Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 906: Rocky's Army of Lizards

On the other side, Lu Yuan, who was still struggling to survive from the sea of ​​lizards with short spears, bucklers and illusions, once again pierced the bone helmet of a colorful feather lizard and sent him back to the earth.

However, the sixth and last conical short spear in Lu Yuan's hand followed him back to the earth.

"Cut! It's also said to never wear fine gold! When encountering materials of the same level, it breaks after a few pokes?"

Having said that, who would let him pick up the thickest vital part of the opponent's armor every time in pursuit of a killer blow?

In particular, the target is a high-level warrior like the color feather monitor.

The Anxi Color Feathered monitor lizards that surrounded him at the beginning have been killed one by one by him, but even so, there are still an endless stream of lizardmen with the next-level Color Feather Bone Helmet.

From the perspective of their strength, the gap is actually not that big.

After that, the cannon fodder did not rush in unruly, but surrounded the periphery of the central battlefield with a human wall to block Lu Yuan's breakthrough.

Needless to say, this kind of tactics was temporarily arranged by the 45231 after discovering that Lu Yuan still had a not weak illusion ability.

Was besieged by cannon fodder groups, wouldn't Lu Yuan try to break through?

of course not.

But cannon fodder also has a suitable use for cannon fodder, which is to use fate to block the gun.

These cannon fodder with only the most basic bone armor can not cause any damage to Lu Yuan, but only relying on physical strength to block it can drag Lu Yuan to be surrounded by the Caiyu warriors who have come to help.

After a few times, Lu Yuan had no intention of breaking through the encirclement under the chase of the enemy's powerful warriors.

This battle has been fought for half an hour.

In order not to be besieged by a large number of powerful warriors, Lu Yuan's movement speed, on average, was not lower than the Olympic 100-meter finals level, even if there were illusions to attract the attention of the enemy.

With such strenuous exercise, he also had to take the time to make up for a few physical potions.

But as the number of times the medicine is used more and more, the interval is getting lower and lower, and the effect of each time is also exponentially reduced.

Several times, I am afraid that even the stamina supplements produced in the store, less than ten bottles, I am afraid that he will not feel any effect.

Fortunately, the intense fighting during this period of time not only allowed him to gain more proficient and labor-saving fighting methods, as well as familiarity with the physical attributes of these colorful feather monitor lizards, but also let him determine one point, that is, Why did that Loki clone not join the battle group directly.

Because this whole battle group is him, he is the battle group itself!

These so-called colored feather lizard warriors seem to resemble Aschalotar, but to the real green light devil, they are just like human servants under the Isu.

They, like the Kipron, Tyrannosaurus Alien, and the like, are real biological weapons made by Aschalotar!

If it weren't for that Loki clone to deploy and command in real time, these lizard servants whose IQs were not as good as human ten-year-olds would not be able to trap Lu Yuan at all.

And when Lu Yuan confirmed that these lizard warriors’ tactics were 45231’s, he had a plan in his mind.

"Next, I use the phantom to attack the'big head' at ten o'clock, and I retreat to kill the'bamboo pole' at four o'clock." Lu Yuan threw down the broken short spear and pulled out the Kopis curve. Thinking about it.

"According to Loki's style, he will definitely let the guy from one to nine o'clock build a wall to prevent me from advancing, and then let me retreat at three and six o'clock."

"In this case, there are two gaps at two o'clock and eight o'clock."

"With his current position, the line of sight at two o'clock is not good, so he will probably adjust more shield walls to seal it up and make me give up there subconsciously."

"At the same time, he will fix a similar but more flawed trap at eight o'clock and wait for me to pass. Hehe, most of the time from here, his chain of traps will be closed."

"Okay! Now that it's at the end, come on!"

Abandoning the contradiction and switching to two Copis scimitars, the disadvantage is even greater when facing this kind of frontal multiplayer battle.

But the more so, the more the attack must be strengthened to make a **** path.

As he secretly planned, he pulled a sword flower in sync with both hands. With a flash of figure, he rushed to the Caiyu warrior with the biggest head on the left hand side in front of him. Then, with the momentum of the forward impulse, he held his hand. The scimitar cuts to the thick neck like a helicopter rotor.

In the next second, the lizardman warriors on both sides of the head really approached forward, facing the bone spear in Lu Yuan's hand that jumped into the air.

With a stab, the two spears pierced into Lu Yuan's body at the same time, only to realize that it was just a phantom, and what they hit was only the other's weapon.

At the same time, the thin and tall man at the back right of Lu Yuan's original position was successfully beheaded by his real body.

After being knocked out by this old-fashioned sound, one person was killed again, but the remaining lizardmen did not see any anger at all. Instead, they were like robots. They changed their formations as Lu Yuan had previously speculated, sticking out two big, two small and four pockets. Be ready to cover yourself at any time.

"Huh, let's start!"

This time, Lu Yuan rushed directly to the front right, which was the two-point direction mentioned earlier.

If onlookers saw this scene, they would probably exclaim, because in their eyes, although Lu Yuan rushed towards the smaller of the four pocket traps, it was only at this moment.

As long as he is dragged for half a second to give reinforcements to the surrounding lizard warriors, this place will become a mortal place that will be attacked by at least ten spears at the same time.

However, seeing this scene, the number 45231, who was also on the outside, smiled coldly. Instead of arranging the next reinforcement blockade, he moved his sight to the other side.

Sure enough, just a second after the first Luyuan rushed out, another figure was forced out by the spears of two lizard warriors at eight o'clock on the left back side, it was the other Luyuan.

"Hehe, I really got the bait!" Rocky smiled wickedly, but he didn't know that Lu Yuan was thinking the same sentence at two o'clock.

Yes, this time Lu Yuan released the body first, and then the phantom was forced out. The so-called virtual reality.

This time, Lu Yuan wanted to take advantage of Loki's eagerness to start the final series of harvesting traps. At the beginning, he did the opposite, and tried to break through the human wall that the enemy was least afraid of him going to rush.

However, even if Loki is calculated, the chance of success for this shock is not high.

After all, breaking through the enemy line is very unsuitable for short-edged scimitars.

However, just as Lu Yuan's body cut off the two lizard heads, Luo Ji's face changed a lot when he discovered that he had been fooled, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from nearby.

Then, the two o'clock direction where the trap was located was covered by a violent shock wave, and the numerous high-speed fragments splashed in it instantly killed all the living creatures within a few meters.

"This is? A grenade?"

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