy been staring at himself since the Angland in the 9th century?

This is equivalent to the big guy installing an all-weather surveillance drone next to Lu Yuan, which is still capable of replenishing energy by itself, and it is easier to use than Lu Yuan's reconnaissance drone!

Thinking that in the future he would follow the young bosses while being watched by the real bosses, and have to finish the work by the way, Lu Yuan felt that his future was dim.

Hey, this day, I can't live it!

As he thought about it, Lu Yuan's eyes looked at the young boss over there getting worse.

No, although the fate of being scammed by the black-hearted boss cannot be avoided, at least I have to find some interest to come back!

Ruthless in his heart, Lu Yuan exerted force in his hand, and at the same time he slammed the deck with the spear in his right hand, it also pushed him up from the deck.

Steadily stepping on the deck with his feet to confirm his balance, he immediately erected his shield in front of him with his left hand, and moved the tip of the spear with his right hand back, and the whole person immediately rushed towards the boss who had also recovered his strength and was looking at him with scorching eyes. .

"Kassandra! Come again!"

"Malacca! Good boy, come just right!" The young boss over there who was called Cassandra by Lu Yuan, not only did not oppose his reckless challenge, but resolutely encouraged him.

After all, this Cassandra is a serious fighting freak.

Although she kept saying that Lu Yuan's skill was poor, it was based on her own judgment.

In fact, the dozens of people on the ship right now are not far away, and it’s not enough for this big guy to play for half an hour if everyone else is on board.

It's not that it takes half an hour for the big guys to solve them all. This is the time that can make the last person unable to get up.

In contrast, Lu Yuan can take several times the time by himself, and his resilience is amazing. It is simply the favorite human sandbag sparring machine for combat enthusiasts.

Look at the big guy who is smiling and attacking Lu Yuan, who can say that she is unhappy?

"Ah~" Lu Yuan suddenly screamed, "Didn't you say you didn't slap your face?"

"Sorry, sorry!" Cassandra smiled insincerely, "I just heard that voice again, and she told me that your face is too distorted, and I need to stretch it for you~"

Depend on! Lu Yuan cursed inwardly, and he didn't even have the right to be cruel on his face?

"Oh, your face is starting to twist again, let me help you soothe it!"


To be honest, although Lu Yuan was beaten badly every time, his progress was amazing. There is a feeling that he was beaten up by swallows and learned the swordsmanship of the wolf school demon hunter.

It seems that wherever he goes, it is impossible to change his mode of being beaten to upgrade.

Fortunately, the most miserable hit him were the little sisters with their own merits, from Ella to Swallows to Dark Eagles, until now the mercenary Kasandra.

That day, painful and happy.

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