Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 902: One trick to eat fresh all over the sky

So, just before Lu Yuan was hit by the hammer and hadn't landed yet, Loki didn't care about the human phantom who was still poking a short spear on him, nor did he choose to throw a throwing knife or dagger, but rushed to the person. , The dagger in his hand was up and down, directly into the person's throat and heart.


The sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh and blood sounded like a fairy music in Loki's ears, making him instantly feel that the previous grievances and anger were pierced into the person's throat and chest along the arm, and his whole person was much more relaxed.

It's cool to cut the enemy under the knife!

Could it be better?

Yes, cut a few more!

Come on then!

However, just as Loki let go of the hilt and then took out two daggers to continue sticking to Lu Yuan's body, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest, but it was accompanied by a fiery pain.

When he looked down and found that his chest had a big hole pricked by something at some point, he heard a sharp piercing sound after himself.

At the same time, he discovered that the opposite human being who had been hit by successive violent attacks and should have no life, opened his eyes and smiled triumphantly.

It's just that after the smile was slightly bigger, it faintly affected the wound, and made the corners of his mouth twitch and cough. While coughing, he still had blood and broken internal organs flying out of his mouth.

This is obviously a mortal person who is returning to the light.

Good thing, at least die with him! Loki Cava, whose eyes gradually dimmed, thought so, but soon his eyes sharpened again.

Because he found that the situation of the guy on the opposite side was improving visibly.

Damn it! Yes, bitterness, flesh, calculation!

He, actually, uses, himself, himself, does, induces...

By now, Loki, who was originally a master of conspiracy, couldn't respond. From the time he was deliberately hit by Sonaz's flying hammer, all of this was the situation of the **** human on the opposite side!

He used his own life as a bait, which led Loki to personally come over to make up for him, arranging for his teammates hiding in the dark to shoot himself with that kind of super-fast long-range kinetic energy weapon!

Damn, as the ancestor of conspiracy and scheming, he was actually schemed by such a crude scheming?

Hmph, let you do everything, but I don't think I'm just a clone, right?

I have one more trick to die together!

This body that contained the consciousness of the ontological clone was dead, and the consciousness could not live alone.

Since I must die, let's take you on the road!

Thinking of this, Loki's already dim eyes flashed a dark green light again.

This flash is like sparks that suddenly flashed out of a secret room full of gas. Anyone who sees it knows that an explosion with a coverage area will never be small!

This scene was seen by the onlookers who wanted to watch the finale, and Sonaz, who was struggling to run to see that Loki was still tainting the corpse, saw it, coughed up visceral debris and used a dozen or so treatment needles to recover. Lu Yuan, who was injured, also saw it.

Not only that, through the eyes of Icarus, the golden eagle in the sky, Yanzi and the others, who had already stood up anxiously in front of the LCD screen in the future, also saw it.

Could it be that if the agency is too smart, this time it has become a long way?

"What to do? How can we save him?" Yanzi was the first to lose his breath.

Although subconsciously she doesn't believe that as Lu Yuan's master, Cassandra will not help when she sees this scene, not to mention that all this can only be regarded as a video, and what should happen has happened long ago.

But when things came, she still couldn't help but care and mess.

Cassandra did not answer, but he stared at the LCD screen inexplicably.

Turner next to her patted her apprentice on the shoulder, beckoning her not to rush to conclusions.

However, Yanzi could feel that the master slapped her hand, also shaking. It can be seen that even he is worried this time.


As the last syllable came out of Loki's mouth, although everyone could not understand what the word was, from his crazy and mad look, anyone could understand what he was trying to say.

In the next second, a burst of dark green energy resembling a supernova burst directly with Loki as the center.

The impact force at that moment directly shattered all the existence within hundreds of meters. Including Loki's own weapons, body, and naturally also the distance not far from the explosion center.

Then there was Sonaz who had run to the two of them.

Seeing that the neighborhood was engulfed by high-energy shock waves, the surrounding audience showed a strong professionalism, and they all retreated back, and quickly retreated into another building near the square.

The building gates of the Asa Experimental Site have always been dominated by hanging doors that move up and down, rather than push-pull ones that move inside and out.

This door also played a big role at this time. Although it was not able to completely shut down before the shock wave arrived, it also relieved most of the shock for the people in the house.

When the explosion energy was completely dissipated, when everyone came out of the house, most of them were not harmed except for a few short statures who were shaved by the shock wave.

And the stone floor in the middle of the explosion had been blasted into a big pit. Except for some scattered debris inside the pit, the bodies of the three people did not even leave a shadow.

Did the security chief of the Asa test site be gasified along with the two unknown outsiders?

The crowd onlookers began to whisper to the party again. Especially when he didn't find that Odin, who had lost his eldest son and general, had a face of forcibly and without joy, flashes of joy from time to time, everyone has always been dissatisfied with Sonaz's style of behavior. But it is inevitable that the rabbit will die and the fox will be sad.

"Tyre, Heimdall, go see if anyone is still alive and save your eldest brother."

What Odin said made everyone speechless.

Although this is a bit too high-sounding, it can't be wrong. Just what do you mean by almost laughing out loud?

Are you so happy when Sonaz is dead?

Anyway, he is your eldest son, and the one who works the hardest and most conscientiously. Just because you contradicted you a few words, don't say that it was all for your good, so you hate him for not dying?

You have done this to him, what about us?

It is not only the crowd onlookers who think so, but the named Tilheim Dahl brothers also murmured in their hearts.

However, the order is one aspect. The two really wanted to see what the result of the explosion was, so after looking at each other, they quickly ran into the deep pit at the center of the explosion to search.

When Tyre touched a piece of metal that seemed to be intact in the gravel, and struggling to go outside, he heard a thud, and an air tornado vortex exuding a strange light unexpectedly rushed out of the pit and soared into the sky. .

And there is a giant dragon in the sky that was ignored by everyone because of the previous explosion, and actually rushed to the light tornado vortex. Two giant dragons, one with two wings and agility, the other with a bloated snake body, actually collided in the air like this, and then Then it becomes nothingness.

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