Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 861: Hephaestus Forge

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Demos and the church members to make up a story, Lu Yuan also ran out behind Cassandra.

Since the big brothers have chosen to withdraw first, it is not good for him to do it alone.

After meeting with Cassandra, Lu Yuan quickly confirmed the identity of Nadmus.

That is Kassandra's younger brother, Alexios who was called by the oracle to destroy Sparta and was thrown off the cliff when he was a baby.

Seeing Cassandra repeatedly saying things like my brother was still alive with a face of disbelief, Lu Yuan was thinking about another thing.

Is it possible that the boss Cassandra would look at himself differently, because of this Alexios?

Alexios, Alex, fate is so strange sometimes.

No, don't worry, how could Alexios look like Swallow and Alex?

Although Yanzi and their faces are full of heroism, they are also very beautiful women on the whole.

A man who looks too much like them is a bit scary.

No, it is not Alex who resembles Alexios, but her master who is particularly fond of Alex.

Turner Newman, nicknamed Lingks, is a multiple body of Nin's plane of archer and patrol Vegard. Lu Yuan is currently the only follower.

Demos actually looked exactly the same as Turner, which gave Lu Yuan endless reverie.

But these things are not important for the time being. What is important is that Cassandra should speed up his action.

After confirming that Nadmus was the younger brother of Cassandra, the Demos mother who was about to be captured by those church members was naturally Cassandra's mother, Myrigne.

With the help of Kassandra’s other friends, such as Herodotus, who wrote the book "History of the Greek-Persian War", which he himself called "History", they believed that they must go to the most populous place to ask. Ask, that is, Athens.

But on the way, Herodotus also took Cassandra to several other places.

Such as Wenquanguan battlefield site.

There, Kassandra used his own artifact, the broken spear handed down from his grandfather Leonidas, to read the memory of the battlefield that happened there that year.

This also confirmed once again that their family really had the blood that could control the Isu artifact.

After that, Herodotus took everyone to Andros Island, which is the northernmost island of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea, southeast of mainland Greece.

Cyclades, is the etymology of English circle, meaning ring, ring.

As the name suggests, the islands of this archipelago are generally ring-shaped.

On that island of Andros, Cassandra used the artifact that she had activated before, the broken spear inherited from her family, to open a ruin.

A relic belonging to the Isu era.

After entering the ruins, Cassandra subconsciously exclaimed, "God, who made this place?"

However, although this ruin does maintain the usual magnificence and majesty of the Isu ruins, it is quite common for Lu Yuan.

When he heard Cassandra's exclamation in front, Lu Yuan rolled his eyes and asked her in Chinese, "Can you tell me?"

As a result, Cassandra remained confused and replied to Lu Yuan in non-standard Chinese, "No."

Cassandra's face was inexplicable, and he didn't know why he said such a word, but Lu Yuan's heart was like a mirror, and he closed his mouth tightly along the way.

What he said just now was to ask Cassandra, but not the current one, but the future boss.

Since the other party's answer is no, it is that he does not want him to explain the Isu to Kasandra now, so he had better not talk about it.

So, although he helped Cassandra walk around here like a tool man, he didn't tell her any useful information.

On the contrary, Kassandra himself, using his blood and the power of the broken spear, awakened a forge-like Isu device, and supplemented her broken spear with the triangular fragments obtained from the Pyramid of Order. Light analysis energy.

The appearance is probably that the equipment has been upgraded.

Compared with Cassandra, who knew nothing about these things, Lu Yuan was much happier.

Although Isu Sonaz said that the better sound is the manager of the security department, and the more unpleasant is the security leader of the Asa experimental site. Can only do some basic work.

It's like changing a light bulb, changing a faucet or something.

Although Lu Yuan has just finished his freshman year, he has spent most of his adventures in various planes in various studios over the years.

Although he is not enough to be called a top engineer, the general mechanical engineer is qualified, especially in the field of weapons. Including cold weapons and hot weapons, light weapons and even heavy weapons.

His accumulation of experience in cold weapons and hot weapons, combined with Sonaz's ability to use optical analysis technology, combined with the two, has given him the ability of a general optical analysis engineer.

Therefore, he quickly confirmed from various workbenches that this is the forging factory where Hephaestus forged light analysis weapons for the human generals under the Isu people, and obtained a lot of information from the forging table. Regarding the manufacturing and even upgrading methods of light analysis weapons.

The broken spear of the Cassandra family was once forged here.

However, compared to Luyuan’s Thor Axe from the Lightning Palace in the Shards of Sonaz God Realm, and the Thor’s Hammer Mylnir handed to him by Swallows, Cassandra’s Broken Spear also has a lot of abilities, but it has two. The biggest weakness.

One is that the total amount of light analysis energy is insufficient.

If it weren't for using the fragments of the Pyramid Isu device as an energy battery to add some energy to the broken spear, even most of the broken spear's abilities would not be able to be activated.

In contrast, for the genuine weapons used by the Isu, there is almost no need to worry about running out of energy.

Because both of them are Thor series weapons, they can be automatically charged by the lightning in the natural world.

The second is that the shape of the broken spear cannot be changed.

You must know that whether it is Thor's Axe or Thor's Hammer, the users at that time were Isu Sonaz who was five meters high.

But after the first Twilight of the Gods, that is, the time Loki took the human biochemical warrior to destroy the Asgard God Realm Stone, Sonaz occupied the body of a certain biochemical warrior with ideology.

In other words, his body has changed from a height of five meters to an average person's less than two meters.

Even so, Thor's Axe is still in his hand.

Thor's Hammer Milneil also has a similar ability.

This is because these weapons exclusively for the Isu people can be changed in size according to the size of the user.

After all, they can all be directly included in the God Realm Stone, and their existence is no longer a purely material state.

Although it's no better than the weapons used by the Isu people, Kasandra, who got the newly released broken spear, was still very happy, and wanted to find someone to try it out.

Seeing her gaze towards herself, Lu Yuan fled directly to the ruins without saying a word.

As a result, he escaped Cassandra's eagerness to try, but he did not escape the guy who was waiting outside, and was chased by the door.

It turned out that someone outside was waiting for them to come out.

To be precise, someone was waiting for Cassandra.

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