Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 859: Oracles and the Church

Soon after leaving the former client's career home, the two went to the Oracle again.

The oracle mentioned earlier, who has a strong influence on Sparta and even the whole of Greece, is in Phocis, where the careerist is.

To be precise, it is the Delphi Sanctuary at Parnassos in the Phocis Mountains.

Although the one-eyed first officer admired this oracle along the way, it was far from the expression of Kasandra's words that she was not generally displeased with this oracle.

Of course, Lu Yuan could understand that, after all, this was the culprit that caused her family to break apart, and it was normal for her to dislike her.

However, Lu Yuan's feeling was that even if this feud was partly ruled out, Cassandra had a negative attitude towards the oracle, even that type of person.

It seemed that in Kassandra's heart, it was like in Lu Yuan's heart, thinking that the oracle, or similar people, were just cheating and abducting the great god.

However, when Kassandra returned from the Oracle, her perception changed completely.

According to the narration that Cassandra gave to Lu Yuan, the Oracle who was a few years younger than her and about the same age as Lu Yuan (about 20), not only recognized Cassandra at a glance, but also found a chance to escape the guards and other surveillance. , To remind Cassandra one thing.

She was targeted by an evil careerist organization called the church.

The oracle itself is also closely controlled by this church.

When they heard that it was this church again, the two of Kassandra Luyuan immediately remembered the previous careerist employer.

They threw these pieces of information together and carefully sorted them out, and finally came up with a set of explanation hypotheses that they believed to be inseparable.

First of all, many years ago, the evil careerist organization called the church had already controlled the so-called oracle that could affect the whole of Greece.

Those who can control the oracles, they can also control other high-ranking ones. For example, the elders of the city-state.

When Persia invaded Greece, the church refused to let Sparta fight against Persia for some reason.

However, King Leonidas, one of the two kings of Sparta at that time, disobeyed their instructions and called on all the power he could mobilize to go to the hot springs to stop him.

In the end, he was defeated and died.

However, because his blockade bought precious time for the assembly of city-states such as Athens in the rear, at the strategic level, this failed blockade was the key to the final victory of the Greek side.

Ironically, the two major Greek city-states, Sparta and Athens, which successfully fought against Persia at the beginning, had lost their common enemy, and they actually became what they are now.


Because Leonidas' dispatch of troops not only violated the orders of these guys, but also shattered Persia's hope of capturing Greece, so the church began to consciously destroy Leonidas' heirs under its anger.

This is why when the Myrignacs took their newborn son to visit the oracle, they received the so-called oracle that said the little guy would destroy Sparta in the future.

That church is taking revenge in this way.

As for why Cassandra was not treated like this when she was born, she and Lu Yuan thought of several explanations, but the other party easily found the flaws, but failed to reach a unified hypothesis.

For example, perhaps because Cassandra is a female, for example, Myrigne is also a female, but he has not been hunted down either.

But if this is the case, then why should the church hunt down the children of women?

A mother can have multiple children, but she has only one life.

Since you want to hunt down the boy born to a woman, wouldn't you kill her once and for all before she is fertile?

There are many assumptions like this that have been rejected.

But what can be confirmed is that the church has now focused on Kassandra.

According to the careerist employer, everyone else wanted to send someone to kill Cassandra directly. Only he gave Cassandra a way of life, which was to accept his employment and become a dog of the church.

Let alone Cassandra, Lu Yuan heard this, and felt that the organization of careerists in this era was far worse than that of later generations.

Especially in the "humanistic care".

If you let the Templars do the same thing, people can talk about God's blessing and gratitude for God's blessing, and then they can talk about the realization of the value of life.

In short, it will make the target willingly sell their lives for them from the heart after finishing speaking, as if this is the will of God.

Look here again. Give a little money to instigate someone with a clearly clean soul to kill blood relatives? To this extent, how did they control Greece?

At the same time that Lu Yuan defamated, Cassandra also began to prepare for infiltration.

Because the oracle also told her the time and place of the last assembly of the church.

And with the identification tool contributed by the previous employer, at least one person can sneak in.

Naturally, Lu Yuan couldn't compete with Cassandra, and there was no argument.

However, he doesn't need it either.

In this era when there is no swallow capable of infinite invisibility, he is confident that he is the person who is best at sneaking in this era.

In fact, it was almost the same, at least the guards of the church could not stop him.

This so-called rally was like a monotonous masquerade. Everyone used similar masks and robes to protect not only their faces, but also their physical features under loose robes.

What can be distinguished by others may only be the general height and figure.

Cassandra is one meter eight feet tall, and she is well-built. If she doesn't speak, others can't tell whether she is a male or a female.

But she was here to listen to the news after all, so she couldn't help but speak.

The meeting place is in a huge cave. After many years of construction by users, several rooms and halls have been dug out here.

In addition to the hall where most of them are located, some people are meeting their various abnormal needs in the small room next to them.

Soon, after Cassandra inquired about Luyuan, the two got a lot of new information.

This church, whose full name is the Order of God, is similar to the ancient order maintainers and the Templars that Lu Yuan is familiar with. Its core purpose is to rule the world, and its beautiful name is to establish absolute order.

Lu Yuan has nothing to say about this level of so-called order pursuit other than pouting.

Where is the order in terms of the people’s ability to do things and how to do things? It's better than pure chaos.

Lu Yuan wondered if the order understood by these people was much worse than the meaning in Chinese?

Is it possible that a small puddle is drawn with two lines on both sides, and it becomes a river, even if there is order?

However, this is BC after all, and the accumulation of wisdom is not enough. The charter of a careerist organization would be so simple and easy to understand.

What's more, the two soon discovered that the true core of their organization was actually an Isu creation.

If it was just forcibly supported by the Isu creations, then it would be logical to be so crude and crude.

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