Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 904: Welcome party

In this way, fate will happen again as the remnant soul Sonaz once experienced.

Until he returned to 2013, he met Lu Yuan again.

The timeline is now closed.

As far as Lu Yuan on the original timeline is concerned, this line of the remnant Soul Sonaz’s new experience will completely collapse to the original timeline. Like Swallow Turner and Shiafe, there is more of this part. memory.

Therefore, when Lu Yuan was thrown out of the time tunnel, he was also impacted by the timeline change, and received the new memory of the second version of Sonaz's Remnant Soul.

Just like Shiafei who didn't know where he was, he also knew what happened to the Isu people in the Asa test site in the previous time cycle.

But, isn't it?

After getting this part of the new memory, Lu Yuan was very pleased with the friendliness of Sonaz's remnant soul on the one hand, and he also realized a new problem on the other hand.

According to Master Kasandra, when he is still going back in time, he should not be affected by the collapse of the timeline!

These new versions of memories evolved from the "past" that I have changed should only be given by plane shock refresh when I return to the normal timeline.

Especially, the previous changes did not affect me.

But this time, the plane leaf itself refreshed his memory so eagerly, why?

Where is the difference?

Or, what went wrong?

Is it because Loki is different from other Aschalotars, or because he is a clone this time?

But the twisted core of the Sumerian Flood was also Rocky's clone. Why didn't it happen that time?

Lu Yuan was puzzled. He wanted to pull down the golden eagle from the sky and asked the master Kasandra on the opposite side.

It's a pity that when he recovered from the problems in his mind and discovered the situation in front of him, he knew that he probably didn't have that kind of leisure time.

This new area in front of me is finally no longer the kind of extreme dangerous scene in either the flood or the ice and snow.

On the contrary, here is not only the sun is plentiful and the climate is pleasant, the vegetation is lush, and the oxygen is sufficient, but the most important thing is not to taste the troublesome mosquitoes, birds and beasts that accompany them.

In a word, compared with the previous two times, this place is simply heaven.

Uh, no, I was wrong, try again.

This is simply the Garden of Eden in mythology.

Uh, it's not the Garden of Eden in the administrative center of the Isu in the face of reality, it's the one in the human myth.

What's more, similar to the garden of Eden in mythology, there are snakes, or reptiles.

It's just that this reptile is about the same height as ordinary humans, covered in green scale armor, lizard people.

The other is that the number is slightly higher.

how many?

Well, probably looking up, it's all around.

By visual inspection, there are probably no ten thousand and eight thousand.

The most interesting thing is that the myth is that the snake tempted Adam and Eve without clothes to eat the forbidden fruit, and they were ashamed and troubled.

But here, the snakes, uh, no, the lizardmen, themselves are all neatly dressed.

Of course, it is neat for reptiles.

From the simplest bone armor to the surface of the bone materials, there will be various decorations. When the ones closest to the road are high-level personnel, uh, lizard members, the outer side of their bone armor has been colorful. Covered with intricate feather floral ornaments.

Interestingly, this change of dress from simple to complicated is synchronized with the height of these lizardmen.

The original lizardmen, who were only the size of ordinary humans, wore the simplest three-piece set of bone armor, breastplate, wristplate and shinplate.

Each of the lizardmen wearing colored feather bone armor was more than three meters tall than the average Isu.

Their dress also gave Lu Yuan a rather familiar feeling.

Feathered snake?

Uh no, they should be called feather lizards.

It seems that Lu Yuan was thrown directly into the base camp of these lizard people this time?

Why, they actually have such a stronghold on the earth?

"Is it possible," Lu Yuan suddenly thought of the weirdness of the memory being refreshed before, "this time is not the past, but back to 2014?"

It's a pity that the feathered lizards that were spit out by the "snake body dragon" of the time tunnel vortex have long been discovered. After the initial alert, they have calmed down at this time, and they have begun to walk towards the road in a rhythmic and orderly manner.

At this moment, the feathered lizard group at the forefront of the lizardman gradually revealed a figure surrounded by them.

The person's dress was very different from that of the feathered lizard, which immediately attracted Lu Yuan's attention.

When he looked closely, he suddenly realized that this person was actually an Isu or an old acquaintance.


Seeing this guy walking by surrounded by feathered lizards, Lu Yuan used a short spear to prop up his body that fell on the turf, and smiled helplessly, "Loki? How many of you are there?"

Even if it is a clone, Loki's appearance rate is too high recently.

Obviously there are so many lizardmen, why didn't Ascharotaar arrange more lizardmen in the previous time cycle?

Why did Loki appear three times in a row?

Doesn't this guy know some illusions and be cunning in mind? Is it so easy to use?

and many more!

Lu Yuan was taken aback for a moment, illusion? cunning?

Could it be...

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan suddenly became less nervous about his current situation.

Even though the illusion technique has reached a certain level, it will definitely take the path of fiction and reality, and many of the things that surround oneself must be true.

But since Loki is here, I don't believe that there are thousands of lizardmen here!

If they have so much manpower, why bother to make them so nervous before?

Lu Yuan sighed secretly, and Loki on the opposite side also looked confident, and said to him arrogantly, "It's you who killed 54321 that idiot?"


"No. 54321. If you can come here, it can only mean that you have solved the guard at the previous door! Hmph, these individuals ranked after 50,000 are not useful, we still have to rely on us old people!"

"Then your lord?"

"Hehe, I'm different from the inferior clones with numbers under 50,000. If you think you can beat me by defeating a mere 54321, then you can wait to die! Since you asked, it's okay to tell you, I am , 45231!"

"Hi~ Your Excellency just punched Nanshan Nursing Home, stepped on Beihai Kindergarten, beat Teddy with two punches, and flew across the tabby with one kick, 45231? That's really a long-time admiration, admiration!"

"You are polite, guest... I'm pooh! Do you dare to humiliate me?" This clone with more than 40,000 numbers but looking down on more than 50,000 seems to have a bad mind. Only now has he reacted and said to the surrounding Caiyu Lizard with a wave of his hand. , "Give it to me!"

Those colorful feather lizards also followed suit. A few people rushed towards Lu Yuan, and the others also looked back at the low-level green lizard behind them, waving their paws and shouting.

Although the words spoken are not in human language but in Ascharotar's language, the content is still, "Give it to me!"

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