Relying on the mountains to eat the mountains and relying on the sea to eat the sea is the instinct of living creatures. Putting it here on intelligent creatures only extends the connotation of “eating” to “utilizing”.

In ancient Greece, the most commonly used building materials by humans were the most common types of stone nearby, including marble, as well as obsidian and other volcanic magma materials. Moreover, the latter two materials were once in short supply and became the focus of competition among the Greek city-states.

Similarly, Huaxia prefers wood for similar reasons.

Then, in the frozen kingdom of ice and snow, what would be the building materials of humans or Isu people?

Tip: The most important thing for building materials used on a large scale is the cost-effectiveness, that is, both solid and cheap.


That's right~

That is, ice! ~

The physical properties of solid water like ice are actually very good, not worse than ordinary stone tiles. As long as it can solve the fusibility problem caused by human body temperature being much higher than the melting point of ice, this kind of building materials tailored to local conditions is definitely a good choice.

For the Asais who master optical analysis technology, it is obvious that it is not difficult to solve this problem.

Just look now, Lu Yuan, as well as the Isu Sonaz who captured him, and the security personnel led by them, not only are the walls and floors of the hall where they are completely made of ice bricks, but also the dining tables and chairs used by Lu Yuan. , The same is also a similar ice structure.

"Ha, another bowl!"

As he said, Lu Yuan put the wooden bowl in his hand on the wooden bowl tower on the ice table, completely ignoring the murderous eyes of the surrounding security personnel, wiped his mouth and looked at Sonaz on the Frost Throne directly opposite. , "It's been a long time since I had such authentic secret mammoth stew! It's really enjoyable!"

Mammoths, mammoths, that is, mammoths that will be familiar to future generations.

It's just that the term mammoth comes from Old Russian, and there is no such name in the Isu people.

"Haha." Looking at his rogue appearance, Sonaz, the security director of Asa's test site, not only was not angry, but waved a big hand, instructing the subordinates who were provoked by Lu Yuan and were ready to teach him a lesson. , Continue to serve him.

"It seems that you are very hungry by this trip? Traveler." Sonaz turned his head to look at Lu Yuan, and said kindly, "You have seen and heard on the road, and how did you come here? Did your host share it well?"

Lu Yuan didn't panic when he heard the words, still posing as a rogue uncle, and from time to time he looked at the only way the waiter took the food from the kitchen.

Until Sonaz's personal guard, the fiery-tempered Rosecuff couldn't bear it, and personally went out to serve Lu Yuan to bring the food, and then gave him a vicious look, Lu Yuan took a mouthful of meat unhurriedly. Tang said with satisfaction, "Well, kind master, what do you want to know?"

Without waiting for Sonaz to speak, Rosecuff, who had been guarding Lu Yuan before handing the dishes, asked first, "Where did you come from, how did you come, and what are you here for? Say!"

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said confidently, "Why, are you interrogating me? Am I your prisoner?"

"Otherwise, what do you think you are? A guest?"

"Really? So your law here thinks that any passerby is a criminal?" Lu Yuan chewed again and looked at Sonaz, "Good-hearted master, what do you say?"

"Okay, Rose, come back." Sonaz waved his hand to his little pepper **** attendant. "The traveler made sense. Although he accidentally appeared in that area, it is not a crime after all. We You can’t treat him like a prisoner."

"But." Just when Lu Yuan winked at Rose, who had to walk back, Sonats immediately turned his head. "According to our law, if the mammoth meat is a special ingredient, it is only allowed to have special ingredients on special occasions. It can only be eaten with permission, otherwise, the highest penalty can be imposed."

"The mammoth meat you just ate has a special permission from my good new master. It is the permission that you are wearing thin clothes in the freezing cold and you are about to freeze to death and have to drive away the cold."

"But it looks like you are recovering well now, this permission seems to be no longer needed."

Hearing this, Lu Yuan hurriedly put the wooden bowl of elephant broth in his hands back on the ice table, posing as if he was sitting on the table.

However, the subsequent grunting and swallowing made his style completely useless.

Looking at Sonaz, who was still smiling modestly on the other side, and Rosecuff, who seemed to have grasped someone's handle with a smug face, Lu Yuan sighed and answered the previous question.

Shortly after.

"What the **** are you talking about?" Rosecuff said angrily, with only two big characters written on her face, she didn't believe it, "You were swimming on the beach and met a water dragon? Roll you into your body and come back to your senses. , I found myself on our side?"

"I know you don't believe it, in fact I don't believe it either, but the fact is like this, what can I do?" Lu Yuan said in a big way.

He didn't lie about this, but it can't be regarded as the truth, because he didn't tell the whole story.

The so-called highest state of deception is not nine true and one false, but nine points of truth. Press the key part, relying on the lack of information, to mislead the listener to want to be crooked.

Technically, this is not a lie at all, but in fact, it is enough to achieve the purpose of deceiving people.

So some people say that cheating does not mean that you need to lie, and not lying does not mean you are not deceiving.

"Damn it, where did some water dragon come from and ate you?" Rosecuff was still dissatisfied.

"At least it looks like this." Lu Yuan's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. "Of course it may be that I have shallow knowledge and didn't recognize the real body of the thing, but I am really true. It is like a whirlpool under the water surface. The same water dragon was sucked in."

Generally, the whirlpool in the water is like a tornado on the ground.

But once the time tunnel opens, it is hard to say what kind of water vortex will form. Lu Yuan called that thing a water dragon, and he couldn't be wrong.

"Okay, don't embarrass him." Sonaz thoughtfully, "Looking at him in thin clothes and still wet, most of the time he was swimming in a certain area of ​​water before."

"It's just that, being rolled by the whirlpool in the water, I entered our polar world from a hot climate, which is really incredible."

"I think, even if we doubt it, Mr. Traveller, you can understand it, right?"

As soon as he said this, Lu Yuan knew that no matter what he said, there would not be much change in the end. He simply picked up the wooden bowl, snorted and ate again, vowing to maintain the rogue and gluttonous persona.

"You!" Rosecuff was irritated by his helpless behavior, "Well, even if what you say is true, what's the matter with your amazing appetite? Is it possible that you consume too much in the stomach of the water dragon Or did you not eat before swimming?"

"Yeah! Are you biting me?" Lu Yuan replied.

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