Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 867: If there is no distortion...

The gangster Cassandra actually knows Sebrina, who was born in the plane of Nien?

However, Lu Yuan, who should have been surprised, suddenly felt that this kind of thing couldn't be more normal.

After all, this cheap master himself is a real high-level traverser boss. After becoming a traverser, almost all of the light analysis series planes are included in the bag.

A big boss of this level would have some involvement with the plane of Nien, which has the unique time and space phenomenon of Longpo, which is really normal.

Including the old mage who once helped him intentionally or unintentionally, who was like the creation **** of the plane of Nin, I am afraid that he would also have some communication with his future cheap master?

After all, for their existence that is detached from linear time and space to a certain extent, that level of care is just a matter of effort.

Therefore, Lu Yuan, who was reminded twice, nodded sincerely this time, agreeing with the master's exhortation to be careful.

Seeing that he was more sincere this time, Cassandra nodded in satisfaction and continued talking about her.

In fact, there is not much to say.

From the arrogant intermediate elementary, that is, the traverser with Tier 4 authority, obtained the demigod Kasandra of the traversing system, and the speed is increased rapidly during the interplanetary travel.

While strengthening herself, she, who has been to the parallel plane of the main plane, has a new understanding of her own destiny.

Different from the destiny of the tall balance guardian and the snake rod carrier, Kassandra gradually discovered that these were deceptive at all, and they were tricks created by some Isu survivors to use themselves.

At least in some parallel planes.

My own thousand-year guardian, my own initiative to give up eternal life, in the end, I just become a tool man for others.

There were more than one Isu who used her, but the core guy was Loki, who was also Hermes in some parallel planes, but not necessarily in others.

Whenever Cassandra mentioned that guy, he didn't even say Maraca, and directly called that guy bastard.

It can be seen that Cassandra resents him deeply.

It was precisely because she discovered that her so-called mission, sacrifice and dedication had been used by others, so she slowly tried to integrate her own light analysis planes after she entered the high-end.

During this period, the plane leaf that was not well integrated due to various reasons was thrown out by her, and there was also this plane that Lu Yuan experienced.

Including those Void Flyers, Aschalotar, who wanted to destructively use this wandering plane leaf, the reason why they would first control or even transform and assimilate Loki was because that guy was on the original light analysis plane timeline. He is also a successful conspirator.

"Well, anyway, master, I will definitely help you take revenge and kill that **** again!" Lu Yuanjian said faithfully.

"However, he caused the disturbance in the cycle of time? Where is he?"

"Hehe, where is he?" Cassandra turned the golden apple made of the double snake stick in his hand, looked at the tuning-fork-shaped stone in the center of the Atlantis ruins platform, and coughed lightly. Said, "Don't you want to listen to it? Altea?"

"What?" Lu Yuan jumped up directly from the floor he was sitting on.

Althea, although the name is not particularly familiar, Lu Yuan quickly found information about this name in his mind.

This is Loki's lover at the Olympus test site, who is believed to be the true body of the frost giant Angel Boda, and is also the biological mother of Loki's wolf son Fenrir.

According to the information obtained from other Isu survivors, the child of the lover's mistress was supposed to be a normal Isu, but because of his illness, he had to use consciousness transfer technology to change the body of a giant wolf.

That kind of body uses the same technique as the beast **** body used by the Quetzalcoatl and the smoking mirror.

Of course, these are the experiences of the Assa gods in the second edition, and Sonaz has no such memories.

However, after Kasandra said this for a long time, the master and apprentice stared at the tuning fork stele for a long time, but received no response.

Cassandra was about to say something, but suddenly he patted his forehead and said, "Ha, it's been a long time since I came here so early, I almost forgot, at this time you still can't communicate with the outside world."

"I need four more keys, right?"

"But, don't be so troublesome."

With that, Cassandra raised the golden apple of the double snake stick in his hand again, and pointed at one of the four corner stone pillars of the ruins platform.

A beam of light energy was emitted from the golden apple and went straight to the round hole in the center of the stone pillar that was completely fitted with the golden apple.

Then, the stone pillar seemed to be activated by an energy beam, and the light band of magma color glowing on the surface turned into a sea-like blue, and the stone pillar itself slowly fell back to the platform ground, as if it were an opened lock.

At the same time, on a roof or eave structure that seemed to be linked to the stone pillar, a sea-blue energy line was also projected straight to the pyramid-shaped stone block directly above the ruins platform.

When the pyramid is lit by blue light, a holographic light curtain is projected below its bottom surface. The core of the projection is an image of the planet's surface.

Looking at the emotion on Kasandra's face, Lu Yuan could imagine how shocking her heart would be when this level of technology first appeared in front of her, a born person in the fifth century BC.

It's as if Lu Yuan saw the Asa test field for the first time in his memory when he merged with Sonaz.

However, as the blue hologram became stable and the stone pillars were completely submerged into the ground, a female voice, which seemed to be a recording, suddenly came out from the direction of the pyramid.

"'Achieving simultaneity', um, also means gaining the right to speak. I am taking over your record, and humans can no longer stand your exaggerated words!"

"Um, master, who is she talking to?" Lu Yuan asked puzzledly.

"Minerva, and some other Isu people." Kassandra nodded, "Minerva should have told you, she used the prediction module of the world tree to try to connect with future humans and leave some Guide."

"The so-called simultaneity equals the right to speak, that's how it is, you can understand that she grabbed the right to use the message function of the World Tree's predicting future module from Minerva."

"Huh?" Although he understood each of these words, and even the meaning of the sentence Lu Yuan, he had no idea what his master master was talking about.

"Uh, I forgot." Seeing his inexplicable eyes, Cassandra couldn't help but patted his forehead again. "What you have experienced is a world twisted by the invasion of Void Flyers. You haven't experienced the Century Event Line, so it's no wonder that you don't understand it."

"Well, then I understand." Although Cassandra did not explain in detail, he pointed out the world distortion, and Lu Yuan quickly reacted. "Because the complete distortion of later generations is the timeline Distorted superposition."

"So the further you look back, the less distortion you receive here, and the more it resembles the original light-dissociation plane."

"So she will'predict' something that will be distorted in later lives, and will speak this tone? As if to guide later humans?"

"That's right." Kasandra nodded in satisfaction, and said to his apprentice, "The original main line of the world is how to avoid the world from being destroyed by disasters like the Toba Catastrophe. Most of her records here are related to this theme."

"This ‘truth’ Althea here thinks there is a problem with Minerva’s guidance on ‘thinking’, so he started another set of attempts."

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